"Although it is an unknown species, the value of dragon's blood is clear to everyone."

A person below asked, "Is it real dragon blood or dragon blood?" Later

, many people also spoke out.

As a result, Wan'er chuckled: "No matter what kind of dragon blood it is, at least it's fairy beast blood, isn't it?"

As soon as these words came out, most of the people fell silent.

Immortal beast blood is not very important to the Holy Land, after all, no immortal beast dares to call it a Holy Land?

But the blood of immortal beasts is very important to others, if the bloodline awakens later and inherits the bloodline of the dragon, it is a true immortal beast.

In this regard, many people slammed the lot catalog in their hands.

Only wrote a demon beast with unknown information, but did not say that it was a dragon blood demon beast.

This also leads to many people not bringing enough money.

If you take this with enough, then the last lot will be disqualified from the competition.

What the last lot was, they didn't know, they only knew that several big forces came this time all for it.

Thinking of this, those people couldn't help but think that they would definitely not be able to grab things with the big forces, and even if they did, they would not dare to go out of the city.

Or shoot this.

Anyway, the sect master didn't know whether I was involved or not.

"Although it is an unknown species, the value of dragon's blood is there."

"The starting price is two thousand spirit stones, and the price increase is not less than one hundred spirit stones each time."

Hearing this, many gave up again.

Just because the price is a little high.

I only know that it contains dragon blood, I don't know the quality of dragon blood, and I don't even know how much dragon blood contains.

The horn on that head is not necessarily caused by dragon blood, so many people are not sure.

So much so that after a while, the price reached three thousand spirit stones.

Zhou Mu got up from his seat when this cub came out, took two steps forward, and carefully observed the cub.

Long Tian and the two also discovered Zhou Mu's abnormality.

Long Tian's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and said, "Four thousand spirit stones!" When

Zhou Mu heard this, he looked at Long Tian sharply and said in disbelief, "You want to photograph it?" This is an ordinary dragon blood, nothing special. "

If you photograph it and then don't go out of town, how can I kill people and cross the border!"

Long Tian secretly said in his heart: "Whether it is true or not, dare to conclude that it is dragon blood, you are really extraordinary!"

"I see you seem to be quite interested in it, and I took a picture of it." Long Tian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu's heart became vigilant again, but his face did not show anything.

Nothing to do.

Zhou Mu wanted to break his head, but he didn't find that he was exposed.

Didn't you sell some supplements and say that an egg will hatch a fairy beast?

"Thank you, but I really don't need to, I'm just seeing a new species for the first time, I'm just curious." Zhou Mu said helplessly.

The price has already been shouted out, unless someone offers a higher price, otherwise this is really photographed by Long Tian.

As soon as Long Tian was about to speak, he heard a cold voice, "Four thousand one hundred spirit stones." Seeing

that someone had raised the price, Zhou Mu's heart suddenly relaxed.

As long as it is not Long Tian who gets it.

Otherwise, it is a little difficult to kill people and cross goods.

Seeing that Long Tian still had to raise the price, Zhou Mu hurriedly blocked it.

Seeing this, Long Tian had to give up.

"Zhou Mu, how else do you let us enhance our relationship! I really want to be friends with you! Long Tian smiled helplessly.

Zhou Mu also replied with a smile: "Who said that you must spend money to enhance your relationship." "

Four thousand two!"

Another voice sounded.

Then the price soared all the way to five thousand.

And that cold voice never appeared again.

"Five thousand spirit stones once!"

"Five thousand spirit stones twice!"

"Five thousand spirit stones three times!"

"Deal! Congratulations to this adult for obtaining this cub, you can wait for the auction to be handed over, or if you are in a hurry, you can go now. Hearing

this, those who had participated in the cub auction around him quietly stared at him with unkind eyes.

The man was also sitting on pins and needles, and immediately got up and left the auction.

After he got up, several people also got up and followed.

Zhou Mu was staring at the man in the box at this time, and secretly had already informed the demon beasts to guard the gate of Sakura City.

"Long Tian, who is the person who photographed this cub?" Zhou Mu asked.

Long Tian looked at him intently when he heard this, and then said disdainfully: "A businessman who makes money by pickling means has a lot of blood on his hands.

Zhou Mu then asked, "Does he have a background?"

Long Tian was stunned, and looked at Zhou Mu in disbelief, "What are you asking here?" Aren't you just curious? Could it be that you want to grab it?

Zhou Mu quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm just curious why he is just a businessman who dares to touch this thing."

Long Tian was clear, and he already had some guesses in his heart, but he still answered Zhou Mu: "I heard that he has some contact with a city lord, but I don't know which one." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu thanked him: "Long Tian, thank you so much this time." Saying

that, just when Long Tian was still a little dazed, Zhou Mu had already given him the exquisite egg.

Originally, Zhou Mu could go directly, but thinking that if this egg hatched a spirit beast or even an immortal beast in his hands, it would be equivalent to setting up a powerful undercover agent in their house.

The egg of the system, the system has absolute control.

"When this egg hatches, it must be hatched in a place with a strong aura, and it must be nurtured with your own breath every day, so that it will directly recognize you as the Lord when it is born."

"As for what will hatch, it's all up to your luck."

"Long Tian, leave!"

When the words fell, Zhou Mu had already left the box, extremely fast.

"Lingchuan Realm, and the exercises are very strong, otherwise the speed would not be so fast." Long Aotian said with a calm face.

Long Aotian looked back at Long Tian: "Stop it?"

Long Tian looked at the egg carefully as if he hadn't heard it.

Seeing this, although Long Aotian was dissatisfied, he still didn't say more.

And Zhou Mu immediately came to the hall after leaving the box, quietly staring at the person.

After a while, the man was followed by several staff members, carrying a smaller thing covered with black cloth out of the hall.

From a distance, the group put things on the beast cart, and then the man gave the staff a crystal card.

After a while, more than two dozen people dressed in the same clothes walked out of the auction hall.

The three people at the head exude the aura of the Spirit River Realm, and the rest of them have uneven breaths, but the Spirit Rain Realm is the most.

More than two dozen people surrendered to the man, and then escorted the beast cart to the left and right, following the beast cart forward.

Zhou Mu was a little puzzled: "Why don't you find a Spirit Sea Realm escort." A group of Lingchuan Lingyu, isn't this all about delivering dishes? "

But it doesn't matter, even if he finds a Spirit Abyss Realm escort, he will deliver dishes.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu quickly retrieved the green ox and followed with the green ox from a distance.

At this time, the auction also ushered in the last lot.

I saw the staff bring a triangular black stone with a faint halo lingering on the stone.

"The purpose of this item is unknown, but it was accidentally obtained by our auction house."

"As for the price, the starting price is one hundred spirit stones, and the price increase is not less than one hundred spirit stones each time."

As soon as the words fell, a voice shouted.

"One thousand spirit stones!"

Direct markup tenfold!

Then the people in the box made quotations one after another.

A thing that didn't know its role had 10,000 spirit stones, and the price was still rising.

Long Tian turned his head to look at Long Aotian: "Do you still buy it?" "

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