When night falls, everything is silent.

Zhou Li left the Hehuan Holy Sect on the grounds of going out on a mission.

Looking at Zhou Li's departing figure, the two female disciples laughed mockingly.

"I just said that there must be something wrong with this little waste, otherwise how could the cultivation be improved so quickly."

"Go out at night, and dress like that, I'm afraid it's not an appointment with some old monster."

The two looked at each other, and saw a woman take out a blue spar in her hand: "Follow up and use this photo stone to save the picture."

The corners of the other woman's mouth hooked, and a fierce color flashed under her eyes: "That's right, spread her appearance in the sect." "

Such a, still pretending to be pure in the sect, and daring to seduce my brother, I will drive her out of the sect."

Saying that, the two women followed with shadow stones in their hands.

It wasn't until they saw Zhou Li walking into a forest that the two women stopped.

"It's not old, it's quite flowery, let's wait outside for a while, and we'll go in when they start."

And Zhou Li glanced back after entering the forest, and said with a flat expression: "Idiot." With

a finger, from the center of the forest, an invisible shield quietly spread, wrapping the two women in it, without leaking the slightest breath.

Then Zhou Li put on a red robe and walked into the depths of the forest.

Chen Ruoxi looked intently, and immediately bowed his head and half-knelt after seeing the red-robed man: "Welcome to the sect leader." "

The huge forest, it seems that there are only two of Zhou Li.

Without waiting for Zhou Li to speak, Chen Ruoxi took out the prismatic stone pillar and handed it to Zhou Li with both hands.

Zhou Li did not reach out to take it, but spoke: "You can just take it." When

Chen Ruoxi heard this, he withdrew the stone pillar and quietly waited for the next word.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Li said in a flat tone: "Soon I need you to enter a secret realm, and when the time comes, use this thing to bring out the secret treasure."

"By the way, kill the person who entered the secret realm again."


Zhou Li snorted lightly, and continued, "Report this mission." Hearing

this, Chen Ruoxi recounted the mission in its entirety, and when it came to Zhou Mu, Zhou Li suddenly interrupted: "Are you sure it's him?" "

Subordinates are sure."

Zhou Li motioned for her to continue, and her expression became serious.

Until Chen Ruoxi finished speaking, Zhou Li had not returned to his senses.

Brother, you really are a variable!

Suddenly, Zhou Li's eyes narrowed, and he waved his sleeves to the side.

I saw two women flying out from behind the tree, their faces full of horror, but they couldn't call out when they opened their mouths.

The photo stone in his hand fell to the ground and was crushed by Zhou Li in the air.

The two women seemed to be held by a large hand, and their bones clicked.

They didn't understand, obviously they were chasing Zhou Li, why they encountered the Abandoning Heaven Sect.

This is a group of people who have been abandoned by the Heavenly Dao! In order to improve his strength, he will stop at nothing and vainly try to defeat the madman of the Heavenly Dao.

"Rao... Life" A woman spoke with difficulty.

Zhou Li's white fingers hooked slightly, and the two were pulled down in front of her.

"By the time you enter this forest, you are already dead." Zhou Li raised his eyes to stare at the two, his eyes were cold, and a trace of black qi appeared from his eyes.

The two women trembled when they saw the faces under the red hoods, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Zhou Li?"

"You... How could it be..." In horror, the two women no longer knew how to speak.

Zhou Li threw out red jade to cover his breath.

Then the jade fingers pointed at the eyebrows of the two one after another, and pulled out the two spirit palaces under the fearful gazes of the two.

Then another point, the two spirit palaces shattered, their eyes were scattered, leaving two spirit rivers.

And the two were thrown aside as a mess of meat.

At this time, a charming voice sounded: "Xiaoli, why are you killing people again."

The woman let out a long sigh, full of helplessness.

"No killing, still alive." Zhou Li heard the sound and looked at the woman and replied.

"It's not as cute as when I was a child." The woman walked past the two and pressed them into meatloaf with a wave of her hand.

Chen Ruoxi looked at the charming woman, her pupils shrunk.

Zhou Li said a little impatiently: "Auntie, what do you want to do?" When

Zhou Yao heard this, the corner of his mouth smiled and said, "Help you!" Don't you want the holy artifact of the Hehuan Holy Sect?

"When the secret realm opens, there will be elders who will go with the holy weapon, and then you can just watch and do it yourself."

Hearing this, Zhou Li looked displeased: "Didn't I say not to let you interfere?" I can solve these things myself.

"Little girl, what can you solve?" Wait for you to gather the strength to break into the Hehuan Holy Sect to seize the Holy Weapon? The yellow cauliflower is cold.

"Auntie, there is only so much I can do, I can't repay the Zhou family's hatred, I can only count on you."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yao's eyes were gloomy.

Zhou Li took a deep look at her, didn't say anything more, and didn't ask her how a Xuan Spirit Realm influenced the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"Then I'll take care of the rest, you... Have a good rest. Saying

that, Zhou Li took Chen Ruoxi and left, leaving Zhou Yao alone in place.

On the ground, Zhou Yao trembled all over, and her face flushed.

"Abominable!" With a low scolding, Zhou Yaofei turned to Huan Shengzong.

Walking out of the forest, Zhou Li looked in the direction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

At the same time, Zhou Mu, who was busy all day, took out a package of high-grade rations and nibbled on it.

Although the vegetables planted next to the house were almost cooked, in order to improve his strength as soon as possible, he could only give up his appetite temporarily.

Moreover, the demon beasts on the top of the mountain have also improved very quickly in the past few days.

I don't know if it's because of the eggs and the chickens, they have begun to make progress.

Zhou Mu was both relieved and distressed by this.

And use the system to monitor and check the situation of the farm.

Except for a little more human beings, there is no other situation.

The sect trial is approaching, and some humans are also good, so it is convenient for them to practice.

Let them fight against each other, which Zhou Mu hurts, but let them fight with humans, that Zhou Mu is very supportive.

However, the increasing number of human beings must be limited, otherwise the secrets of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest will be exposed early.

Just like that, dozens of Lingchuan Realm demon beasts went to the edge of the forest.

And those humans on the edge of the forest are talking excitedly at this time.

Five men sat around a campfire, led by a large knife.

"Boss, I saw a lot of demon beast cubs in this forest the other day, at least alien beasts! There is also a white bird that looks like a phoenix. A thief-eyed man danced with his hands.

The man known as the boss looked at him squintally and said, "Drinking too much? What have you seen a phoenix look like? Also white.

The man smiled awkwardly and did not argue.

The boss said that what is what, as long as I have a share of the income.

"Then boss, shall we go find those cubs?" The man asked again.

The man raised the knife in his hand and said, "Look, but this forest monster beast seems to be much stronger recently, and when someone comes tomorrow, a few of us will team up with them." The

rest of the people nodded when they heard this, a strange light flashed in their eyes, the corners of their mouths raised, and they smiled.

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