The people around are not surprised.

There must always be some privileged households, who let them live well.

And Zhou Mu didn't feel it.

It's just an "ant", and I won't be angry because of this.

Zhou Mu's clothes were not very good, only a black robe, but they were also neat and clean, much better than the other deliberately worn rags.

Some people who thought they were good cultivators were about to move when they saw Zhou Mu, and their eyes drifted.

Sensing these gazes, Zhou Mu sighed helplessly.

Then released the aura of the Spirit Chuan Realm to warn these people.

Sure enough, these people immediately became honest after feeling the breath.

Even a cultivator of the same rank as Zhou Mu dispelled the thought in his heart.

They are greedy, but not brainless.

Moreover, there are so many people here, it is good to go up and fight by themselves, crushing, if you lose both, will it benefit others?

What's more, it's hard to say how strong a lone Lingchuan Realm is.

Seeing that they were not moving, Zhou Mu complained in his heart that the spiritual energy here was barren while meditating and cultivating.

Didn't put that group of people in the slightest.

Sinking into cultivation, time passed quickly, and before you knew it, the east was already white.

Another familiar scene of opening the city gate.

Zhou Mu lined up with the crowd.

Not long after, Zhou Mu came to the registration point.

Without raising his head, the registration officer said, "Name."

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile, and replied, "Zhou Mu." "

When the registrar heard this, he took a brush and wrote two words crookedly on the register.

Zhou Mu fixed his eyes.

Sure enough, it was Zhou Mu.

Putting away the smile at the corner of his mouth, Zhou Mu's voice was flat: "The name is wrong, it is the grazing pasture, not the wood of the tree." The

people behind Zhou Mu only glanced up in slight surprise when they heard this, after all, they knew that this young man had a Spirit Chuan Realm cultivation.

That registration person is only in the Aura Realm, and Zhou Mu has such capital to speak.

But the registration officer didn't know anything, only knew that he had encountered something that he had not encountered for several years, and dared to question himself.

Thinking of this, the registration officer suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Mu angrily, the sunlight hit his face, covering half of his face, the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing Senran white teeth and said angrily: "Laozi said that you are Zhou Mu, and you are Zhou Mu." Saying

that, this man actually stood up from his position and came to Zhou Mu with his neck twisted.

Without saying a word, he summoned the Spirit Palace, and a few wisps of poor Baba's spiritual energy flew out of the Spirit Palace and lingered on his fist.

"Find dead things!" With an angry curse, this person smashed his fist towards Zhou Mu.

The other guards and other staff were not stopped, watching this scene playfully, as if they were looking for fun.


The Zhou Muling Palace emerged, three tributaries connected to the main trunk, and the rolling spirit river rushed, and the spiritual energy was endless.

The coercion of the Lingchuan Realm suddenly broke out.

I saw that the faces of the unsuspecting people around changed drastically, their knees couldn't help but bend, and the ground under their feet cracked.

The person closest to Zhou Mu knelt on the ground with a "poof", his expression sluggish.

Zhou Mu's face was grim, the corners of his mouth could not be suppressed, and he said grimly: "Laozi said that you wrote wrong, you just wrote wrong." The

registration officer quickly kowtowed to admit his mistake.

And this Lingchuan Realm coercion also quickly attracted a nearby escort captain.

The captain rushed to the city gate.

Seeing a group of people wearing Sakura City uniforms kneeling on the ground, the captain immediately understood what was going on.

This group of fools kicked to the iron plate again.

But the villain is in front of his own city gate, and he can't lose face.

The aura of the captain Lingchuan Realm was released, which offset Zhou Mu's coercion.

Then he came to Zhou Mu and said coldly, "Your Excellency, what does this mean?"

Zhou Mu felt his coercion and said with a smile: "He wrote my name incorrectly and didn't say it, and I kindly reminded him not only not to change, but also to do something to me."

"This is also my good temper, if the elders in the family come, it is not as simple as releasing coercion."

Good temper is fake, don't want to kill people and make trouble is true.

Moving out an elder can also make them throw rats.

So don't waste time here.

The task is the most important thing.

If the mission is delayed because of killing one more person.

That's not worth the loss.

The captain's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and none of the captains who could become captains were reckless men who could only fight.

I saw the captain kick the man to the side and said coldly: "Did you hear that?" Hurry up and change it.

Then he said to Zhou Mu: "We are not strict in discipline, and we have offended a lot today."

Zhou Mu looked at the man and did not respond to the captain.

The captain also turned his head again.

I saw that the registration officer was sweating profusely, his hand holding the brush was shaking, and the words written on the register were smeared.

"What are you rubbing?" The captain frowned slightly and said coldly.

"Great... My lord, which shepherd is the shepherd? I won't write. The man said tremblingly.

When the captain heard this, he suddenly didn't know where to get angry, and kicked out again: "If I go to your mother's, how will I get this errand?"

Then the captain said to Zhou Mu: "Registration is just an unnecessary process, just enter the breath directly." Saying

that, the captain took Zhou Mu to a spar.

Zhou Mu smiled, didn't say more, and after entering the breath, he led the green ox into the city.

The captain didn't know what it meant, and when he entered the city, he reminded Zhou Mu, "When others ask you what is going on with the cow, you say you want to sell the cattle." Walking

on the streets of the city with the green ox, Zhou Mu couldn't help but think.

The cultivation is higher, and the status is indeed higher.

But not much, other people with backgrounds can take monsters in and out at will.

And he can also use the excuse of selling cattle as a pretense.

Walking on the street, a person suddenly came out of the small restaurant, walked to Zhou Mu's side, and circled around the green cow without any scruples.

He patted the back of the green cow and smiled at Zhou Mu: "Your cow is good, the meat is quite thick, how about selling me ten gold coins?"

Qingniu mooed and glanced at him.

It's all my business back and forth!

And Zhou Mu laughed and said, "I'm sorry, the price is too low, and I have already contacted the buyer." "

Joke, Xuanling Realm is something you can buy for ten gold coins? Ten gold coins are cheap to touch.

Saying that, Zhou Mu directly pulled the green ox and left.

And the man didn't say much after hearing this, just shook his head and continued to search.

Zhou Mu looked for the auction house according to the path pointed by Qingniu.

On the way, I met a young man selling sugar gourds.

Zhou Li wanted to eat before, but he didn't eat it by accident.

This time, Zhou Mu bought two with the copper money that was not used up last time.

One stick eats by himself, and the other one is given to Zhou Li.


Looking back, the green cow mooed and looked at the string of red sugar gourds.

Zhou Mu froze, and then stuffed the sugar gourd into Qingniu's mouth, constantly thinking in his heart.

I don't know how Zhou Li's cultivation is in the Holy Land.

This dead girl doesn't know how to write a letter.

I had to take the time to see her.

If necessary, you have to bring her back.

Thinking of what happened to the girl who crossed the robbery before, Zhou Mu couldn't help but worry about Zhou Li in his heart.

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