Bright Era

Chapter 1545: Defeat the enemy and pledge (3)

The black-haired man squinted his eyes. He shook his head and sighed: "Then, you can only die. I hope you have enough members of the Longshan family, and I am happy to support an obedient emperor for us to expel."

Taking out the black projectile from his sleeve, the black-haired man said indifferently: "This time, I will not be merciful. I will kill you with this fairy soldier from the ancient relics and used by the fairy spirit in the legend! It is an honor for you to die under this kind of magic weapon!"

The body of Tian Swallowing Body oscillated violently, and his body oscillated extremely fast, and he could not even see his figure clearly. Hearing the words of the black-haired man, the Sky-Swallowing Snake chuckled and said, "Hey, hey, it's just a low-grade sword pill, the lowest-grade weapon used by the Penglai Shenbing, hey, of course, in this The age can be considered a magical tool, but to be honest, this kind of thing..."

The Sky-Swallowing Snake shook his head desperately, apparently he didn't think highly of this black projectile.

"Penglai?" The black-haired man stared at the Sky-Swallowing Snake suddenly: "So, you are also a creature left over from the immemorial age? People who know this name are not easy! Yes, this is from Penglai How can mortals withstand a blow from the weapons of the gods?"

With a wave of his palm, the black projectile brought a stream of black light and shot towards Lin Qi.

But I don’t know what’s going on. The flying speed of this projectile this time is more than twice as slow as the two strikes just now. Lin Qi can clearly see how the black projectile spins, oscillates, and drives. The air formed an extremely sharp wind entangled on the surface of the projectile, how to tear the process of air flying towards him.

The body of Heaven-Swallowing Body suddenly stopped shaking. He opened his big mouth, and a black ball of light brought out a stream of light, and this ball of light trembled as violently as the projectile. It drove the surrounding air to form an extremely sharp wind, tearing open the air and quickly greeted the projectile.

With a crisp sound, the projectile and light ball split into a dozen pieces at the same time, and a little black light fell, and the fatal blow of the black-haired man was broken. Lin Qi and the black-haired man looked at the exploded black projectile in horror, and then stared at the Sky-Swallowing Snake at the same time.

The big mouth of the Sky-Swallowing Snake cocked, revealing a grinning smile: "It's just a little bit of insignificant power. I borrowed a little bit of original power from your projectile. After my cultivation, it became Your bullet-like attack is released! Oh, greed is a very bad habit, but I can’t help but take a bite when I see anything."

The black-haired man stared at the projectiles scattered on the ground, his eyes gradually turned crimson.

"You guys, dare to destroy the magical soldiers I became famous for?"

The long hair of the black-haired man floated one by one, and the dirt and stones in the manor seemed to have lost their weight and floated to the sky. With a loud noise, the water in the fountain and the stone fountain itself floated up. The big trees in the yard were shaken by an invisible force, and they were torn off along the ground, and then floated slowly into the sky.

A scorched aura enveloped the manor, except that the small building was still intact, and the entire manor was controlled by this strange aura.

Even Lin Qi has a feeling of being unstable and about to be pushed up high by an invisible force. He looked at the black-haired man in surprise, with bursts of yellow light flickering all over his body, and a huge amount of earth elements were used from all around, quickly injected into Lin Qi's body, and firmly settled him on the ground.

"We came to the Western Continent just to track down a clan member who violated the ancestral training and clan rules!" The black-haired man looked at Lin Qi coldly: "We originally intended to let the Longshan family be our support and search for the little guy for us. ."

"This is your honor, this is the honor that my family bestows on you!" The black-haired man looked at Lin Qi angrily: "But you barbarians, you stupid things, you don't know how to be grateful, but instead give back Destroyed my magic weapon!"

"You all have to die!"

The black-haired man clenched his fists with both hands, and there was something invisible around him, and even Lin Qi's mental power could not perceive the concrete existence of the power continuously injected into his fists. Gradually, the air near the black-haired man's fist was distorted, and his whole person seemed to be blocked by dozens of twisted light curtains, and neither his sight nor his mental power could detect his exact existence.

"Wow, use gravity to twist time and space?" The Sky-Swallowing Snake exclaimed in surprise: "What a delicious power!"

He opened his big mouth and sprayed black air at the black-haired man. The black breath enveloped the black-haired man, and then quickly rushed back to the mouth of the body of the swallowing sky. The Sky-Swallowing Snake squinted his eyes, and muttered an incomprehensible spell. His body shook slightly, and the air around his body also rolled up a strange vortex.

Lin Qi's body was shrouded in four colors of light, and the four element seals tried their best to mobilize all the strength in his body. The earth was roaring, the surrounding wind was entwined, the wind was wrapped in red fire, and the sky was suddenly covered with clouds and pouring down. The heavy rain whizzed down.

"The power of the four original elements of earth, water, fire and wind?" The black-haired man laughed mockingly: "This is the most basic and the weakest power! Stupid barbarians, how can you know the terrible higher power? Today, I will let you see that all water, fire and wind are all rubbish! Just like your Longshan family, they should be thrown into the **** heap."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse and Longya sighed at the same time.

"The power of the four source elements is the weakest power?" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed faintly: "It seems that these people who have mastered the real way of power have also gone astray. But it is understandable, after all. For a long time, there will be no inheritance that will never be lost."

Lin Qi was not in the mood to listen to the complaints of these old guys. He just mobilized all his power again and again, raising his spirit to the limit. At the same time, a monstrous purple-gold wave was set off in his spirit sea, and his soul was accumulating a huge soul power. A soul secret technique ‘soul flogging’ has been prepared, and he must give the black-haired man a great deal.

Perhaps Lin Qi is far from his opponent in terms of strength, but in terms of the power of his soul, this black-haired man can't fight Lin Qi even with ten or a hundred more. It's just that Lin Qi must be careful not to smash his soul with a soul flogging. In any case, Lin Qi was still unwilling to really do that kind of fratricidal things.

There was a ‘crack,’ followed by a crisp clash of spars.

The heavy curtain of light covering the black-haired man dissipated, and a crystal-clear light yellow human figure appeared in place. The black-haired man didn't know what power he used, and he turned into such a weird thing.

Longya's voice sounded slowly: "The Ninety-seventh Tribulation, the Earth-type crystal tribe found in the 359th colonial area, who is naturally good at gravity manipulation. In the 97th Tribulation, the strength of the Earth-type crystal tribe can be Ranked into the top 1,000 of the more than 395.72 million species of indigenous people who were wiped out."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree said softly: "Oh? I still lack this part of the information. Send me a copy of your information."

And the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse mumbled cleanly: "Shut up and get ready to do it! This **** guy, how can he grow to this point? The flesh has been completely crystallized, even if it is real Among the Crystal Clan people, this is also the level of an elite fighter!"

Longya hurriedly said: "The biggest weakness of the Crystal Clan people is that they cannot withstand the sudden high and low temperature changes. Attacks with the fire and ice forbidden spells in turn will effectively destroy his physical strength."

Lin Qi nodded slowly, his mind was clear, and then opened his big mouth, a hot flame shot out.

This flame has turned into a faint white, with a trace of lavender flames entwined around the edge. The black-haired man who was standing there still raised his right hand in disdain, and lightly blocked Lin Qi's breath.

"Flame? What's the use?" The black-haired man laughed lowly, his voice has become as powerful as the impact of gold and iron, even a bit sharp and harsh: "My body is more powerful than a dragon, and I am immune to almost everything. Physical and magical attacks, no matter how hot the flame is, what can they do to me?"

The black-haired man strode forward and blocked Lin Qi's breath with his chest, letting the hot flame wrap his body.

"Since I successfully condensed the Immortal Crystal a thousand years ago, I have never been injured. No one has ever been able to hurt me. Whether it is a magical or physical attack, no enemy can shake my body! Wan En • Longshan, I told you that the power you use is too low-level!"

The black-haired man laughed loudly: "But I will let you try to your heart's content and let you use all means to attack me. I will let you know what despair is! Since your Longshan family don't want to be our dog, then Despair in despair!"

The old man with yellow hair laughed at the same time as Lin Li, Yun Tianyi and others, and they looked at the spar body formed by the black-haired man almost fanatically. What a magical power this is, what an incredible power this is! Controlling the invisible and invisible gravity, using gravity to twist the void, and turning the body into such a magical appearance, this is truly unheard of real power!

Lin Fengwu woke up from a coma, as a powerful demigod, his body's endurance and resilience were much stronger than ordinary people.

Shaking his painful head, spitting out two big teeth that were smashed, Lin Fengwu swayed to the yellow-haired old man, and then yelled with excitement: "Uncle, I don’t know how to be stupid. Kill them all! They, they actually looted all the treasures in Feng Wu's body. They are simply a group of bandits!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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