The sky is breaking and dawn has arrived.

After a night of rushing, Zhou Mu finally returned to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest with all the beasts.

Originally, according to the speed of the green ox, Zhou Mu could return to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest in the middle of the night, but Zhou Mu was worried that the demon beast would be chased and killed.

So let the green bull and the demon beast move forward together.

Coming to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts with a new species, the system prompt sounds.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task.] 【

Ask the host to name the new species.】 Zhou

Mu got down from the green cow and looked at the little guy in the cage while walking in the forest.


Isn't that hard for me?

"System, is there a random name?" Zhou Mu scratched his head and asked.

[Please name yourself.] Looking

at the little beast shaped like a horse with four hooves and scales, Zhou Mu frowned and thought, and spoke: "Golden scale horse." "

[Name already exists, please rename the host.] "

Golden Scaled Horse"

[Name already exists, please rename the host.

Looking at the scales of the little beast, Zhou Mu suddenly thought of a similar horse-type creature, so he said, "Red Fire Pseudo Qilin." "

[Name already exists, please rename the host.] Seeing

the system prompt, Zhou Mu successively named it with a unicorn.

I don't know if Zhou Mu is poor, or if there are really so many demon beasts, and there are thirty or forty names in a row, all of which already exist.

"System! Do you want to give me a random name! Stop torturing me like that! "

Malbazi!" Zhou Mu scolded secretly.

[Name already exists, please rename the host.] ]

Zhou Mu's face is dull, this name is there?

How many monsters are included in the system! It's a weird name.

Then Zhou Mu tried the names all the way, walked all the way to the bottom of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and said thousands of names, all of which already existed.

He was almost driven crazy, Zhou Mu still took his own name to name it, and the result still existed!

Zhou Mu couldn't help but wonder, what kind of race is called Zhou Mu!

Zhou Mu, who was forced to helpless, simply broke the can and broke the road; "Then it's simply called the Universe Super Invincible Dragon Horse Breaking the Sky!"

[Name available, whether to name the new species Cosmic Super Invincible Dragon Horse Breaking Heavenly Horse.] Can

it really work? Zhou Mu was a little incredulous, and then looked ecstatic.

Finally there is a working one.

He had used thousands of names, two, three, four, and five.


[Ding, the universe super invincible dragon horse breaking the sky horse information is included. ] The

system prompt sounded down, and the little beast in the cage glowed with a faint white light.

On the ground, the white light disappeared.

[Information is included.] 】【Name】

Universe Super Invincible Dragon Horse Breaking the Sky [Gender] Female

[Cultivation] Aura Realm

[Race Name] Universe Super Invincible Dragon Horse Breaking the Sky [Race Potential] Spirit Beast [Tentative

] [Talent] Dragon Blood Boiling, Golden Scale Dragon Step [Introduction]

Due to the blood of the dragon, the body has changed into a new species, and was named the Universe


Invincible Dragon Horse Breaking Heavenly Horse by Zhou Mu of the Terran Race, This beast is able to skillfully stimulate dragon blood battles in the body.

Zhou Mu looked at the information panel in front of him seriously, and when he saw "named by Terran Zhou Mu", his eyes suddenly widened, and he hurriedly spoke.

"System! Don't add this sentence! Remove this sentence! Zhou Mu pointed to the sentence "named by the Terran Zhou Mu".

[Is the host sure to give up this honor?]


I don't want this so-called honor just to complete the task.

What if this demon beast becomes powerful in the future and is dissatisfied with its name.

Then you can't run over to find trouble?

[Introduction has changed.] Zhou

Mu looked at it again, then closed the panel and reopened it again to confirm.

Confirming that there was really no such sentence, Zhou Mu set his sights on the next task reward.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the universe super invincible dragon horse breaking the heavenly horse beast soul and bloodline, obtaining the absolute loyalty of the species, the growth rate of the marked creature is +50%, and the points are 30,000. ] The

demon beasts of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest were not surprised by the changes in their bodies, and the demon beasts of Yinfeng Valley had also initially adapted to these.

Zhou Mu released the Heaven-Breaking Horse and condensed it into a beast seal to mark it.

Looking at its innocent eyes, Zhou Mu suddenly felt guilty.

Crouching down and reaching out to touch its horns, Zhou Mu sighed: "I'm really sorry for you, blame me, I won't name it, and when you are powerful in the future, I will give myself a domineering name." "

Broken Heaven Ju is absolutely loyal to Zhou Mu, being touched by Zhou Mu, his face is full of joy, and his head can't help but rub in his palm.

Zhou Mu gave those demon beasts a package of intermediate rations, and then sent them back.

Subsequently, he spent 40,000 points to upgrade the automatic feeding device of Yinfeng Valley and added some high-grade rations.

Then Zhou Mu took the Heaven-breaking Horse cub to pedal the stone steps.

Zhou Mu quickly ran to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and looked at the Heaven-breaking Horse cubs below the mountain from above.

Bai Feng and other demon beasts on the mountain also ran over after seeing it.

Bai Feng's hair is a little less, and it really flew a few times!

Zhou Mu sighed in his heart.

Later, he also noticed the progress of several other beasts.

In just four days, except for those who had reached the Lingchuan Realm before, almost all of the rest had reached the late Lingyu Realm.

It is also worthy of Zhou Mu to provide them with high-grade rations.

Moreover, in the four days since leaving, many demon beasts have broken through the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Together with the demon beasts in the Silver Peak Valley, there are now more than fifteen thousand Spirit Rain Realms, more than 2,000 Spirit Chuan Realms, ten Spirit Sea Realms, and one Spirit Abyss Realm among the demon beasts marked by Zhou Mu.

The main quest two is also half completed, leaving ten Spirit Sea Realms and two Spirit Abyss Realms.

But it won't be long.

Those beast kings were almost about to step into the Spirit Abyss Realm.

There are still more than twenty days to go, how far this group of demon beasts will grow.

While thinking, the Heaven-breaking Horse under the mountain began to climb the stone steps.

I saw the cub stumbling up layer after layer of stone steps.

Under Zhou Mu's gaze, the blood qi on the cub's body rose, and a coercive pressure suddenly arose from it.

Ten thousand beasts are shocked!

[Individual universe super invincible dragon horse breaking the sky horse deep bloodline awakening, awakening the red blood devouring dragon bloodline. ]

】【Due to the influence of cause and effect, the individual universe super invincible Dragon Horse Breaking the Sky Awakens a new talent: Breaking the Sky】As

the system prompt sound disappeared, Zhou Mu was a little surprised in his heart.

This was the first time he had seen such an outrageous bloodline awakening.

Its information panel on the [Race Potential] turned into a divine beast.

【Talent】Dragon blood boiling, golden scales soaring into the sky, devouring demons, breaking the sky, not destroying the dragon body.

[Demon Eater] opened his mouth to release a black hole, devouring everything in front of him, doubling the effect on the demon race.

【Sky breaking】New talent, the specific is unknown, please explore by the host.

Without paying too much attention to these skills, even if the talent is strong, now it is not cultivated enough, and it will still be killed when it encounters strong enemies.

At this time, the broken horse came up.

Its bloodline awakened, and its body changed.

Before, only the limbs had dragon scales, but now the whole body is covered with these red scales, and the eyes are cold, and there is a coercion when standing there.

O divine beast! I didn't expect that the first divine beast was obtained in this way.

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