Bright Era

Chapter 1752: Very patient enemy (2)

"Very good!" Osmanthus tree was surprised to tie his rhizomes into a complicated bow: "I was once assigned to a noble adult to accompany him in battle, but I have really seen the integration of eternal particles. With my strong body and my healing power, it is a terrifying existence that cannot be destroyed! I really miss the feeling of that battle."

"You said it was the Ninth, Seventh, and Three, and Five, Tribulations, did you accompany that colonial legion's adult to slaughter the natives of the'primordial demon' in the war?" Longya asked curiously: "Those primary demons have infinite rebirth bodies. , As long as they have enough energy, they can be reborn almost infinitely. However, it took the adult two thousand years to finally polish all their energy and kill them completely!"

"That lord's strength is not too strong!" The urn of the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse said with an aura: "But with the eternal particles and the assistance of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, I must admit that this is a very troublesome battle combination!"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded, then he turned around and looked at Thames, who was gradually emerging in the dissipating white light.

A layer of skin was stripped off his body, revealing red fluttering muscles, and Thames, whose blood kept falling down, panted violently. A layer of skin on his body is being born out of thin air, that is, in just a few breaths, he has returned to normal.

The hole in his chest also stopped expanding, but was slowly shrinking. Tames gasped, and every time he gasped, the hole in his chest shrinks a little bit faster. The cold sweat smeared Tames' forehead, he stared at Lin Qi fiercely, and his eyes were fiercely scolded: "Oriental? Who are you? You come here to do it...Huh?"

Thames looked at Lin Qi, then at ‘Lin Qi’ who was surrounded by several archangels in the distance, and could not speak for a while.

The ‘Lin Qi’ flew over with a smile, and stood behind Lin Qi with his hands down respectfully. Lin Qi looked at this'Lin Qi' and nodded to Tams: "I'm just an insignificant Oriental, this is my **** puppet! I think you should have heard the name of this magic puppet. I have no grievances or grudges against you, and everything I do is just to deal with the madman in Penglai."

Thames stared at Lin Qi, he seemed to doubt the reliability of Lin Qi's words.

At this moment, a jet of water suddenly spouted out of the violently tumbling sea below. The Yin Master, whose complexion was so hard to see, rushed out violently, and then shouted hoarsely: "My eternal particle, eternal particle! Damn it! Something, return the eternal particle to me!"

Tames looked at the Yin Master in surprise, the eternal particle? What is this?

It must be admitted that Thames, including the gods such as the God of Dawn who cooperated with him, have never heard of the existence of eternal particles! So they don't know what the eternal particle is, let alone a treasure that will make the gods crazy!

Lin Qi squinted at the Yin Master. Suddenly, light streams representing the four-color elements of ground, water, fire and wind rushed out around his body, like strange pythons entwining Lin Qi's body, twisting and struggling frantically. Seeing the Yin Master rushing to the sky, Lin Qi casually pressed down, a little light flashed in the sky, and a meteor with a diameter of more than a hundred miles had whizzed and moved to a place less than a kilometer above Lin Qi. It smashed down at a terrifying high speed.

The meteor with a diameter of hundreds of miles collapsed crazily in the process of falling, and it was compressed to the size of a thumb in the blink of an eye. Such a small body is red, and constantly ejects high temperatures. The "stone marble" that brings up violent winds, but concentrates all the weight and kinetic energy of a meteor with a diameter of hundreds of miles. One can imagine the destructive power of this "stone marble". To what extent.

"Perfectly control the power of the elements of the earth!" Thames stepped back. He stroked the transparent hole in his chest, and muttered a little surprised: "Mastering the power of a single element is something gods can do. . Is this oriental man a god? What kind of face is hidden under his human skin? Who is he?"

Tames looked at Lin Qi in shock, not knowing whether he should leave or stay.

Originally based on his confidence in his own power, he didn't care about one or two characters who showed god-level strength. What he masters is the law of time, which, in Tams's view, is the most powerful, magical, and mysterious law force in the world. But after being hit hard by the yin master's self-destructed army, and then blew up by two archangels, Thames was already a bit of a bow and snake shadow.

"Perhaps, I should take care of the injury and come and care about them! But, the old man Wan En Longshan, but he was killed!" Tams frowned in distress: "I and the **** of dawn are theirs. Promise, **** it, why does this body confine my main body so that I can't leave this body? What is going on?"

In this short instant, numerous thoughts flashed through his mind. But for the Yin Master, he just saw a meteor smashed down, and then a small stone marble blasted towards his forehead. The pupil of the Yin Master suddenly shrank to the size of a needle-giving him ten courage, he did not dare to let this stone condensed with huge weight and energy directly collide with his body!

If there are eternal particles in his body, he dare to do this kind of thing!

But now the eternal particles are completely detached from his body by Tams's weird slap. Although his current body is strong, it is only strong in the conventional sense, and it is only equivalent to a lower-level high-level god. God body only! But Lin Qi's blow into the perfect law of the earth was enough to hurt the divine body of the middle god!

So the Yin Master cursed frantically, his hands shook, and a piece of bark wrapped in a blazing cyan flame rose to the sky, and then the bark quickly became larger and thicker, and it became hundreds of squares in the blink of an eye. It is about a meter in size and tens of meters in thickness, and the cyan flame wrapped on it has become impossible to look directly at it.

With a ‘boom’, it was like a bucket of kerosene poured into a burning stove. The cyan flame on this bark touched the stone and immediately exploded a cyan flame that stretched for dozens of miles. Large groups of flames, like cyan colored glaze solution, fell from high altitude, and still burned crazily after falling into the sea water, evaporating all the nearby sea water into vapor, and constantly surging high into the sky.

There were a large number of dark clouds gathering in the high sky. As the dense water vapor continued to rush up, the sky above this sea area gradually became lightning and thunder, and violent lightning continued to split into the water, splashing countless waves on the sea. Occasionally a few bolts of lightning struck the cyan fireballs that were still burning in the sea, and suddenly the lightning and the fireballs exploded at the same time. Pieces of fire and electric light continued to spread around, turning this sea area into a **** of death. .

The bark shattered, and the meteor that Lin Qi shot down also disappeared without a trace.

The yin master with a disheveled madness roared into the sky: "Who took my eternal particles? Who the **** is it?"

Lin Qi took a few steps backwards in a ‘worried’, he squinted at the Yin Master, wondering in his heart how many weird treasures he still has yet to take out. Hearing the Yin Master’s question, Lin Qi pointed to Thames casually: "What is the eternal particle? Whoever fights you, you go to whom!"

Just now the white divine light enveloped everything, and Thames was trapped by the white divine light, and was constantly attacked and injured by the divine light. He didn't even see what Lin Qi had done. The Yin Master rushed up in such a rush, yelling at some eternal particle, he was really full of sewage, and he couldn't figure out what the Yin Master was talking about.

But Lin Qi casually pointed, the Yin Master rushed over as if he had seen his father and the enemy kill him. Tams couldn't care about thinking too much for a moment. He waved his hand at random, and the flow of time around him suddenly Become extremely weird. In Tams' own perception, the pattern of time flow in the surrounding void has become a pattern of intertwined and messy shark teeth.

The Yin Master suddenly fell into a huge trouble, his body was suddenly divided into hundreds of small areas with very different time flow rates.

For example, his heart has just beaten, and his heart has passed a second normally, but his brain has already passed an hour because of the rapid passing of time. But his blood and other internal organs either spent three to five minutes, thirty to fifty minutes, three to five days, or simply returned to the state it was a few days ago.

Fortunately, the Yin Master is the body of a puppet. His body has completely different functions from a normal living body. But the chaos in his body still caused him extremely heavy injuries. Weird distortions and cracking sounds came from the Yin Master’s body. Accompanied by the sour sound of'crunching' and the cracking sound of the teeth, the Yin Master's body trembled violently, and blood continued to flow from his seven orifices. In the outflow.

"How does it feel like to cut time?" Thames looked at Yin Master coldly and ruthlessly, the purple flame in his eyes became more and more hot: "Time controls everything. Unless you can surpass the control of time, you will not May resist my strength!"

Lin Qi watched in horror at the blow that Thames had caused to the Yin Master. He couldn't estimate for a moment how much trouble it would cause him if such an attack fell on him! But obviously, if the Yin Master does not have any resistance under Tams, then Lin Qi's plan to profit from the fisherman will obviously fail.

What annoyed Lin Qi even more was that the Yin and Yang on Hell Island, some of his weird sacrifices to the undead were about to be completed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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