Breaking Tianju's eyes were wide and majestic.

The little beasts around were a little afraid to approach.

The seven chicken cubs huddled and shivered in the distance, and the eggs also howled in a low voice, not daring to approach.

The little wolf was less affected, and although he dared to step forward to look at it, he was not as lively as before.

Cat Linger sat on a stone in the distance and licked his paws, but there was no fear in his eyes when he looked at Tianju.

However, Bai Feng was still hanging, and his body, which was larger than the Heaven-breaking Horse, fell directly on the Broken Heavenly Horse, and did not regard it as a divine beast at all.

Bai Feng has been born in the egg for so many days, and has grown a lot, and the tail feathers behind him are also one meter long, and the whole body is white and flawless.

Zhou Mu saw the situation of the little beasts and glared at the Heavenly Breaking Horse.

Breaking Heaven quickly bowed his head, showed a look of grievance, and collected the coercion.

Walked to the courtyard with the Heaven-breaking Horse, but except for Bai Feng and other three immortal beasts, no beast dared to approach it.

Breaking the sky was a little lost, and Zhou Mu couldn't help but touch his chin and think when he saw this.

Now that you can buy random bloodlines, do you want to raise their bloodlines as well.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu looked at his 30,000 points balance and shook his head.

Wait a minute, after this month, when the time comes to save a month's points, you should be able to get a few good bloodlines.

At this time, Zhou Mu thought of the Heaven-Breaking Beast Soul and Bloodline sent by the system.

However, the system sent it early, and it was given before it became a divine beast.

With a long sigh, Zhou Mu returned to the room to fuse the beast soul and thought about how to use this bloodline.

Before I knew it, another three days had passed.

In addition to the increasing number of realm-breaking demon beasts, Zhou Mu also found that there were a little more humans entering the forest in the past few days.

They didn't drive them too much, but just let the demon beasts restrict them on the periphery, lest they find the many Lingchuan Realm demon beasts inside after entering the inside.

In the past three days, every day, a demon beast broke through the Spirit Sea Realm.

The beast kings also did not move, and they did not know what to do in the nest.

Zhou Mu had three more rivers, and he got up and walked into the incubation room satisfied.

The [Sparkling Egg] has hatched successfully.

[Hatching successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the fairy beast frost dragon cub. ] Walking

into the incubation room, the system prompts a sound.

Then I saw a young head poking out of a shimmering broken eggshell.

It resembles a lizard, covered in ice-blue scales, and its blue eyes are full of confusion.

It eats its own eggshell in one bite, and the scales on its body become clear and transparent.

After seeing Zhou Mu, the frost dragon cub encouraged the flesh wings behind him to fly towards Zhou Mu with joy on his face.

Zhou Mu stretched out his hand to catch the cub that flew unsteadily.

The start was cold, the scales were small and hard, and Zhou Mu was a little uncomfortable.

The Frost Dragon cub was much larger than the other cubs, and at this time, when it was held in its arms, its head was already much higher than Zhou Mu.

[Name] Frost Dragon (Cub)

[Gender] Male [Xiuwei] Aura

Realm [Race Name] Frost Dragon [Race Potential

] Immortal Beast

[Talent] Ice Dragon Breath, Dragon Power, Ice Control, Absolute Ice [

Introduction] A species from the Demon Dragon Realm, brutal and powerful, living on the top of extreme cold, and has absolute control over cold ice.

Looking at its information panel, Zhou Mu was not surprised, after all, he had already guessed the name when he heard it.

Zhou Mu carried the frost dragon cub out of the hatching room, and this movement immediately attracted other small beasts.

Cat Linger went from being shocked at the beginning to being accustomed to it now.

It has long since lost the slightest dissent.

Much more promising here than in the Cat Forest.

The beasts gathered around, but this time it was a little different, and the chickens and eggs who used to rush to the front did not come this time.

Zhou Mu was a little worried, seeing that they were actually cultivating.

But if you think about it, you can understand that in addition to them on the top of this mountain, the rest are immortal beasts.

Zhou Mu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, put the frost dragons down, and walked slowly towards them.

Seeing Zhou Mu coming over, their hearts hung up, and they trained harder.

The white phoenix also seemed to realize something, and looked at them worriedly.

Zhou Mu approached, but saw that their small bodies were a little trembling.

Then I saw them that they wanted to cry but had eyes that did not dare to let the tears fall.

"Whoosh!" Eggman screamed.

Zhou Mu understood what it meant, and pursed his lips and smiled: "I won't drive you away, don't worry, wait a month, I will let you be on an equal footing with them."

"In this month, you only need to fight and cultivate."

After that, Zhou Mu took the green ox down the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and completed the daily task.

Meanwhile, Sakura City Ryu House.

Long Tian sat leisurely in the courtyard, holding a feather fan in his hand and gently fanning, and on the table next to him was an incomparably delicate egg.

There were spirit stones around the egg, and Long Tian stroked it on the egg from time to time.

According to what Zhou Mu said, he let this egg hatch in an environment rich in spiritual energy, and he always accompanied it to let the egg remember his breath.

Originally, Long Tian didn't hold out any hope, and he didn't notice the difference in eggs until all the dozens of spirit stones were consumed a day after hatching.

In the past three days, Long Tian nestled in this courtyard alone, and the meals were all made by himself, just to prevent others from entering and affecting the hatching eggs.

So far, this egg had consumed nearly a hundred of his spirit stones.

Long Tian stared at this egg expectantly.

I saw that the spirit stones around it shattered one after another, and the last spiritual energy also entered the egg.

The egg moved slightly.

Long Tian immediately got up from his chair and stared at the egg.

"Click." Broken eggshells.

A small skull poked out of the eggshell, with rounded horns on the skull, and dull eyes looked around blankly.

Until his gaze turned to Long Tian, his expression was suspicious, and after realizing that it was indeed his breath, he whispered towards Long Tian.

In an instant, several breaths locked the courtyard.

But fortunately, Long Tian had a good father who took preventive measures for Long Tian in advance, and no one noticed anything here.

Long Tian was shocked, his heart was beating wildly, and he did not hesitate to take out a magic weapon that shielded his breath from his arms and covered the entire courtyard.

This cub seems to be a dragon!

At least it's also an immortal beast!

There are only so many immortal beasts in the entire Southern Spirit Domain!

Since the cub only showed its head and did not show its lower body, Long Tian was difficult to judge.

I saw that the cub kept eating his own eggshell, and after a while, he finished the eggshell, and his arm-long body was exposed in front of Long Tian's eyes.

The cub has blue scales, clear lines, a snake-like tail, three paws sticking out of the body, and a high head, which is very majestic.

Long Tian stretched out his hand towards the cub in surprise, and the cub saw this and followed his arm to Long Tian's shoulder.

At this time, Long Aotian's voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in."

Long Aotian walked into the house and was shocked and speechless after seeing the cub on Long Tian's body.

He trembled and pointed at the cub: "Is that a dragon?

Long Tian was very satisfied when he saw his expression, and smiled heartily: "It should be."

Long Aotian then asked, "That egg hatched?"

Long Tian said, "Yes, what are you here for."

Long Aotian let out a long breath and said, "I originally wanted to tell you that Zhou Mu can command hundreds of high-realm demon beasts, but after seeing this, I feel that the meaning of this is not very great.

Long Tian thought thoughtfully when he heard this, and finally spoke: "I'm a good bet, this time I bet right." With

that, he reached out and touched the cub's chin.

"If I meet him again, I will do everything to help him, and I will discuss this with my father."

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