The blood pool is surging, the qi and blood are rising, and the demon beasts under the blood pool are receiving bloodline fusion.

The huge blood pool space was filled with the wailing of demon beasts.

And the breath produced by this wail also changed from weak to strong with the gradual fusion of bloodlines.

At the fusion of the bloodlines of the five immortal beasts, a vortex formed on the blood pool, absorbing the aura around them and quenching the body of the demon beast.

The Bishui Snake King wandered around the blood pool and saw all the demon beasts that entered here.

Most of them are undergoing bloodline fusion.

Just as the Bishui Snake King was about to watch his old friends fuse their bloodlines here, a supreme power crashed down on the demon beast that did not fuse bloodlines.

In the blink of an eye, this group of demon beasts disappeared from the pool of blood.

There were only more than a hundred wailing demon beasts left in the blood pool.

Some of them couldn't help but suffer severe pain, bumped around, and finally were imprisoned in place by a blood-colored chain.

As the bloodlines gradually absorbed, their forms also changed, and their aura continued to increase.

On the blood pool platform, Zhou Mu saw that these demon beasts came out so quickly, and he already understood what the situation was.

Approaching the demon beasts, there was a smell of blood on their bodies but no blood, and Zhou Mu felt an indescribable change in their bodies.

It's probably one of the small benefits of entering the bloodline pool.

This group of demon beasts who came out in advance had different expressions, some were lost, some were unwilling, and even Zhou Mu saw a demon beast with a resigned face.

With a long sigh, Zhou Mu said to this group of demon beasts: "There is no need to lose, now it's just that there is no suitable bloodline for you in the bloodline pool, and when we become stronger in the future, there will be more bloodlines to replenish, and you will also awaken a more powerful bloodline, and there is no need to waste the entire beast because of a momentary disappointment." "

Zhou Mu doesn't care if this group of demon beasts can understand it, anyway, the words are here first.

Saying that, Zhou Mu stroked the group of demon beasts one by one and encouraged them to cheer.

And in this time, Zhou Mu also discovered something special.

This group of demon beasts, except for the Bishui Snake King, the bodies of other demon beasts are a little weaker than the demon beasts of the same rank in the bloodline pool.

Therefore, Zhou Mu guessed that the strength of the body was also a criterion for the bloodline pool to select the bloodline.

After doing everything, Zhou Mu sent them back.

Since there is no suitable bloodline now, their priority is to cultivate hard and prepare for the fusion of suitable bloodlines in the future.

Chance is reserved for the prepared beast.

Zhou Mu saw that the Bishui Snake King did not leave, and did not ask much, walked to its side and waited with it.

The relationship between these five beast kings is very good, as can be seen from the fact that they turned to themselves together.

Originally, Zhou Mu did not plan to call the Bishui Snake King, after all, he was already an immortal beast.

However, thinking of the legend of a snake turning into a dragon, Zhou Mu also called it over with the mentality of giving it a try.

But now it seems that the results have not been as expected.

"They finally got the Immortal Beast Bloodline!" Through the system, Zhou Mu saw the scene in the bloodline pool and was happy for them from the bottom of his heart.

Although it is understood that they turn to themselves for bloodline, the relationship of interest is the strongest.

Moreover, with the blessing of the beast seal, plus having helped himself fight so many fights, they have long regarded them as their own beasts.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have thought of them when you saw these bloodlines.

Looking at the Bishui Snake King, Zhou Mu spoke, "There will be some sects coming here for trials in a while, and then it will all depend on you, and I will not interfere."

"This is not only the trial of those sect disciples, but also my trial for you."

"I will arrange the specific situation at that time, and you pillars of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest will also take responsibility."

The Bishui Snake King lowered his head, his eyes flickering.

Its heart trembled when it heard the sect trial, there were also sects here before, every time they would be pinned down by some Spirit Sea Realm humans, and then their subordinates would be killed by humans.

But they can't help, there are too many humans, in order to keep the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, the beast kings can only compromise.

But now it's different, their strength in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest is no longer what it used to be, and when other beast kings come out, it will definitely be the Spirit Abyss Realm.

If it was still those previous sects to try, they would definitely be able to save more demon beasts.

In the idea of the Bishui Snake King, there was never an option to save all the demon beasts, because it was simply impossible.

Humans are too cunning, and the strength of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest Demon Beasts is also uneven, the monster beasts may not die, but ordinary animals will definitely die some.

"I will definitely live up to the trust of the owner." The blue water snake king's eyes flashed with confidence, and he said forcefully.

Zhou Mu nodded, said no more, and waited with it.

The Bishui Snake King was a little anxious, because it knew that fusing bloodlines was not so easy.

Zhou Mu also knew that there was also a risk of death if the fusion bloodline could not survive, so he had to stand in front of the portal and wait for them to come out.

As time passed, Zhou Mu and the Bishui Snake King stood in front of the portal.

"It's out." Zhou Mu received the system prompt tone and said with a happy face.

He is not only happy with the success of fusion, but also happy that none of the monster beasts died.

The Bishui Snake King also stared at the portal with an expectant face.

On the ground, a sharp claw stepped out of the portal first, its hair white and shining with moonlight.

Then the huge head of the Wind Wolf King poked out, the eyebrows were printed with the crescent moon magic pattern, the blood red in the sharp eyes slowly receded, and the blue stripes on the body had disappeared, replaced by white and flawless white hair and looming moon seal magic pattern.

As the Wind Wolf King came out first, other demon beasts also stepped out of the portal one after another.

The Red Spirit Eagle King let out a long roar, spread his wings and soared into the sky, and the breath on his body climbed step by step, and the coercive pressure shocked half of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

"System, shield breath." The Spirit Abyss Realm is the hole card of the current Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

That group of cultivators could never have imagined that the Ten Thousand Beast Forest would improve so much in just two months.

[Whether to spend a hundred points to shield the breakthrough aura of the individual Red Spirit Eagle King. ] Hearing

this, the corner of Zhou Mu's mouth twitched, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!" "

This place also has to collect points, fortunately I have stayed before.

When the words fell, the Red Spirit Eagle King's aura was blocked, but his cultivation kept improving.

At the same time, the bodies of the other three beast kings slowly rose after stepping out of the portal, and their aura skyrocketed.

Zhou Mu shielded their breath one by one.

The realm breakthroughs of other demon beasts are not shielded, after all, the highest is only to break through the Spirit Sea Realm, and it is not yet to the point where it needs to be covered.

With a wave of fluctuations coming from the Beast King's body, he successfully broke through the Spirit Abyss Realm.

Looking at the four beast kings standing in the sky, Zhou Mu was extremely relieved.

The Bishui Snake King stepped into the sky in surprise, flying into the sky to have fun with his old friends.

In an instant, the five beasts were in the same air, and if it were not for the aura shield, their breath would not have covered the entire forest of ten thousand beasts at this time.

The demon beasts below were also happy about the breakthrough of their realm.

【Ding! The monster broke the realm, and the reward points totaled 5,000].

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