Back at Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, Zhou Mu fused those spirit beast beast souls.

Then the [sparkling egg] was put into the incubation room, and the incubation time took ten days.

Originally, I wanted to grit my teeth and buy a few more eggs.

But thinking that he still had spiritual skills to improve, he decisively gave up the idea of this gambling egg.

So Zhou Mu spent 100,000 points to raise the Ten Thousand Beast Technique to Dacheng.

The phantom behind him was no longer in human form, but completely transformed into the appearance of Zhou Mu.

Looking at it from afar, it looks like a huge Zhou Mu, but his skin color is not right, and he has no clothes.

Then he spent another 20,000 points to raise all Phantom and Zhenhai Fist to Dacheng.

He also replaced all the rations of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest with intermediate ones.

After doing everything, Zhou Mu let out a long breath.

Having points is comfort.

In the blink of an eye, 200,000 is 40,000 left.

Not long after, Zhou Mu came to the portal of the Ten Thousand Beasts Tomb.

Stepping into the scarlet light gate, the scene in front of you changes.

All you see is a barren land and a lonely grave.

Above the grave was a beast bone.

Approaching the grave, a beast shadow suddenly appeared.

It looked at Zhou Mu, but could not speak, and could only express its gratitude with its eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu took out a piece of tiger meat from the storage ring and put it in front of the grave.

This demon beast is a bear and is not afraid to put the wrong meat.

Zhou Mumu said apologetically: "I may need you in the future, I'm really sorry, a long sleep can't make you peaceful." The

beast shadow shook his head and lay down next to the grave, indicating that he would always be here.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu smiled, said goodbye, and left the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb.

Back at Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, Zhou Mu slept with his head planted.

Meanwhile, the Chen family.

Two maids came out of the hut, their expressions a little panicked, their hands and clothes stained with blood.

"Wouldn't it be nice for us to do that?" The thinner maid said.

"Madame's order, let's just follow it, what do you care so much for." The rounder maid said.

Hearing this, the thin maid was still a little uneasy: "But if the third young lady comes back and finds us treating her mother like this, she will kill us." The

round maid glared at her: "Ji Qingyue Holy Girl has personally said that the third young lady is dead."

"Otherwise, Madame would dare to move this?"

"It's true, obviously a homeless person, but married the head of the family and gave birth to a good daughter."

"Unfortunately, Madame also has a good daughter."

"This mean woman actually competed with her wife for resources to cultivate her daughter."

"It's good now, not only is my daughter dead, but she herself has become this ghost."

With that, the round maid glanced back at the hut.

Didn't the skinny maid know too well and asked, "Isn't it the head of the family who targeted them?" How to get involved with Madame. The

round maid whispered, "It was Madame who targeted her by the hand of the head of the family." "

Poof, poof.

Two sounds of swords entering the flesh came out.

A man in a black night suit held two daggers and stabbed them into their necks.

The two were full of incredulity, and they wanted to shout out but couldn't make a sound.

On the ground, the man in black hid the two corpses.

His pupils trembled slightly as he walked into the hut.

In a certain house, a man sits opposite an old man.

The old man closed his eyes and said, "Chen Ruoxi has returned and has already found her mother."

The man said calmly: "So what, she is just a spiritual abyss."

The old man smiled and said, "Son, you are really ruthless." The

man shook his head: "No way, we can't afford to provoke the Ji family, at least if Ruoxi dies, the rain spirit can live."

"That's how you treat her mother?"

"A displaced person, if she hadn't given birth to a good daughter, she would have died a long time ago."

With that, the man got up and walked outside.

"You have half a foot in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and you want to bully your daughter? If she can go, let her go, and stopping her is not your father's responsibility.

Hearing this, the man looked back at the old man with a little anger in his eyes: "She is your granddaughter, isn't Yuling?" Do you have to let both die?

The old man's face remained unchanged: "Isn't Ji Qingyue here?" They have a feud, just let her go, and you don't interfere. "

You!" The man paused.

At this time, Chen Ruoxi came out of the hut.

Holding in her arms was a woman with only her upper body and head left.

The woman was bleeding and had nothing in her eye sockets.

Feeling that he was being picked up, he wanted to speak but could only incite his lips and couldn't make a sound.

She can't see, touch, hear, smell, speak.

Only the beating heart felt that it was her daughter who was holding her at this time.

Chen Ruoxi's eyes were empty, tears couldn't stop flowing, and her voice trembled: "Mom, I'm late."

The woman in her arms stretched her neck as hard as she could, wanting to stick her face to Chen Ruoxi's face.

But she couldn't do it at all because of the blood flowing from the broken limbs.

Chen Ruoxi slowly lowered her head and pressed it with the woman's face.

Feeling the touch on her face, the woman smiled and was lifeless.

At this time, a laughter came from the sky: "Chen Ruoxi, you really dare to come back!"

"How's that, do you like your gift?"

Chen Ruoxi's beautiful eyes suddenly became fierce, the hatred in her eyes was rich, and her breath exploded, soaring into the sky.

"The battle of the sect does not involve the family!"

"Ji Qingyue! You damn it! The

purple-clothed woman stood in the air, her laughing branches trembling.

She liked to see Chen Ruoxi angry and corrupted.

"No way, this gift was given by Patriarch Chen, and it's hard for me to refuse!" Ji Qingyue hooked the corner of her mouth and smiled.


A sword sound sounded, and Chen Ruoxi stabbed Ji Qingyue with his sword.

Ji Qingyue smiled at the corner of her mouth, and held her two fingers between the swords: "The villain is also a saint, why is her brain gone?" I'm in the Xuan Spirit Realm now!" Saying

that, the aura of the Xuan Spirit Realm burst out and shook Chen Ruoxi.

And Chen Ruoxi's sword was still in Ji Qingyue's hands at this time.

Looking at the sword in her hand, Ji Qingyue showed a look of disgust: "A holy girl, she doesn't even have a spirit weapon, what a shame!" Saying

that, Ji Qingyue slowly flew in front of Chen Ruoxi, passed the woman's corpse, and slashed it into powder with a swing of her sword.

Chen Ruoxi vomited blood in his mouth, and his eyes were torn.

The master of the sect could not be contacted, and a group of people killed her halfway, and even a mortal was unwilling to take her in if she was injured, and even her own home targeted her everywhere.

She didn't know why she was coming back here.

Just subconsciously thought that there was someone waiting for her here, this person would be good to her, even if she had been abandoned by the world, he would not hesitate to give her an embrace.

But now, everything is gone.

It is clear that there is a bad luck for the family's unwritten rules, why have I never seen a practitioner fulfill it?

Why is killing innocent people not punished by the Dao of Heaven!

Ji Qingyue picked up Chen Ruoxi's chin with the tip of her sword, cut her skin, and sneered: "You are so pitiful now!"

Chen Ruoxi's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and the Spirit Palace of Qianzhang Abyss suddenly appeared, dazzling white light shone in the sky, and the mighty power filled the entire Chen family.

Ji Qingyue's pupils shrank sharply, and countless defensive magic weapons were put on his body, quickly moving away from Chen Ruoxi.

The man also rushed out of the room, came to Chen Ruoxi in the blink of an eye, and smashed a punch into the Spirit Palace that wanted to explode.


A tender hand raised to block the man's fist.

Then the other hand reached out from the red robe and caressed the Spirit Palace.

The violently fluctuating Spirit Palace returned to stability in the blink of an eye.

A cold voice came from the red robe.

"This sect leader has taken a fancy to you, how about following me?"

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