[Name] Egg

[Gender] Female [Xiuwei] Lingchuan Realm

[Race Name] Chinese Pastoral

Dog [Current Bloodline] Town Prison Dog

[Current Potential] Immortal Beast

[Talent] Town House, Town Hell Eye, Purgatory Storm, Crimson Will [

Introduction] A creature from an ancient country, originally an ordinary mortal beast, but was given the blood of the fairy beast, and has since been reborn.

Eggman looked back at his abilities as he ran.

Although it has mastered the innate ability in the previous ten days, it still has to review it again.

According to the owner's words, this time it may fight, and still with humans.

This is its first battle, if it really encounters, it must definitely play beautifully and live up to the cultivation of the owner!

Thinking of this, the egg ran faster and faster, and ran in the direction of the chickens.

Eggman is still very worried about them, after all, they were mortal beasts before, although other monster beasts did not dislike it, but because of the bloodline, Eggman himself disliked himself a little and took the initiative to keep his distance from them.

The same is true of these chickens, who only dare to play with eggs.

Eggman is also very grateful to them, now they need themselves, then of course they have to run over to rely on them.


The egg screamed, and the aura of the Lingchuan Realm spread throughout the radius of thousands of meters, which also gave a signal to the demon beasts and humans.

In an instant, the demon beasts chased and killed by humans all ran in the direction of the egg, while those who did not have the Spirit Chuan Realm in the team temporarily gave up the chase.

Capturing the area is their main task, and hunting demon beasts is only secondary.

But this aura only deterred the humans under the Lingchuan Realm, and not all of them, there are still some humans who are not afraid of death and have hunted several Aura Realm monster beasts.

In the field, the human beings who entered the forest were all scattered.

And the death data received by Zhou Mu also rose by hundreds during this period.

Finally, twenty demon beast squads finally arrived and began patrolling, which stopped the demon beast's death.

"What's going on in this Ten Thousand Beast Forest, how can there be a situation where the demon beasts of the Lingchuan Realm are huddled!" A male disciple wailed and followed them with his bloody arm covered.

The leader of the team was a Lingchuan Realm cultivator named Zou Hong, and he hadn't thought of going deep from the moment he stepped into the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

On the contrary, he gathered some junior disciples and junior sisters to prepare for the appearance of saints in front of people, and for this reason, he also specially pulled several beautiful junior sisters into the team.

However, he was still too confident, thinking that the Ten Thousand Beast Forest was like other places, and the periphery was full of low-cultivation demon beasts.

As a result, when a demon beast team passed by just now, a beast waved its claws and broke up the team.

But fortunately, the demon beasts did not chase and kill them, coupled with the presence of Zou Hong, the Lingchuan Realm, to block the attack, this did not hurt the junior sisters.

However, this wave of demon beast raids also made him lose face, and the beautiful junior sister now looked at him with some doubts.

Zou Hong's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This is just a special situation, according to my experience in the ten years of missions, as long as we stay away from them, it is almost impossible to encounter this situation again."

"You follow me well, as long as the other party is not a two-headed Lingchuan Realm, I will protect you thoroughly!"

Zou Hong's domineering shout dispelled the suspicions of the junior sisters, looking at Zou Hong with admiration and an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, but the rest of the male disciples seemed to have not seen it.

Saying that, Zou Hong released the Spirit Palace, and the eighty-one tributaries connected to the main river, exuding mighty coercion, and everywhere he passed, the monsters retreated.

Pulling out the spirit sword on his waist, the sound of bells sounded in vain, and then billowing spiritual energy gushed out from the spirit palace and poured into the spirit sword.

The spiritual light shone, and the sharpness made the teammates behind him feel a tingling pain in their skin.

Zou Hong stared at a Spirit Rain Realm demon beast on the side, and slashed out with a sword, sword qi crisscrossed, and directly slashed the demon beast.

"Qingling Thirteen Swords!"

The cyan sword light penetrated the demon beast's body, cutting it off.

After the incident, Zou Hong snorted coldly, and said rather defiantly: "The beasts of the Spirit Rain Realm dare to block my way!" Then

he didn't even look at the corpse, and led all the disciples to run around while dividing the area.

The eggman who was rushing felt the aura fluctuations suddenly stop, his eyes were violent, and he roared low.

The owner of the farm said that he should protect other demon beasts from being killed as much as possible.

Now that the Spirit Sea Realm can't make an upright appearance, then they will have to carry the banner of the Spirit Sea Realm.

Moreover, even if he did not go over, the group of humans came.

The egg roared angrily, like a roaring thunder, and the aura of the Lingchuan Realm erupted in full force, crushing those eight humans.

It perceived, just a Lingchuan realm, just suitable for it.

And Zou Hong and the others instantly became vigilant at the moment when the egg released their breath, but when they were sure that there was only one breath, Zou Hong relaxed his heart.

Zou Hong flicked his sleeve robe and said in a loud voice: "Junior sisters, rest assured, a single Lingchuan Realm, I can solve it alone."

"Senior brother, you need to be careful!"

"Senior brother, pay attention to safety!"

"Senior brother, you look so handsome!"

The female disciples opened their mouths to care, and their voices were loud, but they made Zou Hong feel like they had beaten chicken blood.

Zou Hong and Eggman met, while the other disciples hid far behind the tree and watched Zou Hong.

Since the senior brother has said one person, let him be alone.

The size of the big dog in front of him was only at the level of his chest, but the harsh eyes and majestic posture made Zou Hong miss a beat in his heart.

The blood-red magic pattern flickered with the rhythm of the egg's breathing, and there was a red mark on its eyebrows.

He always felt that something was wrong with this demon beast.

He didn't remember that there were such majestic demon beasts nearby, even those beast kings were not so majestic.

Without waiting for him to return to his senses, Eggman took the lead in attacking.

After all, it was the first battle, and the egg was still too tender.

I saw a trace of contempt flash under Zou Hong's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I thought how powerful it was, it turned out to be a brainless beast who only knew how reckless!

The four sharp claws of the egg glowed red, slammed into Zou Hong, and tore a red cross paw print in mid-air, directly attacking Zou Hong.

The corner of Zou Hong's mouth grinned, and he instantly attached the aura to the top when he drew his sword, and then took two steps back, turned around and swung out two cyan sword qi, colliding with the paw prints of the egg.

The energy emitted by the collision of the two attacks set off a puff of smoke and dust in place.

Neither side actually used much effort, they were all probing, so the surrounding terrain did not change due to the collision of an attack.

Zou Hong patted the dust on his body and said, "But so, if you only have this kind of strength, you still think about how to escape under me!"

Zou Hong laughed defiantly twice, and Yu Guang couldn't help but look at the junior sisters behind him, but found that they were all hiding behind the tree, their heads were not exposed, and only the male disciples were staring at him.

If it weren't for his relatively high cultivation, he really thought that this group of junior sisters had run away!

Zou Hong was a little unhappy in his heart, and roared: "Junior sisters, look at it, this battle will be very handsome!" "

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