Last night, Zhou Mu heard others discussing how to enter the auction in the restaurant.

And the best thing to achieve at the moment is to let people bring themselves in.

Because those who are qualified to enter the auction can bring three people with them.

This is also why Zhou Mu took out the system's eggs to sell.

Selling eggs for money is fake, and the qualification to change into it is real.

After all, there will be no fool who spends two thousand spirit stones to buy an egg that he has never seen.

After waiting bored for an hour, someone finally came out of the green building.

The man saw Zhou Mu on the opposite side at a glance, and then ran over with a red face.

"Brother, you sell me more of this thing." The man said with a smile and excitement.

"Does this thing really work?" Zhou Mu asked.

In fact, he wasn't sure how effective this thing was, after all, he hadn't used it.

The man laughed loudly when he heard this: "Thanks to this whip of yours, Xiaocui begged me for mercy last night." Saying

that, the man's face was full of pride.

Zhou Mu smiled and let him take a few more.

After receiving the five spirit stones, the man finally asked about the calf-high egg.

Looking at the incomparably delicate appearance, the man guessed: "This is a demon beast egg? Zhou

Mu said yes, but he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Nonsense, ordinary eggs I took out to shame?

And this is not an ordinary monster egg.

This is the egg of the system!

"Not bad, and not an ordinary monster egg." Zhou Mu looked at the man and said with a mysterious expression.

The man subconsciously asked, "What's not ordinary?"

"It can hatch immortal beasts."

Hearing this, the man sighed, waved his hand, and walked away with those waist.

The supplements sell really well, but unfortunately they are not honest.

Immortal beasts were also hatched, and the entire Southern Spirit Domain did not know how many immortal beasts there were.

Zhou Mu didn't care about this either.

Looking at him like that, it doesn't look like a big wrongdoer who can spend two thousand spirit stones to buy an egg.

While thinking, a few more people came to Zhou Mu.

Unsurprisingly, it's all repeat customers from yesterday.

And just like that, it was not yet noon, and the rest of the supplements were sold out.

Only the egg is still there.

During this period, many people also asked for information about the egg, but in the end, they were all scared away by the two thousand spirit stones.

In this regard, Zhou Mu sighed.

The auction starts tomorrow, and it seems that he can't get in.

No wonder this time in town went so smoothly.

I didn't even look for a job to set up a stall.

It turns out that bad luck is here.

Just as Zhou Mu was about to collect the stall, a young man about the same age as Zhou Mu came to Zhou Mu with two family members.

"Sorry, the supplements are sold out." Zhou Mu kept moving and spoke.

I saw that the young man looked back and forth around the egg, and after hearing Zhou Mu's words, he spoke: "Can this egg of yours really hatch immortal beasts?" Hearing

this, Zhou Mu stopped the work in his hand: "Yes, but no one believes it, and no one is willing to take out so many spirit stones." "

I thought that the young man was just asking casually, who knew that the young man would break Zhou Mu's mind at once.

"I heard that you are going to sell two thousand spirit stones, you actually want to enter the auction."

Zhou Mu became vigilant in his heart, smart people are not easy to deal with.

Without waiting for Zhou Mu to speak, the young man continued: "Actually, I like to bet on some strange things, you said that this will hatch immortal beasts, I actually don't believe it, but-" Zhou Mu

subconsciously continued: "What if?" The

boy clapped his hands and said, "Yes!" Just in case, what if this egg is really different?

"Moreover, what you sold here before were all demon beast parts with cultivation, and even demon beasts of the Lingchuan Realm."

The young man looked at Zhou Mu with a smile and did not say the words "you are not ordinary".

Seeing this, Zhou Mu arched his hand towards the young man and said, "Zhou Mu, the pastor who grazes herds." The

young man also threw up his hand: "Long Tian, Xiang Long is in the sky of Long Tian."

"We're about the same age, and I'm just a mortal, so don't be so wary of me."

Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment and looked at Long Tian suspiciously.

Another mortal? A mortal has such great powers?

Lie to me.

Zhou Mu's eyes, who seemed to be perceived, Long Tian quickly explained: "I am the second young master of the Dragon Family in Sakura City, you can just find someone to inquire about it." "

Zhou Mu is now wary of mortals, and the last one to pit him was a mortal.

Seeing that Zhou Mu was still a little suspicious, Long Tian said helplessly: "Then how about giving this egg to me after you come out of the auction with me?"

"And my family will go to the auction this time, take you one, and bring another to protect me."

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Mu's eyes flashed and he nodded in agreement.

The green bull is there, and the demon beast is also there.

What reason is there to be afraid.

Since it has a use value, it should be used.

Seeing that Zhou Mu agreed, Long Tian patted the egg with satisfaction, and reluctantly withdrew his hand.

Then he said to Zhou Mu: "Then see you at the door of the auction hall tomorrow."

Long Tian invited Zhou Mu to walk with him, but Zhou Mu declined.

Long Tian only thought that Zhou Mu was still doubting in his heart, so he no longer forced it.

Anyway, it's just for an egg, there is no need for deep crossing.

What Zhou Mu thought in his heart was almost exactly the same as Long Tian.

After leaving, Zhou Mu quickly inquired about the Long family to see if they really had such strength.

The news that came from the result did surprise Zhou Mu slightly.

The Long family, the second largest family in Sakura City, the head of the family is also a Xuanling Realm, and he is the second strongest in Sakura City.

However, it doesn't seem to deal with the city lord very well.

The head of the Long family also has two brothers of the Spirit Abyss Realm.

And Long Tian is the second son of the head of the Long family, and he also has his eldest brother and younger brother.

His two uncles also had children under their knees, but Zhou Mu didn't inquire about it, and it wasn't very important.

However, this dragon family in the outsiders still listens to harmony.

I haven't heard of any fighting.

It is more famous than the city lord and his family.

After getting the results, Zhou Mu rested at ease and waited for tomorrow.

Anyway, the egg is still in his own hands, and it is dispensable to enter the auction in the plan, it is better to participate, and it does not matter if he does not participate.

Time passed quietly, and the trance came to the next day.

Zhou Mu took the green bull to the door of the cherry blossom auction hall early and waited for Long Tian.

Facing the gazes around him, Zhou Mu didn't seem to see it.

After waiting for a long time, Zhou Mu saw Long Tian get down from a beast car.

Zhou Mu's face was delighted, but he saw that Long Tian's face was a little ugly.

I saw Long Tian followed by two people, one of them was extremely silent, dressed like a subordinate.

The other teenager had a defiant face, and his eyes were full of glaring, but he seemed to be the same age as Long Tian.

"Long Tian, this is the person you are talking about? Why is our family's qualification to bring an outsider in. The young man's eyes were unkind and he looked at Zhou Mudao.

Long Tian glared at him angrily when he heard this: "Long Aotian, this qualification is mine, I don't care if you want to come, but if you affect me, you wait!"

Long Aotian laughed disdainfully when he heard this, but did not speak again.

Zhou Mu looked at this scene, not knowing what he was thinking.

Long Tian said apologetically, "Zhou Mu, don't worry, if you say take you in, I will definitely let you in."

After that, Long Tian said to the subordinate again: "Uncle Liu, you wait outside, I'll take the two of them in."

Uncle Liu opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Long Tian.

Long Tian glanced at Long Aotian and led Zhou Mu and them into the auction.

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