On the ground, the woman behind her trembled and stood up, her legs were still a little soft.

Standing up, a few fallen leaves on the ground and a few more drops of blood on the hem of her skirt.

The woman gritted her teeth, tears pang out of the corners of her eyes, and her delicate and lovely face had a different charm at this time, which was lovely.

She looked at the two men in front of her with shame on her face, and the hatred and grief under her eyes were about to overflow.

Hastily picked up the clothes on the side to cover his naked upper body, and then hid his slender and tender legs stained with a little sand under his dress.

The woman stood in place, her voice trembling, with a crying voice: "Cheng Yue, you can give me the shadow stone now!"

At this time, she wanted to kill the other party, and she no longer politely addressed Junior Brother Cheng.

No one expected that this disciple who had been in the Silver Dao Gate for more than a month would do such a thing.

Hearing this, Cheng Yue and the man looked at the woman with a playful face, with a sinister smile on the corner of their mouths, and the woman who looked at her was cold behind her.

Cheng Yue took out a blue spar from his arms, threw it twice into the air, and then handed it to the man.

The man smiled sinisterly and injected his aura into the Shadow Stone.

In an instant, a woman who looked exactly like a woman appeared in the photo stone, doing unbearable things.

At this time, if you compare it with the woman in front of you, you will find that the woman in the picture has a trace of numbness under her eyes, and her eyes are not as agile as the current woman.

"Junior sister, you said that you were a Taoist couple with me when I chased you, but now you have ended up in such a situation."

Looking at the photo stone in the man's hand, the woman suddenly burst out and reached out to grab it.

And the two looked unchanged, allowing the woman to seize the shadow stone.

The man then grabbed the woman's neck with one hand and pressed her to the ground.

"Junior Sister, you are a Spirit Rain Realm! Who gave you the courage to take things from the Lingchuan Realm? The

woman didn't care about anything else, holding the hand holding the shadow stone and squeezing it hard, the shadow stone shattered, and the picture collapsed.

At this time, the woman finally breathed a sigh of relief and scolded with tears in her eyes: "Scum! Seeing

this scene, Cheng Yue suddenly laughed lowly: "You are such a stupid woman!" Do you believe my words? Saying

that, Cheng Yue walked to the side of the bush, took out a new photo stone from it, and then took out another one from his arms.

Seeing this, the woman instantly understood, and the invective words in her mouth were endless, but she could not step forward because she was pressed by the man.

The man wanted to punch her to be honest, but Cheng Yue let her insult after his eyes.

Slowly walked in front of the woman, with a smile on his lips, and looked at her condescendingly.

Aura was slowly poured into the two photo stones, and two different pictures emerged.

One is the picture of the woman and the man just now, and the other is the picture that has been crushed.

Seeing this, the woman's face showed despair, tears could not stop flowing, her head was buried fiercely in the fallen leaves, and her crying body trembled.

Cheng Yue put away the photo stone and pulled her hair with one hand.

The woman spat on his face and said viciously: "Scum, you must not die well!" Saying

that, a flash of determination flashed under his eyes, and he was about to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

But how could Cheng Yue not know what she was going to do, and immediately put two fingers into her mouth to prevent her from committing suicide.

Then Cheng Yue endured the sharp pain in his fingers and stared at the woman: "Look at me!"

With a low roar, black light burst out in Cheng Yue's eyes, and black mist overflowed and poured into her eyes.

In an instant, the woman released her mouth, biting her fingers, looked sluggish, and no longer struggled.

After a while, the woman's eyes were much clearer, but she still did not resist, and a trace of numbness appeared in the depths of her eyes.


Cheng Yue dressed the woman and let the man take her away.

In this regard, the man was ecstatic, and quickly said that it was Cheng Yue's liver and brain.

As everyone knows, there is also a black light flickering under his eyes.

After taking the man to leave, Cheng Yue took out another photo stone, injected spiritual energy, and looked at the picture inside, looking crazy.

"Senior Sister Chu, where are you!"

These pictures were all under Zhou Mu's eyes.

To be honest, he was a little blushing when he looked at the front, but when he got to the back, Zhou Mu didn't feel it, but was a little angry.

Although how these people have nothing to do with him, but if you want to kill, you can kill, why spoil it.

Spoil is waste, why let me see!

In the past life, the network was developed, and this kind of thing was not uncommon.

I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when I got here!

Not only that, the sect trial that was still good during the day seemed to change meaning at night.

He flipped through several more images, and three out of ten were doing something unbearable.

Some of them are not from a sect, and looking at the picture, Zhou Mu also guessed a rough idea.

It's nothing more than being caught.

To say that it is a sect trial is rather a carnival without restraint on them.

A day passed, nearly a hundred people died, and not a single person from the Spirit Sea Realm came to the rescue.

At this point, Zhou Mu's impression of these sects was even worse.

Zhou Mu frowned and thought: "Or let's get Zhou Li back, the small broken sect can be so messy, then how rotten is the Hehuan Saint Sect that became famous in combination!"

"I hope you're okay, and when the trial is over, brother will go and see you."

Looking up at the full moon in the sky, Zhou Mu thought of Zhou Li who didn't know where he was.

"In other words, the egg of the system can be given to Eh, do you want to give Zhou Li one."


Outside the Silver Peak Valley, a red-robed man was followed by a black-robed man.


Zhou Li sneezed inexplicably, and Chen Ruoxi looked at him.

Do Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivators still sneeze?

Zhou Li, on the other hand, frowned slightly, thinking to himself: "Who missed me?"

Then he looked at Chen Ruoxi and said, "How far is the Ten Thousand Beast Forest?"

Chen Ruoxi didn't understand why Zhou Li went to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, but as a subordinate, he shouldn't ask.

Chen Ruoxi replied: "I remember this road, the dog at that time... That's how the wolf sent me. "

Just follow this path."

Zhou Li nodded when she heard this.

Starting from the Hehuan Holy Sect, he handled the task along the way and finally came to the vicinity of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

She had encountered several demon beasts running out of the Silver Peak Valley before, and she originally wanted to raise her hand to kill.

But under subtle perception, he actually noticed that these demon beasts had the breath of Zhou Mu.

For a while, Zhou Li did not start, but thought about it.

It's been a long time since I saw it, my brother is so powerful?

Is this what you call a clumsy?

Even his own sister hid it.

But I haven't hidden anything from you in the past four years.

The corners of Zhou Li's mouth curled slightly, and she was looking forward to meeting Zhou Mu more and more.

If it weren't for the people who abandoned the Heavenly Sect to use Spiritual Qi and would be targeted by the Heavenly Dao, she wouldn't have spent nearly a month so far.

Thinking of this, Zhou Li and Chen Ruoxi walked towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

My dear mysterious brother, let me see what surprises you can bring me!

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