Bright Era

Chapter 1546: Defeat the enemy and pledge (4)

Lin Qi sighed, and a ray of flame flashed at the corner of his mouth.

The black-haired man with his body reddened sneered and shook his head to Lin Qi: "How is it? Are you desperate? I didn't have any pain at all, I didn't feel at all, your attack did nothing to me at all. hurt!"

Lin Qi smiled, then he waved his hands, and the black clouds rolled in the sky, and the big icicles whizzed down towards the black-haired man. The thick, dark blue icicle was extremely cold, and as soon as it fell on the black-haired man, it suddenly made a loud noise.

A dozen small cracks suddenly opened on the black-haired man's chest, and the crisp sound of the explosion made the black-haired man's complexion extremely strange.

"I remembered how the Crystal Clan people were wiped out back then!" Longya sighed faintly: "The first colonial army was wiped out in their hands, but after research and found that they were afraid of sudden temperature changes, the second The colonial army wiped out 90% of them, but kept a batch of them as research materials in the indigenous biological reserve."

"How is it possible!" The black-haired man screamed hoarsely: "How is it possible?"

Dozens of tiny yellow chips fell from the chest of the black-haired man. If they were replaced by ordinary people, this would be a layer of flesh and blood being peeled off. The black-haired man let out a scream of fright and anger. With a sway of his body, the gravity around Lin Qi suddenly increased a thousand times.

Most of Lin Qi's body sank to the ground in a ‘hustle’, and Lin Qi was not allowed to struggle. The black-haired man covered in blue frost had already rushed up, hitting Lin Qi’s head with a punch.

In the weird state of the black-haired man's body condensed into crystals, his fist will be much stronger than diamonds. In addition, he uses gravity to push his fist to infinitely accelerate, and his fist can crush even the stars in the sky. Even if it is a sea, he will crash into the sky.

The sky-swallowing snake suddenly opened its big mouth, a yellow halo flashed in his mouth, and the body of the black-haired man suddenly floated to the sky, and his punch completely fell into the empty space. Not only that, the sudden change of gravity also changed the body posture of the black-haired man. His fist hit the sky, and he heard a loud bang, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared.

There were waves of wind and cloud changes in the high air. At an altitude of hundreds of thousands of meters above the ground, a clear pale yellow fist print faintly flickered for a long time, and then it exploded silently. This fist seal has a radius of tens of thousands of meters and contains infinite power.

It's just that it's too far from the ground, no one can see this amazing scene.

"Damn it, this is my power!" The black-haired man roared angrily.

The Sky-Swallowing Snake smiled slyly: "But it has become my strength if it is taken by me!"

The body shook, and the heaven-swallowing snake released strange gravitational fluctuations. The black-haired man's body suddenly flew up to nearly a kilometer high, and then the direction of gravity changed. A terrible force of gravity dragged the black-haired man's body and said, With a cracking sound, his body suddenly fell to the ground from a height of kilometers.

Seeing that his body was about to hit the ground, the black-haired man's body suddenly condensed, he regained control of the gravity around his body, and his body hovered in the air only half a foot above the ground.

But before the black-haired man could adjust his posture, Lin Qi waved his hand, and dozens of white fireballs roared and landed on the black-haired man's body. The sticky fire pulp adhered to him and burned. His body gradually glowed red, and then Lin Qi waved his hand, the white flame suddenly disappeared, and a large swath of viscous ice liquid sprinkled on the black-haired man.

This time, the black-haired man's whole body was spitting out hot air, and his body was cracked with terrible cracks everywhere.

The severe pain caused the black-haired man to make an unpleasant scream. His body shook, and with the sound of ‘kaka’, he regained his human form. The black-haired man with his clothes burnt clean had just recovered his human form, and a lot of blood spewed out from all over his body. Numerous blood prints of varying thickness spread all over his body, as if he had been smashed by Ling Chi.

Such a powerful existence mastered the real power, because his weakness was pointed out by Longya, Lin Qi, a person who was far inferior to him, just two rounds of attacks almost killed him.

Lin Fengwu and the old man with yellow hair rushed up in horror, and supported the black-haired man covered in blood.

The black-haired man shook away the two of them. He was naked and panting in embarrassment. He looked at Lin Qi angrily: "How did you know that the Immortal Crystal has such a weakness? How did you know? ?"

Lin Qi just showed a weird smile, his soul flogged out, and a golden whip thick and thin with numerous barbeds rushed out of Lin Qi's eyebrows and pierced the black-haired man's head fiercely. This is the change since Lin Qi's soul swallowed the soul of the **** of lust. His spiritual power can already be condensed into an entity visible to the naked eye, and it is much stronger than ordinary holy weapons.

The black-haired man let out a miserable howl, he held his ears, a burst of blood spurted from the seven orifices, and then fell to the ground without a word.

Lin Qi has been as careful as possible without using too much power in this attack, but the soul of the black-haired man is still in the category of a normal person. Although much stronger than ordinary demigods, it still owes a lot to the realm of gods. . This blow severely damaged his soul. Even with a good secret medicine treatment, his soul cannot be healed from its source without lying in bed for decades.

Lin Fengwu and the old man with yellow hair looked at Lin Qi in horror.

They knew how powerful their uncle was. When he was guarding a certain extremity, he had killed nearly a hundred enemies who were more powerful than him. The black-haired man became famous from that battle, and at that time he was only able to crystallize a very small part of his body for a short time.

But now, the black-haired man has cultivated an indestructible crystal body thousands of years ago, and his entire body can be transformed into an indestructible spar, and his control of gravity is even more handy. At the family meeting a few years ago, the black-haired man brazenly snatched one of the 360 ​​law enforcement elders in the Family Commandment Hall, becoming the youngest of the family law enforcement elders.

But his immortal crystal body, the immortal crystal body praised by many senior veterans in the family, actually has such a terrible weakness?

The bodies of Lin Fengwu and the old man Huangfa were trembling, and they didn't know how things would evolve to where they are today. In their view, wouldn't it be easy to subdue a small family in the western continent?

Why did things become like this?

A dozen figures appeared in front of the small building. They were old and young, but everyone exuded suffocating and terrifying pressure. Among them, a middle-aged man who was born 80% similar to the black-haired man walked out slowly, walked to the black-haired man who had fainted, wrapped his wounded body with a cloak, and then gently hugged him.

This middle-aged man with dark hair, only a wisp of bangs on his forehead as white as ivory, nodded to Lin Qi with a smile: "Very good, able to beat my child like this. It's not bad! Remember my name , I am Mad Mad, Lin is the forest of the forest, Mad Mad is Mad Mad Mad!"

A young man walked up slowly, took the black-haired man who had fainted from Lin Crazy, and then fled into the small building in a flash.

Lin Fengfeng clapped his palms and looked at Lin Qi with a bright smile: "I can't think that the Immortal Crystal body has such a big flaw, but this is also because my child is too young and the training time is too short, so the body is bones. It's not strong enough to deal with your evil hands."

With a light sigh, Lin Crazy took his hands back, looked up at the sky, and said calmly: "Send yourself, don't waste time! Hurry up and finish it yourself so that I won't waste my energy. By the way, your wife and children, I will Kill them all by yourself, um, don't worry, I will definitely do it clean and make sure that the dogs and dogs are not kept."

Lin Qi touched his nose, and he sighed lightly: "I have a very powerful family with a large population!"

Lin Crazy laughed more and more brilliantly. He looked at the sky and said lightly, "Then it's better. A populous family will be fun to kill. Otherwise, you will die after killing a few. Isn't it tasteless? Don’t worry, I will kill everyone in your clan, leaving none, even those distant relatives, I will kill them clean!"

Lin Qi hesitated for a while, then looked at Lin Crazy and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure? Do you dare to swear that you will kill all my people?"

Lin Crazy laughed frantically, he leaned forward and backward with a laugh, and laughed wildly.

After laughing for a long time, Lin Crazy nodded happily to the people standing in front of the small building: "This is the first time I heard such funny words that made me swear that he must kill all his people? Does he think? Will I have the heart to start?"

After a few weird laughs, Lin Crazy raised his right hand to the sky: "I, Lin Crazy swears by my own soul, if I can't kill all the people in your family, I will suffer thousands of swords. There is no place to burial in death. After death, the soul will be scattered and will never be born again! I swear, I will kill all your people. If I can't do this, all my wives and offspring will die without burial. Land!"

Lin Qi opened his mouth wide, and did not recover for a long while.

Such a vicious vow, can you really speak it? Fortunately, the magic contract was not signed, otherwise you would have killed your family?

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree covered its trunk with two rhizomes: "I can't bear to listen, why is there such a stupid person?"

A light sigh came from outside the fence of the manor. A big hole was suddenly broken in the fence. Black beard dangling a cigar and a gloomy face came in with a large group of heavily armored soldiers. The sky suddenly darkened, a black magic enchantment suddenly sealed off a ten-mile radius, an uncomfortable force of silence came from all directions, and the faces of Lin Fengfeng and others changed at the same time.

Blackbeard looked at Lin Crazy with cold eyes, and then made an extremely rude gesture.

"You old folks, what do you want to do? Believe it or not, I chopped down your birds and sent you to be eunuchs?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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