Bright Era

Chapter 1751: Very patient enemy (1)

There was a strong wind on the sea, and everyone's clothes were shaking violently.

A thin hole with a strange streamer appeared in Thames' chest, and a trace of gray-white crystal-like smoke continued to flow out of it. Thames' body was shivering violently, or rather, the body that belonged to Arthur was shivering violently, and from within that body, screams that made the eardrums painful continued to be heard.

A hazy, translucent figure is like a possessed soul, wanting to escape from this flesh. But the thin hole with the dazzling streamer turned into a difficult "rivet", firmly nailing the translucent figure and the flesh.

With a few sounds of "chichi", several lines of blood spurted out of the transparent hole, the eye of the hole suddenly expanded a few times, the twisted and struggling translucent figure once again let out a cry of embarrassment, and then disappeared into the flesh. Thames let out a hoarse voice and mixed with an incredibly angry roar: "Why is this? This body, why can't I leave this **** body?"

The blood was flowing, the vitality was fading, and the breath of Thames was slowly weakening.

A large number of magical soldiers and generals were self-destructed by the Yin Master, and concentrated all the power to make a shocking blow. This not only destroyed the time domain of Thames, but also severely damaged his body. In other words, this blow only severely damaged Arthur's body, and did not cause much damage to Thames's body.

But it is clear that there are some unknown secrets hidden in Arthur's body. Thames's body cannot be separated from Arthur's body. His life origin is connected with Arthur's body. When Arthur's body is severely injured At the time, Thames was also severely injured.

"Why is this? Why?" Thames yelled up to the sky, tears slipping from his eyes with pain.

Pain, how unfamiliar this feeling is, Tames has never had a body, so he has never felt pain. But Arthur's body was suddenly closely connected with him now, and it was in harmony with him, as if this body was originally his body. After this body was severely injured, Thames was also terribly hurt.

Staggering backwards and backwards again and again, Tames grabbed the hand of ‘Wan En Longshan’: "Take me out of here, take me..."

With a ‘bang’, the body of ‘Wan En Longshan’ exploded. There was also a transparent hole in his chest emitting a faint tri-color streamer, and he was also hit by a terrifying blow from the Divine Army behind the Yin Master. That blow penetrated the body of Thames, and then hit the body of ‘Wan En Longshan’ along the way, directly piercing his body, completely annihilating all his vitality.

A large stream of light drifted away, and Thames' palm suddenly disappeared. He watched in horror at the little stream of light that erupted when'Wan En Longshan' disappeared, and his eyes widened in surprise: "It seems that they are not completely human flesh and blood? Something else is inside? This Wan En • Longshan, isn't it a pure human being?"

The sound of'crack' continued to come, and the Yin Master who was hit by Tams' palm shook his body hard. At the same time, strange black gold light particles floated out of his seven orifices, and gradually gathered on top of his head into a fist-sized purple-gold halo. The Yin Master opened his mouth and made a ‘quack’, and then he plunged into the sea. There was no longer the powerful and terrifying evil in his body.

A hundred thousand years back in time, the Yin Master at that time had not yet merged the eternal particles! Therefore, the blow of Thames expelled all the eternal particles in his body, and the Yin Master’s body was immediately severely damaged, making his body from the peak almost immortal level to an ordinary one. The body of a battle puppet produced.

The power is still there, and the powerful body of the puppet is still there, but the Yin Master's greatest reliance on eternal particles has been deprived, and at the same time, the memory of the Yin Master has become a little confused because of the impact of time backflow, and his memory has been a little confused. He couldn't even control the strength in his body, and plunged into the sea in embarrassment.

"Kill them!" The ‘Lin Qi’ who was standing aside suddenly roared with expression.

The two twelve-winged archangels flapped their wings cleanly and rushed to Thames's side, and exploded without hesitation. Bright and clean, with a sacred and solemn white light, it spreads around leisurely and calmly, like two dots of ink dripping into a glass of milk, slowly spreading, and then converging into a complete white light wheel.

White light swept across hundreds of miles of the sea, and all the islands and reefs in this sea evaporate into gas at the same time. The sea water dropped by nearly a kilometer out of thin air, and the high temperature and some strange extreme force penetrated the sea water, completely obliterating all the creatures on the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep.

This is the power of the Archangel of Heaven Mountain, the power of extreme light. Except for those fighters of Heaven Mountain itself, no other creatures can survive in this pure and extreme light, not even gods.

The dozens of surviving gods, as well as the thousands of gods who blocked the direction of "Lin Qi" from fleeing to Hell Island, were all wiped out in the white light. In the horrible white light that enveloped everything, swept everything, and destroyed everything, only Thames let out a gloomy roar: "Except time, no power can destroy my existence! I am time, I am immortal!"

"Time, go back!" Tames roared hoarsely: "Go back to me! Damn it!"

The flow of time around him suddenly became incomparably mysterious. His body was trembling violently, waves of transparent ripples visible to the naked eye spread out from his body, and gradually penetrated into the terrifying white divine light around him. The white light swallowed his body and drowned his figure, but Thames's voice was still loud, and in the white light, a gray spot was still as clear as that.

The white light peeled off Thames's skin and flesh layer by layer, just like a master chef peeled off an onion.

But the backflow of time keeps Thames’s body back to the past. His body is maintained at the moment the white divine light first touched him. No matter how terrible the body was hurt, his injuries are always being repaired. . But obviously the injury on his chest brought him extremely painful injuries, and brought him great sequelae. In any case, he could not repair the seemingly strange wound.

"Penglai? This is Penglai's power?" Thames yelled angrily: "I can't possibly die here!"

Lin Qi had already dashed out of the Hell Island, he brought a black storm and rushed to the battlefield at a speed of almost teleportation. His body flickered violently, one flicker was nearly a hundred miles forward, he almost just lifted his foot, he had already rushed into the sacred white light, and fisted the fist-sized black golden light. The light ball composed of grains was held in his hand.

"Eternal particles!" No matter the Heavenly Mountain, the Osmanthus Tree, the Palace of Doomsday Apocalypse, Dragon Cliff, Ascension Pond, Miyin Mountain, etc. simultaneously uttered mixed sounds of exclamation. Their sighs were filled with awe and some kind of nostalgia, as if devout believers suddenly saw a **** who had fallen thousands of years ago.

"Contact them with source force!" Heavenly Mountain shouted loudly: "Master Lin Qi, contact them with source force, and then fuse them! Depending on your strength, you can't fully fuse them in a short time, but As long as you start to merge, they will bring you a steady stream of benefits!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and then a faint breath of source strength rushed out of his palm and quickly sank into the dark golden light. These black gold particles with a strange luster suddenly flickered. They were like naked children returning to their mother, and they couldn't wait to follow the breath of the source force to rush into Lin Qi's body, and then they were evenly distributed in Lin Qi. Of the body.

Sweeping his body with mental power, Lin Qi found that he had become a shining black golden statue. His body is densely packed with countless eternal particles, and among these eternal particles, there are about two or three extremely small particles, which are gradually turning into a faint mist, and slowly blending with Lin Qi's body.

The eternal particles that broke into Lin Qi’s body are more than hundreds of millions of particles, but with Lin Qi’s current source power, only two or three eternal particles can fuse with him. This is clearly placed in front of him. It is really a huge gap. Lin Qi was speechless for a while.

"You should be satisfied!" Heavenly Mountain smiled happily: "A long, long time ago, in my memory, only adults above the emperor level could get a little reward of eternal particles. After all, this The extraction of this kind of things is too costly, and it is necessary to use destructive power to extract a few eternal particles with special methods."

"These eternal particles integrated into your body can rebuild almost a tenth of the core of the Metaverse! No one of the imperial sirs has received such preferential treatment as you, what are you dissatisfied with?" Persuasion made Lin Qi's mood suddenly become very good, yes, his strength is weaker, and he can't digest these precious eternal particles freely.

But these things are already in their hands, and they have endless time to digest them slowly.

As long as you give yourself enough time and wait for yourself to fully integrate these eternal particles, who else should you fear? At that time, I should have mastered enough power to compare with the top emperor, right?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi drew out the Tu Jun axe and gave his arm a sharp axe. With a click, Lin Qi, who voluntarily gave up all defenses, was split with an inch-deep blood mark on his arm, but before the blood came out, his wound began to squirm quickly, slowly comparing it to a simple osmanthus tree. The repair should be more than double the speed to start the repair.

During this process, no drop of blood came out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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