Despite this, Zhou Mu was still very pleased.

As long as they keep improving, they live up to their efforts.

Although it didn't pay much....

At this time, the remaining two also came to their senses and ran away.

The strongest senior sister is dead, and the two of them can't beat these chickens.

Both of them did not turn their heads and ran vigorously.

One of them seemed to have learned the body magic technique, and the light under his feet was born, and the other person was thrown away in three or two steps.

"You take me and run with you!" The backward people were full of disbelief, and there was a trace of sadness in the depths of their eyes.

He glanced back in panic, wondering if the chickens had caught up.

And the chicken cubs chattered around Xiaozi, not caring about their running away.

Seeing this, this person breathed a sigh of relief, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, the demon beast is still a demon beast!"

"Wait until Lao Tzu brings someone over and slaughters you."

After speaking, he thought of the senior sister who died of fragrant jade, licked his tongue, and a trace of lewdness flashed in his sad eyes.

"Forget it, the dead are dead, change the chase."

When the words fell, a red light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes and sped away.

Then I saw that the companion who dumped himself thousands of meters away was pierced by a paw of a dog covered with red stripes.

The man still had a proud look before he died, and seemed to be very confident in himself.

Until he saw a dog's paw passing through his chest, his pride slowly dissipated.

Eggman withdrew his claws, and the man fell to the ground with a pop, his eyes as wide as a brass bell.

Eggman flicked his bloody paw, slowly turned to look at another person thousands of meters behind him, and showed his white teeth.

The man's heart was beating wildly.

He had already felt the breath of the egg.

Lingchuan Realm!

He is just a spirit rain realm, this dog beating him is similar to shooting dead ants, the only thing that is stronger than ants is to run faster and be bigger.

This person was also clever, seeing that he couldn't run away, he gritted his teeth and crushed the jade card with lightning speed.

"I hope someone will come and save me!"

After crushing the jade card, the man sat limply on the ground as if he had been pumped with all his strength.

He is not a genius, and it is not his turn to fight across borders.

If you encounter a higher realm than yourself, just sit and wait for death.

The only hope is to wait for someone to come and rescue him.

But these small sects of theirs, a Xuanling Realm can become a sect master.

There are at most a dozen Sect Spirit Sea Realms.

In addition, they all thought that the Ten Thousand Beast Forest was very ordinary, so each sect only sent four Linghai, and one Lingyuan guarded them.

But before the trial began, all the sects died one Spirit Sea Realm, and one had to look at the Beast King, and only two were left looking at them, and these hundreds of people.

It is difficult to take care of all the disciples.

What's more, now the Spirit Abyss Realm is still facing each other, and there is one less combat power that can rescue.

Therefore, after more than a dozen breaths, Eggman walked to this man with his head held high, his eyes full of hatred and disdain.

Eggman stretched out a paw and slapped his head in the face of his fearful eyes.

In an instant, red and white things splashed.

He glanced at the blood on his paws in disgust, and shook his body a few times, wanting to throw the blood off his body.

After fluttering for a long time without success, Eggman had to give up.

His body smelled of blood, the hair on his face was also stained with blood, and his scarlet eyes were full of violence.

It seems that because of killing a few people, the egg has changed a lot, and it is no longer as good as the previous hanger.

Approaching the chirping chicken cubs, Eggman put away the indifference under his eyes, the scarlet of his eyes also faded, and a trace of kindness appeared under his eyes again.

The chickens did not have the slightest disgust when they saw the appearance of the egg, but gathered around and pecked it.

Xiao Zi dangled in front of the egg with a proud face, and an electric arc popped out from time to time.

Today's eggs are more than a meter tall, and this group of chickens is also as tall as the legs of eggs, and they can no longer be called chicken cubs.

Looking at the proud little purple, the egg bumped it with his nose, flipped it over, and then snorted softly to let them follow him.

Zhou Mu was relieved to see that the only pile of Spirit Rain Realms he had here was guaranteed.

At noon, when Zhou Mu looked at the death data again, the number of demon beasts died reached a thousand.

Then he stared at the monitoring and arranged the patrol routes of some demon beasts.

Seeing that the number of deaths was not increasing so quickly, Zhou Mu relaxed his heart.

After a morning of arrangement, this trial demon beast has been almost arranged.

At this rate of death, more than 20,000 people will definitely die in five days.

Zhou Mu casually looked at the surveillance screen, wanting to see if anything interesting happened.

It's like a disciple falling onto a cliff and finding a hole.

Although the surface of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest was already familiar to him, he didn't know what Zhou Mu was below.

It turned out an afternoon and an interesting no.

It's either running or fighting.

All of them had a proud look on their faces, and then they were all terrified after being beaten by the monster beasts.

Of course, the horrified ones are still alive.

Wait until the evening, when the night is thick.

When Zhou Mu looked at the data again, he found that the number of deaths had reached 1,500.

Scratched his head: "Fortunately, it's almost as I expected." "

In the forest, there was a fire in the five garrisons.

There were also fires in some parts of the forest, but after a while these fires were extinguished.

Even the man's breath disappeared.

When Zhou Mu looked through the surveillance screen again, he found a blushing scene.

I saw that in a dark forest, two disciples wearing silver sword pattern sect uniforms were entangled naked.

The picture of the system has a night vision function, so Zhou Mu clearly sees that it is a man and a woman.

Zhou Mu smacked his lips and said, "The hearts of this group of people are really white. No, it's really big! When did you dare to play like this. "

Just play, let me see."

Zhou Mu hurriedly smiled and twisted his face to the side, wanting to switch the picture.

As a result, the picture moved with his line of sight, allowing Zhou Mu to see a man standing two meters behind the man and woman.

That's right, two meters.

The smile on Zhou Mu's face froze for a moment, and then his eyes widened, extremely shocked.

"Can you really play? What does this mean? I

saw that the man's robe was neat and clean, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Mu pulled the picture closer and looked at his eyes carefully.

There was no fire in his eyes, but a hint of pride in the achievement of his purpose.

Just when Zhou Mu was puzzled, the abnormality suddenly appeared.

I saw a trace of black fog flash in the man's eyes, and then his mouth opened slightly.

Immediately after that, a black qi entered his mouth from a certain direction.

Zhou Mu's eyes widened.

This black qi he has seen!

I met it when I went to Sakura City!

This man is not a good person!

Then Zhou Mu moved the picture along the black qi, and finally fell on the pair of men and women.

I saw that their flames were getting stronger and stronger, and the black qi on their bodies was also increasing.

They don't know anything about it.

As the last wisp of black qi entered the man's mouth.

The man showed a satisfied smile and clenched his fists, revealing a hint of heartiness in his eyes.

"The power is back a little more!"

At this time, the shirtless man walked up to his side, glanced behind him with hesitation, and hugged his fists and said, "Thank you Junior Brother Cheng, no, Senior Brother Cheng, if you need it in the future, please don't hesitate to speak." "

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