The woman's face was grim, and she cooperated with the other two companions to resist the attack of the chicken cubs.

The rotational attack of the seven chicken cubs made the three of them a little difficult.

If they are cultivated high, they can be killed with a swing of the sword.

But they could never have imagined that this group of mortal beast chicken cubs with different colors could actually cultivate to the Spirit Rain Realm!

They're all about to be caught by chickens!

The point is that this flock of chickens will also be tactically harassed!

I also know that if you come up, you will attack with all your strength!

Who told them that monsters are stupid!?

If it weren't for the fact that this group of chicken cubs didn't seem to have any other spiritual skills other than charging and pecking, they might not have been able to hold out at first.

Now, as their offensive strength gradually decreased, the three of them gradually recovered some physical strength.

But they were also puzzled.

Originally, they chased these seven chickens to fight at first, but an old hen with no cultivation ran out on the road to block the way.

They killed the old hen.

As a result, the chicken cubs turned red and their hair exploded.

Then it became the scene it is now.

The woman took a deep breath and said, "It's really powerful, but their physical strength should be almost consumed, and our physical strength has also recovered a little, and it won't be long before we can kill them."

The woman looked at the chicken cubs whose attack frequency gradually slowed down, and she had a guess in her heart, and her eyes burst out fiercely.

The other two also nodded in agreement when they heard this.

As everyone knows, the chicken cubs' attack frequency slows down is not out of strength.

Instead, they found out that the egg was coming.

The egg is the Lingchuan Realm, and cleaning up a few Lingyu Realms is not a matter of one paw.

So they looked at each other, no longer so anxious, and began to borrow the humans in front of them to sharpen themselves.

Eggman, on the other hand, hides his aura not far away, staring at the battle in the distance.

Just now, Zhou Mu had already sent a message to it.

"Eggs, let them fight first, don't shoot when they are about to die."

Zhou Mu also sensed their meaning and didn't bother much.

Instead, he looked at the people who were scared away when he killed Zou Hong before.

I saw that several people in the picture looked frightened, and ran to the garrison.

Those female disciples were even more pale, unable to say a word along the way.

"It's terrifying! Ghosts!

"It's full of heads!"

"Senior Brother Zou Hong can't stop a move!"

"Brother, listen to my advice, don't run over there, there's a monster over there!"

The group told them not to go there.

After saying that, he quickly ran.

In the eyes of other disciples, it became a sign of cowardice.

Many disciples were a little worried after listening to their words, but they were all dispelled by a word from some of their companions.

"Hmph, coward, what other monsters are there in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest besides those few Spirit Sea Realms?"

"Still all over the sky? Is there really that means, how much is also an immortal beast, there will be an immortal beast in this broken place? Laugh at me!

"Lao Tzu wants to take a look."

I saw a man in a cyan bird robe with a disdainful look on his face and spat on the side.

At this time, a woman with a beautiful face and a beautiful figure next to her thought for a long time, and said hardly: "Senior Brother Lu, they said that Senior Brother Zou can't even block a move, or we won't go, it's better to take the land as the priority."

Lu Hetai's face turned livid when he heard this, how did he not know that this woman was saying that he was inferior to Zou Hong.

But in the face of this beautiful woman, it was difficult to get angry, so I had to try to make my voice as soft as possible: "Junior Sister Ying, I am much stronger than Zou Hong, don't worry." Ying

Rou nodded when she heard this, and ran towards the direction of Eggman with Lu and Tai.

She is just Spirit Rain Realm.

Although she didn't believe Lu Hetai, there were only a few left in the outer Lingchuan Realm that she was willing to do now.

Moreover, their team is still very large, and they may not have the spare power to take care of themselves if something really happens.

Although the leading elder said that if they crushed the jade card in danger, they would arrive immediately, but those of them who came over knew that it was polite words.

There are many people who die every year because of this.

Therefore, following a Lingchuan realm is also the safest.

Moreover, there are other sects this time, and if he encounters other sect disciples alone, he may not know what will happen.

Thinking of this, Ying Rou glanced at Lu Hetai with silky eyes, and said softly: "Senior brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you." "

This team is Lu and Tai and her.

Zhou Mu switched the screen and returned to the chicken cubs.

This Lu Hetai is actually not as powerful as Zou Hong, so there is no need to worry about eggs.

"Huh?" Looking at the picture in front of him, Zhou Mu was a little unbelievable.

I saw that the rhythm of the chicken cubs who had been cooperating well suddenly slowed down.

At this time, the woman seized the opportunity to stab Xiao Lan with a sword.

Seeing that the tip of the sword was approaching, the other six chicken cubs widened their eyes, and the look of panic came into their eyes.

The eyes of the egg in the distance were also suddenly full of blood red, ready to pounce.

At this time, the abnormality suddenly appeared.

Xiao Zi quickly stepped out of two cloths in a hurry, and the anxious color in his eyes was about to overflow.

In an instant, the pupils turned purple, and a trace of purple electric arc jumped out of the eyes.

The arc lingered all over its body, whipping wildly all around.

Frightened, the chicken cub and the two retreated one after another.

Soon, Xiaozi's chicken paws were covered with electric arcs, and the shining purple electric light reflected on the woman's face.

Looking at the brighter and brighter electric light in the afterlight, the woman's eyes were full of stunned.

But the sword has already struck, and it is impossible to fight back without killing the little blue chicken in front of him.

Thinking of this, the woman had already thought of a response in her mind for a while.

Just listen to Xiaozi's "Ding!" Then

it exploded like a purple arrow.

The arc squawked, and at this moment it was as if only the sound of electricity remained in the world.

With a flash of electricity, Xiaozi crossed tens of meters.

The woman's sword fell off from her hand and fell to Xiao Lan's side.

Xiao Lan looked at the woman in front of her in shock, to be exact, the blood hole in her abdomen.

For a while, I forgot to run.

It doesn't understand, the same chicken cub, why does Xiaozi generate electricity?

Just because it was electrocuted by the owner?

The woman's two teammates also showed shock on their faces and were stunned for a moment.


The woman spat out a large ball of blood in her mouth, her face turned white with the naked eye, her pupils trembled, and she slowly lowered her head to look at her abdomen.

But before she could see it, her whole body fell to the ground, silent.

The shock in his eyes before he died did not diminish in the slightest.

At this time, Xiao Zi was covered in blood and stopped after hitting a tree.

Its purple eyes did not turn back to black, but the arc around it disappeared.

Zhou Mu looked at those purple electric arcs, and then reached out and condensed a purple electric ball with an electric arc in his hand.

"It won't be the last time you accidentally electrocuted it, would it?" Zhou Mu guessed in his heart, carefully feeling its arc and his own thunder.

The final result was indeed a little thunderous breath, but not much.

But the strange thing is that Xiao Zi's potential is still a mortal beast, that is, he has an extra [Thunder] talent.

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