"Beast, if you dare to move again, I will kill you." The Spirit Sea Realm cultivator said viciously.

In an instant, the Spirit Palace above his head gushed out a gushing spiritual energy, surrounding the cultivator, and slowly poured into the spirit sword in his hand.

The spirit sword burst into light, and the blade was extremely sharp and pointed directly at the Beast King.

At this moment, he thought that the Beast King was already the end of the strong crossbow, even if he couldn't kill it, he could still deter it.


The aura of the Spirit Sea Realm erupted, pressing on the Beast King like a sea of mountains.

Seeing this, the Beast King quickly pretended that he couldn't resist and fell to the ground.

In order to act realistically, he kept wailing in his mouth, as if he really couldn't hold on.

Seeing this, the corner of the monk's mouth opened and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Beast, be honest!"

Saying that, the monk looked at the corpse of his companion on the side, his eyes did not wave, and said indifferently: "Waste, this can all die." "

The monk also did not mean to avenge his companions, after all, everyone else died, and he worked so hard to avenge himself, who would he show it to?

His own skills were inferior to the beasts, and he saved his cultivation resources when he died.

Moreover, it is not easy to say whether the injured self can kill the beast king now, why should he take that risk to avenge the dead.

Thinking of this, the cultivator sat in place, staring at the Beast King to prevent its sudden attack, and then felt out a jade bottle and took out a pill and took it.

The Beast King, on the other hand, did not move, lying there quietly.

At this time, the injuries on their bodies can be recovered in an instant for them.

After all, the location of the wounds on the body and the degree of damage are controlled by the Beast King.

It was the Beast King who wanted to be injured, and the cultivator made scars on it.

Such scenes were staged in five places in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, and the ending was very similar.

Zhou Mu snorted coldly after seeing these Spirit Sea Realm cultivators: "Wait in five days." "

If it weren't for the fear that the sects outside would temporarily cancel the trial because of the death of these Spirit Sea Realms, Zhou Mu would have already let them return to the west.

Looking at these complacent cultivators, Zhou Mu felt ridiculous in his heart.

After "deterring" the Beast King, the group of cultivators played another transmission note to tell the people outside that the task was completed.

The elders of the sects breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the information, fortunately, the final task was completed.

There was not the slightest sentimentality about the death of the Spirit Sea Realm cultivators, some were just doubts about them.

Aren't these Spirit Sea Realm cultivators too lazy recently, and neither of them can defeat this beast king in the broken forest.

Hehe, it's a waste of cultivation resources for you.

With that, they turned to face the more than five hundred disciples of their sect with uneven cultivation and began to reiterate the rules of the trial.

"This trial lasts for ten days, and you need to occupy the area of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest during these ten days."

"When the trial is over, the area you occupy will be the territory of our sect, and rewards will be distributed according to your contribution at that time."

Saying that, each sect elder waved his hand and spilled more than five hundred jade cards glowing with white light, and the jade cards fell into the hands of the disciples with unmistakable accuracy.

"These jade cards will record the territory you occupy, and if you encounter danger and crush the jade card, someone will immediately rush to rescue you, but by then the territory you occupy may be divided by others."

"In addition, if you have the ability to eliminate all the people from other sects, then the Ten Thousand Beast Forest is ours."

Speaking of this, a fierce light flashed in this elder's eyes, and his voice was much lower.

Some disciples who were good at observing words and expressions immediately understood the meaning of the elder's words, and a trace of madness flashed in their eyes.

The Spirit Abyss Realm cultivators in the sky glanced at each other, and one after another took out a spar and threw it into the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

The spar fell into the forest, emitting strange aura fluctuations that spread for miles in the blink of an eye.

The entire forest is covered with these five crystals.

Just as Zhou Mu was thinking about what this crystal was for, the demon beast in the forest suddenly became irritable, his eyes were blood-red, and he kept roaring.

Suddenly, Zhou Mu was stunned, and then roared at the demon beasts through the beast seal, allowing them to recover their clarity and continue to act.

Then seeing the humans outside the forest preparing to enter the forest, Zhou Mu began to arrange the demon beast group.

At this time, the sect disciples outside the Ten Thousand Beast Forest also rushed into the Ten Thousand Beast Forest under the order of the elder.

"For cultivation resources!"

"Senior sister, you run slowly, shall we form a team?"

"Junior sister, didn't you promise me to team up with me?"

"I'm sorry Senior Brother, he is really good to me."

Five waves of people poured into the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts from five directions.

However, they are only more than two thousand people, and there are not even three hundred in the Lingchuan Realm, if it were not for the system requirements, Zhou Mu could immediately destroy them.

Through the system monitoring map, Zhou Mu saw the location of these disciples.

After entering the forest, most of the disciples were on the periphery, and only a few chose to enter the depths.

At this time, Zhou Mu's instructions also began to be issued.

"One to twenty teams, start patrolling the periphery, humans can not kill, but humans must not be allowed to kill monsters."

"The Spirit Sea Realm that suppresses the breath is also hidden in the team to prevent accidents from happening."

"The rest of the Lingchuan Realm is staring at those humans who have entered the depths, and when your number is less than five, they are not allowed to take the initiative to conflict."

Zhou Mu listed five Spirit Chuan Realms and twenty Spirit Rain Realms as a team.

The difference between the Aura Realm and them was too great, and the speed of the rush could not keep up, so they were not added.

When these demon beasts rushed away, those sect disciples also began to form their own small teams, without the slightest sense of sect huddling.

Seeing them forming small groups, and even clashing with another small group of the same family, Zhou Mu couldn't help but sneer.

It's up to you for five days, and after five days, let you all get out, and save the eyes.

And the demon beasts that were previously teleported out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain went through a brief dazedness and then understood what was going on.

They originally wanted to huddle together, but the system directly scattered and randomly teleported them.

Like the egg egg and the seven chicken cubs, they are now on the periphery of the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Previously, the egg was fused with the bloodline of the Immortal Beast Town Prison Dog, but now it has changed greatly, and there are dark red magic patterns on his body, and Xiu Wei has also entered the Lingchuan Realm early.

"Eggs, the chickens are in your area, I will tell you the location, you look for them, don't make any mistakes." Zhou Mu's voice sounded in Eggman's mind.

Eggman wagged his tail excitedly when he heard this.

It finally works!

The owner has given it a task!


Eggman exclaimed excitedly, promising to complete the task!

Saying that, the egg pulled out his legs and ran towards the position Zhou Mu said.

Zhou Mu also saw this scene and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Needless to say, this may really be their first battle.

Even the previous time with Cat Linger was not counted.

Because Cat Linger did not cause any substantial damage to the enemy from beginning to end.

"There are a lot of monsters to take care of this time, and it is likely that you will not be able to take care of you, don't let me down!" Zhou Mu muttered.

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