Long Tian took Zhou Mu and the two directly into the auction.

When he was about to arrive at the entrance of the auction, Long Tian directly took out a certificate and signaled to the staff.

The man carefully confirmed and returned the certificate to Long Tian.

Then the three came to the auction unimpeded.

There is no embarrassment, and there is no plot that looks down on people.

The only thing that there is is that Long Aotian mocks Long Tian from time to time, but he doesn't dare to say anything heavy, just some mouths that are not painful or itchy.

Zhou Mu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his heart, and the scene he fantasized about in his mind did not appear.

Sure enough, fools are still a minority.

Entering the auction, Long Tian led the two to a small box.

After all, it is the second family of Sakura City, and there are still small boxes.

From the private room, the bottom is almost full.

The entire auction seat is arranged in a circle, while there is a circular table in the middle.

A circle of illuminated stones was installed in the venue, which emitted a soft bright light to illuminate the entire venue.

After closing the door of the box, Zhou Mu opened his mouth to thank him.

Long Aotian glanced at Zhou Mu, and the big horse golden knife was sitting in his seat.

Seeing this, Long Tian also beckoned Zhou Mu to sit down.

I don't know if it was because Zhou Mu was there, or for other reasons, the three of them did not speak, waiting quietly.

At this time, Long Aotian, who had been smiling, put down the tea in his hand.

"Long Tian, don't you ask what I'm here for this time?"

Long Tian ignored it, but instead asked why Zhou Mu came here.

He also said very kindly: "If you see something, I can help you take pictures first, and the money will be paid later." Zhou

Mu was calm on the surface, but he felt ridiculous in his heart.

We're just a deal, there's no need for that, right?

Listening to you say this, I already knew that I would not enter the auction house.

Zhou Mu said that there was nothing to buy, just wanted to come and see the world, so Long Tian didn't say anything more here.

On the contrary, Long Aotian on the side saw this scene, his forehead was bruised, and the teacup in his hand was clenched, if it were not for extreme restraint, the teacup would have cracked.

Then Long Aotian eased his mood and said softly: "Second brother, my father said that there will be something for us to bring back in this auction." Hearing

him call brother, Long Tian looked at him and said, "Third Uncle is letting you bring it back, not me, and I didn't plan to shoot anything this time, just to see the excitement."

Long Aotian's face changed when he heard this, and finally spoke, "I... I didn't bring enough spirit stones. Zhou

Mu did not listen to the discussion between the two brothers, got up and came to the front of the box, sticking his head out to look at the entire venue.

Just two seconds after leaning out, Zhou Mu felt that several eyes fell on him, and quickly shrunk back.

Long Tian and Long Aotian also saw Zhou Mu's movements, but they didn't say anything, it wasn't a big deal in the first place, and they still had to argue about the spirit stone now.

Most of these boxes are fixed, so there is no revealing identity.

Because as long as you understand a little, you know what the identity of the person sitting in the box is.

Seeing that the two were still arguing, Zhou Mu quietly walked out of the box and waited outside.

Other people's family affairs can not be listened to if they can.

Zhou Mu leaned against the door with his hands on his chest, looking aimlessly at the corridor.

Suddenly, a woman in blue appeared in sight.

"Why is she again?" Zhou Muxin said.

And Song Yixin also noticed that this young man who was not carried away by hatred, just wanted to go over and get up close, but in a blink of an eye, Zhou Mu returned to the box.

At this time, there was a commotion in the venue.

I saw a slim woman with a delicate face walking to the central platform.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the audience.

As for what those people said, the voice was too messy to hear at all.

However, as the woman raised her hand, the noisy venue gradually quieted down.

"Hello everyone! I am Wan'er, the host of today's auction. "

The catalogue of the lots for today's auction has been distributed to you, and I would like to congratulate all the participants for mingling and enjoying the atmosphere of the auction."

"Without further ado, let me take a look at today's first lot."

As Wan'er's voice fell, a staff member held a delicate wooden plate with a jade bottle on it.

"The first one, Topping Pill."

"After taking Lingchuan Realm, it can speed up the development of rivers, and after taking Linghai Realm, there is a probability of opening up a tributary."

"There is only one in the jade bottle, the starting price is one hundred spirit stones, and the price increase is not less than twenty spirit stones each time."

When the words fell, someone immediately offered the price of two hundred spirit stones.

Zhou Mu and the Long family brothers were not too interested in this.

One has a system, one cannot cultivate, and the other has no money.

Soon, a pill was sold for three hundred spirit stones.

As for who filmed it, Zhou Mu didn't care.

His attention was always on the unlisted species.

So four lots in a row, Zhou Mu and several people did not speak.

Long Tian said to Zhou Mu with interest, "Aren't you interested in a single thing?"

"There's one, in the back." Zhou Mu replied flatly.

"Need help you take it down?"

"No, if you are interested, you don't have to buy it." Zhou Mu shook his head.

And after a conversation with Long Tian next to him, the previous defiance disappeared without a trace, and then he actually spoke: "Second brother, I need you to help me take it, just the last one, my father said he wanted it."

Long Tian gave him a blank look: "Fuck off, the finale thing is so easy to take?" Moreover, the catalog does not say what it is.

"Then you can buy it." Long Aotian muttered.

", you go and fight with the people of the Holy Land." Long Tian said angrily, and then ignored Long Aotian.

Zhou Muyuguang watched them quarrel, and had some guesses in his heart.

Obviously he has only known each other for a day, and this guy Long Tian does not regard himself as an outsider at all.

Thinking about Long Tian's appearance as if he was very rich, the businessman's vision was always unique.

Don't you want to gamble on yourself? Aren't you afraid to kill him yourself?

Or is Long Aotian also very strong.

Zhou Mu's gaze fell on Long Aotian, and he hadn't felt aura fluctuations since he saw him.

If he is not a mortal, then he can only cultivate higher than himself.

While thinking, the host on the stage spoke again.

"Next is the eighth lot, this lot is a little special, everyone will see it first and then I will introduce it."

With that, two Spirit Rain Realm cultivators walked up carrying a two-meter-long square cage.

In the cage was a horse-like creature with horns on its head, fiery red hair, covered with red flame patterns, scales on its four hooves, and sparks flashing with each step, but it was small and looked like a cub.

[If an unlisted species is detected, please include it in time.]

"This is the cub of a demon beast, but this demon beast has never appeared in the Southern Spirit Domain before, so there is no relevant information record, but what is certain is that this demon beast contains dragon blood in its body!"

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