As Zou Hong's words fell, the junior brothers and sisters behind him poked their heads out from behind the tree.

They were cautious for fear of being affected by the fighting.

Although they wanted to hide farther before, but now that Zou Hong had spoken, they couldn't give face at all.

Feeling the gaze cast by everyone behind him, Zou Hong was in a good mood, and looked at the egg and roared: "Qingling Technique!" "

With a hum in the Spirit Palace, the Spirit River within it surged and steamed out a gushing Spiritual Qi that reverberated above the Spirit Palace.

The aura slowly condensed into a mass and kept running in the spirit palace.

Zou Hong himself was also changing, the cyan sect uniform robe moved without wind, and his body exuded a faint blue light.

That mass of spiritual energy had turned blue at some point, and it was rapidly spreading out from the spirit palace.

The cyan aura lingered around Zou Hong in the blink of an eye, and more and more, and the wind even rose out of thin air, and the fluttering robe hunted.

The aura was running, Zou Hong's eyes added a green glow, extremely sharp, and the aura around his body also ran wildly with the burst of light in his eyes.

Holding the sword in his right hand, the hand holding the hilt in front of him is in the chest position, and the sword body stands straight in front of him, pointing directly at the cyan aura mass above his head.

A cyan aura suddenly gushed out from his left hand, and Zou Hong's five fingers straightened out, put his left hand on the sword body, and then slowly wiped the sword body with his left hand with the aura from bottom to top.

In an instant, the spiritual energy boiled, the spiritual energy mass above his head exploded, and the rich spiritual energy surged into the spirit sword, and the fierce wind that set off ruffled Zou Hong's hair.

The spirit sword in his hand was attached with a layer of green light, and the rolling spiritual energy surrounded the sword body.

Zou Hong's eyes were extremely defiant, and he shouted loudly: "Beast, suffer death!" "

Peerless Green Spirit Slash!"

Zou Hong held the sword in one hand, retreated one step and stood firm, and then the sword body flashed blue, and a cyan sword light cut out.

The sword light is like a soaring blue bird, unrestrained, with a screaming, suffocating sharp momentum directly hitting the egg.

Eggman's eyes froze, and his eyes were full of scarlet.

With a long roar, rolling spiritual energy gushed out from his body and surged around his body.

The egg lowered his body, his pupils were filled with blood in the blink of an eye, and then red magic patterns spread from around his eyes to his whole body.

In an instant, the aura was dyed red, and the bloody and violent aura poured into the aura, making everyone in the distance feel a sense of discomfort.


The egg's body was full of qi and blood, and if there was a virtual shadow head appeared around his body, his hideous face made people feel cold.

The sky burst into red light, and endless heads emerged from the red light.

These heads are like madmen who have rushed out of their cages and regained their freedom, roaring wantonly and wandering presumptuously.

As the scarlet will of the egg was urged to the extreme, the red light gradually turned into a red shadow circle with a range of twenty meters, including Zou Hong.

The red head phantom rampages through the red circle, as if trying to break through the red circle.

They are of different races, but they whisper with their mouths open, and although they are only phantoms, you can still see the madness on their faces.

The front paws of the egg are filled with the breath of purgatory, and with a wave of his claws, he presses a head at his feet.

The skull seemed to be attacked by some terrifying force, and its face was contorted and it emitted a piercing cry.

Seeing that the sword mang's front claw was about to be cut in front of him, the egg's front paw hooked, and with a flick of it, the head under his feet was directly directed towards the sword mang.

The head was like a pardon, and he excitedly pounced on the cyan sword light.

Let me die!

Let me die!

Even if he knows that he is just a phantom and can't die at all, he can't suppress his inner thoughts.

But the skull itself does not listen.

A distorted look appeared on the phantom head, seeing that the sword was coming, the head that wanted to die opened its mouth, and a blood-colored vortex emerged from the mouth, and the powerful suction force sucked the sword into the mouth.

The power of the sword is undiminished, blooming wantonly in the mouth of the skull, sharp and sharp, wanting to pierce the captivity and hit the egg again.

Who would have thought that the red light in the egg's eyes would burst open, and the head with the sword in his mouth exploded, and the mighty energy pushed the head wandering in the sky, forming a vacant area.

And that sword radiance also dissipated without a trace.

In a short moment, the heads of the sky once again rushed rampant.

As the will of the egg descended, these blood-red heads instantly froze in midair.

Then the egg let out a long roar at Zou Hong, and all the heads in the sky turned towards Zou Hong.

Purgatory Storm!


Various sounds emanate from the mouths of these heads, harsh and trembling.

The head swept towards Zou Hong like a storm.

Zou Hong's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

I thought it was just a stronger demon beast, but who would have thought that this was still a fairy beast!

When red light erupted from the egg, Zou Hong had already felt the breath of the town's heart.

This sense of oppression will definitely not be a spirit beast!

Thinking about this strange attack method, Zou Hong, who has little knowledge, can only regard it as an immortal beast.

Looking at the blood-red head that surged like locusts, Zou Hong's previous defiance disappeared, replaced by panic.

His strongest move can't even block the opponent's head phantom, let alone this heavenly head.

Zou Hong quickly turned around and wanted to run out of the red circle.

While running, he shouted to the junior disciples in the distance: "Save me!" When

the words fell, Zou Hong stepped out of the red circle with one foot.

But how can his speed be compared to the flying phantom.

I saw that after he stepped out with one foot, a red head like a locust surged onto his body.


Zou Hong screamed miserably, and the junior disciples who were far away could feel his despair.

Frightened, they quickly fled, did not turn their heads, and did not care about the teammates who were with them before, and went their separate ways.

In the blink of an eye, except for the leg that stepped out, the rest of the body disappeared.

Some uneaten heads swirled back and forth near the red circle barrier, staring longingly at the leg outside.

Seeing that the group of humans ran away, and the humans in front of him only had one leg left, Eggman had some doubts in his heart.

How is this human being different from what I thought.

What about a hearty battle where I fantasize about a close match and then I accidentally win a move?

How to beat them away with one move.

Feeling the breath of his ascension to the extreme, Eggman felt a pang of disappointment in his heart.


With a long howl, the red light contracted, and the blood-colored head rioted again, but it never crossed the red aperture.

As the aperture contracted, the heads of the sky were also squeezed together with unwillingness.

The head dispersed with the aperture, and the place returned to its previous tranquility.

However, there were irritable aura fluctuations in the air.

The monks fleeing in the distance, Eggman can also feel their footprints.

But there is no need to chase anymore.

Because they will encounter the monster squad after running a little longer.

I'm going to find the chicks quickly.

Thinking of the Spirit Rain Realm demon beast that was killed casually before, Eggman was sad and angry and extremely worried at the same time.

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