After all the demon beasts broke through, Zhou Mu told the group of demon beasts about the sect's trial, and notified all the demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest with the beast seal.

No matter what their reactions were, Zhou Mu sent them back.

Just to let them seize the time to cultivate and master new powers.

It was only a dozen days before the sect trial.

So, after the bloodline pool incident, Zhou Mu returned to his normal rhythm.

Do daily tasks, practice.

The strength of the monster beasts is also constantly increasing.

A dozen days passed in a flash.

Zhou Mu was taken aback when he checked the strength of the demon beast again.

One hundred and thirty thousand demon beasts, fifty thousand spiritual energy realms, twenty thousand spirit rain realms, five thousand spirit chuan realms, eighteen spirit sea realms, and five spirit abyss realms.

This is two Spirit Sea Realms left before completing the main quest two.

And this strength can no longer be underestimated, at least Xuan Ling can't come out, he can just rely on these demon beasts to bulldoze a city at will.

As the system prompt sounded, Zhou Mu was energetic and nervous.

【Ding! The January period has arrived, and the five sects are about to enter the Ten Thousand Beast Forest for trials, please prepare the host. 【Attention

! During the Sect Trial, all demon beasts except for the Yuan Shi Qingniu within the Ten Thousand Beast Forest need to participate. When

the words fell, Zhou Mu saw white light blooming from the monster beasts on the top of the mountain, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Mu was shocked, this group of demon beasts had not fought yet!

If there is an accident, it will be a big loss!

[The Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain has been automatically covered, and the host cannot leave the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain during the trial. ]

At this time, the demon beast near the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain suddenly raised its head, and then looked at the empty land in front of him with a flustered expression.

Why is the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain suddenly gone?

"Don't panic, the trial is about to begin, just get ready, when the humans enter the forest, I will command."

Zhou Mu's voice reached the mind of every demon beast through the beast seal.

Those flustered demon beasts instantly quieted down, hesitant and full of ambition.

In the past ten days, Zhou Mu did ideological work for them almost every day, in order not to be timid of the human beings outside.

At this moment, Zhou Mu saw the situation on the periphery of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest through the system.

I saw sect disciples appear one after another outside the forest.

As for which sect Zhou Mu didn't know, anyway, their clothes had a total of five styles, which should be these five sects.

They brought their disciples to the periphery of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

At this time, one person flew out of each of the five sects, stood in the air, and gathered together.

After these five people flew out, these disciples half-knelt one after another to greet them.

I think it should be the strongest in this trial.

Zhou Mu looked at these five people and was relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, he also has five Spirit Abyss Realms here, and he has been familiar with the new ability for many days.

Zhou Mu still thought how powerful they were!

No more than 20% of the Demon Beasts of Death.

Now command the demon beasts to rush out and kill them all, is the task directly completed?

Just when Zhou Mu was a little disappointed and was about to command the demon beast to rush out and kill directly, the system prompt sounded.

【Ding! Detecting that the true strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest far exceeds that of the trial humans, please try to keep the trial not over within five days, and the death of demon beasts does not exceed 20%. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was stunned.

Do you want me to keep the trial from ending?

Isn't it necessary for them to suppress their strength?

It's too humiliating!

With a long sigh, Zhou Mu then looked at the picture coming from the system.

I saw the five people gathered together and opened their mouths and didn't know what to say, some with a joking face, and some with angry eyes.

Finally, after several people snorted angrily, they each returned to their camps, and then saw two Spirit Sea Realm cultivators running out of each camp and straight into the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu hurriedly sent a message to all the Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts.

"All Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts, press your breath to the Spirit Chuan Realm and hide."

"The five Spirit Abyss Realm Beast Kings pressed their breath to the Spirit Sea Realm, and there are humans who have gone to find you, pay attention to keeping a low profile, pretending that they can stop you."

Sure enough, the ten red dots on the surveillance map flew towards the lair of the five beast kings in groups of twos and twos.

On the way, he encountered a demon beast and killed it easily.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu gritted his teeth.

No more than 20% of the dead, not 26,000 deaths.

More than a dozen of them died in the process of rushing, and they were all Spirit Rain Realms that had not had time to run!

I still have to endure waiting for them to fight for five days!

"The beast king listened, kill one and keep one, the trick is enough."

Zhou Mu's chilling voice sounded in the beast king's mind, and the beast kings were immediately excited, and then they thought in their minds about how to fight a few more rounds, and then pretended to be seriously injured and killed a person.

After thinking for a while, he didn't think of a way, and finally gritted his teeth and temporarily pressed his cultivation and breath to the Spirit Sea Realm.

At this time, several Spirit Sea Realm humans came to the lair of the beast kings.

They couldn't help but frown as they looked at the Beast King in front of them.

How is it different from before?

However, the breath and cultivation are still the same, so it is easy to do.

"Beast King! My sect disciples want to test in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and if you don't want to die, you will honestly stay here. A Spirit Sea Realm spoke loudly, his eyes were only staring, and he didn't put the beast kings in his eyes at all.

Saying that, the human threw away a bag and revealed the head of the demon beast inside.

The beast kings suddenly turned red and roared at them.

And this group of humans did not pay attention to the slightest: "What is called? Want to die? When

the words fell, the two burst out and attacked the Beast King together.

Such things are happening in all five places in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Outside the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, the leader of the Spirit Abyss Realm of the Silver Dao Gate smiled at the fluctuations of Spiritual Qi, and shouted to the other four sects: "How long can you subdue this Spirit Sea Realm beast?" Don't break it!

"Don't bother you."

"Just faster than your silver knife door."

"Rampant junior, don't damage your Spirit Sea Realm."

"Hahaha, I can laugh at your Silver Dao Gate for a year if I break a Spirit Sea Realm."

And this Spirit Abyss Realm cultivator was not angry, he brought the best in the Sect's Spirit Sea Realm this time, not to mention the uniform, it was not a problem to kill it.

The expressions of the disciples below were different, and when they heard the leader of the Silver Dao Gate make a provocative remark, their eyes looked angrily at the disciples of the Silver Dao Gate.

And the disciples of the Silver Dao Sect were not to be outdone, and directly scolded back.

The five Spirit Abyss Realms looked at this scene calmly.

The remaining two Spirit Sea Realms in the team did not open their mouths to stop them.

What they want is competition, what they want is to kill each other.

At this time, five sound transmission talismans flew out from the five directions of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest together and fell into the hands of their respective leaders.

Listening to the transmission, the faces of the five Spirit Abyss Realm cultivators changed drastically, and they looked at the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest incredulously.

They glared at each other, and each other's faces fell into their eyes, thinking that the situation should be similar.

The Spirit Sea Realm lost one, and the other barely subdued the Beast King!

But at this time, they did not make a mockery, because there was no comparison, and there was no sense of superiority.

Of the five nests, the scenes are strikingly similar.

The Beast King and a Spirit Sea Realm confronted each other, both sides were full of injuries and panting, but it seemed that humans did have the upper hand, and there was a Spirit Sea Realm corpse beside them.

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