Between his thoughts, Zhou Mu had already arrived at the auction hall in Qingniu's mouth.

Since the auction started two days later, the city was full of news about the auction.

Finding an auction house is not difficult.

When you come to the auction hall, you will see a plaque with the words "Cherry Blossom Auction Hall" and the font dragon flying phoenix dance.

Zhou Mu almost didn't recognize what word it was.

The magnificent entrance highlights the noble atmosphere.

From time to time, well-dressed people come and go.

Zhou Mu led the green bull and stood not far away, which seemed to be out of place with the auction house.

As soon as I walked not far away, I suddenly heard the sound of wheels crushing the ground.

Before Zhou Mu could look back, he heard a slightly angry female voice coming over: "Whose stupid cow dares to put it here to block the way of this seat." "

Looking back, the familiar two demon beasts, the familiar carriage.

It was the car from last night.

The two demon beasts moved forward quickly, and the green bull slowly took two steps, and the rope pulled Zhou Mu, which also made Zhou Mu walk to the side twice.

The beast cart grazed Zhou Mu's shoulder and rushed over.

The afterlight fell on the carriage, and a woman with a delicate face gave him a cold look, and then lowered the curtain.

The beast cart stopped at the gate of the auction hall, and a beautiful woman in a long blue dress stepped down from the car, wearing a sword on her waist, peerless style, and her eyebrows were full of pride.

Behind him were two blue-clothed women, their eyes indifferent.

Zhou Mu led the green bull as he walked, while looking at the auction hall, like a poor boy who had never seen the world.

And that absolutely beautiful woman is not in a very good mood now.

Just because she wanted to speed up and kill or hurt the kid who didn't have long eyes, but they dodged it.

Thinking of this, a trace of resentment flashed under the woman's eyes.

Her pace was very slow, a short dozen steps, and she walked for nearly a minute.

And Zhou Mu also happened to come to the bottom of the steps.

When I looked up, the beautiful woman's beautiful eyes were staring at her.

The woman looked at Zhou Mu, a faint imperceptible black light flashed under her eyes, and then smiled, holding the "Ice Cloud" token in her hand and turning around and walking into the auction hall.

The green bull beside Zhou Mu froze and looked at Zhou Mu.

I saw the same black light flash under Zhou Mu's eyes.

In an instant, Zhou Mu thought about all the injustices in the past ten years in his mind, and a strong hatred inexplicably surged up.

The auction hall personnel came over and wanted to help Zhou Mu place the green bull, but after seeing Zhou Mu's slightly trembling body and bloodshot eyes, he immediately stopped.

Zhou Mu also sensed that his situation was not right, but no matter how he adjusted, this hatred could not be suppressed.

Now it is very likely that someone's action will make Zhou Mu's emotions explode.

"It's the woman!" Zhou Mu gritted his teeth.

The strong hatred made Zhou Mu unable to think, but a flash of clarity made him think that it was because of the woman.

Seeing this, Qingniu put his head on Zhou Mu, and the slight aura fluctuations cleansed the negative emotions in his heart.

Zhou Mu's mood calmed down and he let out a long breath.

"That woman's cultivation is higher than yours." The Qingniu Spirit Thought came.

Zhou Mu's heart was true, but now he didn't think about why he did it to himself without injustice and hatred.

The strong do not need a reason to play or even kill the weak.

After all, I haven't seen this heavenly Dao punish people who have done a lot of evil for ten years.

After the mood calmed down, Zhou Mu took the green cow to the hay shed under the guidance of the auction house personnel and temporarily placed the green cow there.

Then he walked into the auction hall with vigilance.

The hall was built brilliantly, and Zhou Mu saw many people talking here.

Either well-dressed or outstanding.

There are few people like Zhou Mu who are not classy.

As Zhou Mu came to the hall, some people immediately noticed him.

There was mocking disdain in his eyes.

And the absolutely beautiful woman was upstairs, seeing Zhou Mu through the window, she looked surprised, she didn't expect that this young man could be unaffected by emotions so quickly.

I thought he was just an ordinary poor boy.

Now it seems that he is not ordinary.

The woman turned her gaze to the beautiful woman in front of her: "Are you sure that this thing can't be taken away by me directly?" The

beautiful woman smiled and shook her head: "Yixin, don't embarrass me, this auction is the finale, you took away what we auctioned." "

Does the Ice Cloud Holy Palace want it?" Song Yixin frowned.

The beautiful woman shook her head: "If you want, just shoot it according to the rules, this poor and remote country has no greater financial resources than yours."

Song Yixin took a deep look at the beautiful woman, got up and left the room, and walked down the second floor.

When the dignitaries around saw her come down, their eyes were fiery but they did not dare to show half a point.

A few stepped forward to speak, but were also frightened away by her cold eyes.

Zhou Mu also saw her, and hostility flashed under his eyes.

No matter what this woman meant, for no reason, he had already let Zhou Mu put her on the enemy list.

Song Yixin passed by Zhou Mu and glanced at him sideways, but Zhou Mu didn't seem to see her, and his eyes didn't slant.

A fragrant breeze mixed with an icy smell blew by, and Zhou Mu turned to find a front desk staff to inquire about the situation.

"Are there any requirements to participate in the auction?"

The front desk saw that Zhou Mu was dressed ordinarily, and his smile narrowed slightly: "Yes, you need two thousand spirit stone assets to participate in the auction.

"The main reason for this is to raise the threshold of the auction and prevent some people from indiscriminately bidding and disrupting the auction."

"If you want to be admitted, we need to verify your assets."

Hearing this, Zhou Mu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'll ask." With

that, Zhou Mu stood up from his position and began to walk out.

Two thousand spirit stones, it's not that he can't get it, but he doesn't have time to get it, otherwise the spirit stone mine in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest will definitely be enough.

Then kill people and cross the goods!

Zhou Mu sighed.

This sigh fell into the ears of the powerful people in the hall, making the mockery on their faces even stronger.

And the front desk was silent.

Professional training allows them to cope with various occasions, and just now his smile converged has already broken the rules, and now he must not smile anymore.

Walking out the gate, the beast car had already left.

Zhou Mu slowly walked down the stairs, his mood a little complicated.

The auction came, but they couldn't get in.

He has never been to an auction house in his life.

At this time, a black-robed man passed by Zhou Mu, his bright eyes glanced at Zhou Mu from under his hood, and a trace of resentment flashed.

Zhou Mu also noticed her.

After all, a wide black robe is too conspicuous here.

For some reason, Zhou Mu actually felt that the black-robed man's aura was somewhat familiar.

Zhou Mu found the green cow and led it down the street.

"That black-robed man you've seen, the one who crossed the thunder calamity." Qingniu said.

Zhou Mu was surprised.

No wonder it's a little familiar.

But this woman's life is really big, so she didn't die.

She probably didn't remember throwing her into the Silver Peak Valley to her fate.

And Chen Ruoxi's beautiful eyes flickered: "I didn't expect to meet him so soon."

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Why doesn't the sect leader let him move." "

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