The price of the item quickly soared to 20,000 spirit stones.

Some people who didn't know anything were shocked and noticed the extraordinary nature of this item.

But they did not dare to intervene, nor could they intervene.

"Thirty thousand!" Song Yixin finally spoke, and directly increased the price by 10,000 spirit stones.

There was a moment of silence in the venue, the price was already beyond their budget.

Although there were several big forces in this auction, no one could compete with the Ice Cloud Holy Palace.

"Thirty thousand and one hundred." In the venue, a man wearing a black robe and a hood covering his face raised the number plate in his hand and cried like a warbler.

It was not loud, but it attracted everyone present.

They looked at the black-robed woman with interest.

Since the price soared to 10,000, each price increase is thousands of thousands of additions, at this time to come out and add a hundred, isn't it purely disgusting?

And some people have already guessed what this black-robed woman is going to do next.

"Thirty-five thousand." Song Yixin glanced at her coldly and said in a deep voice.

As a result, the black-robed woman raised her head to look directly at Song Yixin's gaze, and the corners of her mouth rose: "Thirty-five thousand one hundred."

At this point, the corners of many people's mouths rose imperceptibly, and then they hurriedly withdrew their gazes and did not look at the excitement.

Some just got up and left the venue.

And Song Yixin was surprised when he saw the face of the black-robed man.

A few days ago, there was an explosion in the Chen family, with heavy casualties, and the response that the Chen family was forced to give was that Chen Ruoxi provoked the Abandoned Heaven Sect and came back to take revenge by the hand of the Abandoned Heaven Sect.

But Song Yixin didn't know about this matter, and they didn't know who went to bomb the Chen family in their name.

Therefore, she did not believe the Chen family's words, and now that she saw Chen Ruoxi again, this matter had to be investigated.

Someone dared to abandon the name of the Heavenly Sect, really not afraid that the World Heavenly Dao would also abandon her?

Thinking of this, Song Yixin sneered: "Forty thousand!"

"Forty thousand and one hundred!"

"Fifty thousand!"

Chen Ruoxi did not continue to speak, got up and walked out of the auction.

She didn't plan to photograph it, and the sect leader didn't give her spirit stones.

As for how to get this item?

Dozens of Heaven Abandoners had gathered outside Sakura City at this moment, just waiting for the target to walk out of the city gate.

And this item was eventually obtained by Song Yixin.

In the Long family's box, Long Tian sighed.

"Are you really going? If you fight the Holy Land this time, you will probably die.

Long Aotian snorted and put on a mask: "I'm afraid I'm dead, why don't you shoot that thing."

Long Tian looked back at him and said, "Photograph it for you?" For you, the Long family is all trapped.

"I know, so I didn't force it, but there are some things that someone has to do, just don't stop me."

Saying that, Long Aotian took out a blue jade pendant from his arms and hung it on his waist, and then draped a blue robe over his body, covering half of the mask with a hood.

In the blink of an eye, Long Aotian disappeared from the box and disappeared.

Long Tian sighed, took the egg out of the box, and went home to incubate the egg.

When you make your own decisions, you must be clear about the consequences.

At least the Long family's own father's vein is still clean and can keep the Long family's bloodline.

At the same time, the green bull transmitted a spiritual thought: "There are many people outside Sakura City.

After a while, some demon beasts sent a message with the beast seal: "Farm master! There is a green-robed man next to me, he keeps staring at me, and he doesn't move, what can I do?

"Stay put, if they don't do it, don't do it yet." Zhou Mu responded.

Now the man is about to leave the city, what if he changes his mind and does not go out of the city when there is a fight outside?

There were only two days left before the deadline of the mission, and he still had to take the creature back to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, so as not to allow the slightest accident.

But these people who pop up suddenly also have to pay attention.

Zhou Mu led the ox, slowly followed the beast cart not far away, and then followed them out of the city.

After Zhou Mu left the city, several more black-clothed and masked people also went out of the city and followed.

After noticing those people, General Zhou Mu slowed down a little more, ensuring that he could see the beast car, and let the group of people walk in front of him.

The three Lingchuan Realms of the escort team had already discovered Zhou Mu and the others.

If you follow them in the city, it may be a coincidence, but if you follow them after leaving the city, the probability of coincidence is not large, and the distance between the two remains very stable.

So the three Lingchuan Realms let the beast car accelerate, although it was impossible to get rid of the group of people, but quickly staying away from Sakura City would allow them to show up quickly.

In this way, they also solved this scourge as soon as possible, and the province has been following the trouble.

Zhou Mu walked out of the city gate and followed the beast cart all the way north, and those demon beasts were also quietly approaching Zhou Mu.

Those green-robed people saw the monster beasts and instinctively became vigilant, but those monster beasts didn't look at them, and the cat walked towards the north.

After a while, a total of five Lingchuan Realm demon beasts ran out from near that person and ran towards the north.

"When did so many demon beasts run next to me? It's all Lingchuan Realm? The green-robed man of the Spirit Rain Realm was secretly shocked in his heart, and he was extremely happy.

Then the green-robed man took out a talisman and explained the matter here, and then punched out the talisman and flew to Sakura City and flew into the hands of a blue-robed man.

At this time, the beast car that Zhou Mu was tracking had already arrived in an empty wasteland.

Two Lingchuan Realms with more than a dozen people turned around and stood in place, and the other continued to escort with people.

"Come out!" A Lingchuan Realm said.

But his words didn't seem to have any effect, except that Zhou Mu, who was far away, was still slowly leading the green bull, and he didn't see anyone else.

Suddenly, the Lingchuan Realm cultivator glanced at the grass next to him, and a Lingyu Realm guard immediately threw two throwing knives towards the grass.

The throwing knife fell into the air, and a figure flashed out of the grass.

"I think it's better for you to go!"

As soon as the voice of the figure fell, two Lingchuan Realms and ten Lingyu Realms came out of the surroundings.

"That's it?" The Lingchuan Realm Guard said disdainfully.

Then another Dao Lingchuan Realm coercion appeared, and the figure came from a distance, revealing a rough face.

"Three to two, where are your odds?"

When the words fell, the rough man immediately struck, and everyone behind him followed.

In an instant, spiritual skills flew and knives and guns sounded.

It is also worthy of being a guard in this line, and there are two or three dozen back and forth.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu directly accelerated to catch up, and the group of people were fighting fiercely now, and they had no intention of stopping Zhou Mu.

At this time, a figure suddenly rushed over from Zhou Mu's side, the speed was extremely fast, and the aura of the Spirit Sea Realm on his body exploded.

In the blink of an eye, the man caught up with the beast car, solved the guards in two strokes, and ended the life of the merchant.

The corners of the man's mouth hooked, his face was full of mockery, he held the cage in one hand and gave Zhou Mu a middle finger.

Seeing this, the group of robbers looked overjoyed and wanted to retreat.

The guards, on the other hand, had ugly faces, and some even became frightened.

They also didn't expect that this time the guard would appear in the Spirit Sea Realm.

I don't understand that the merchant obviously escorted things so important, why don't he hire a Spirit Sea Realm.

Hire them these few Lingchuan Realms to die?

Qingniu had long told Zhou Mu that there was a Spirit Sea Realm here, so Zhou Mu was not surprised or afraid.

Because the beast kings have arrived!

"I don't know what is dead or alive." Zhou Mu snorted coldly and stared at the Spirit Sea Realm that was ready to return to kill the guards.

Monsters! Dispatch!

With Zhou Mu's order, dozens of Spirit River Realm auras around him erupted.

Immediately after that, a stream of Spirit Sea Realm aura erupted.

These auras rose up into the sky and surrounded the group.

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