Bright Era

Chapter 1755: Come to an end (1)

"This is unreasonable!" Tames looked at the seven-headed sea beast with a slightly bitter expression.

What is Penglai? That is the enemy of God! It is the enemy of all gods, the mortal enemy of the gods' camp. The Primordial War of Gods is a tragic collision between the gods and the forces to which Penglai belongs. In that terrible war, the camp Penglai belonged to was destroyed, but the gods suffered heavy casualties. Ninety percent of the gods fell completely, and the rest fell asleep.

The fallen gods enshrined in the Temple of the Fallen Gods are the masters behind these sea beasts. They are the most radical and fanatical aliens in the camp of the gods, and even the gods have a strong psychological rejection of them. How could the Yin Master representing Penglai and the people behind the sea beasts stunned? This is totally unreasonable!

The sky and the ocean were shrouded in black light. The sea beast that stopped the Yin Master from going, his beam of light blasted on the octagonal shield. The beam of light exploded, all the light between heaven and earth was swallowed, and darkness enveloped everything.

A hole the size of a human head appeared in the center of the purple-gold octagonal shield. A huge dragon scale was floating on the chest of the Yin Master hiding behind the shield. It was this dragon scale that blocked the beam of light that broke his shield and saved him. A life.

"Candle Dragon Reverse Scale!" The Osmanthus Tree exclaimed, "Unexpectedly, he actually has something like this on his body? This is the hardest and most indestructible scale among the creatures that have been born naturally after countless calamities. Every candle The dragon's inverse scales, this is the precious existence that makes those imperial lords break their heads! A little refinement, it is a superb shield!"

Lin Qi's eyes lit up suddenly, and with a wave of his big hand, a teleportation magic circle was born out of thin air. Chi Yan and others escorted the captured ancient tribe into the teleportation circle, and were teleported to the Dragon Abyss to watch them. Soon Lin Qi was left alone on the Hell Island, standing on the edge of the island, quietly watching Master Yin and the others.

If possible, Lin Qi wanted to get some benefits from Yin Master and Tams. Just a copy of eternal particles can't satisfy Lin Qi's appetite for them. This candle dragon inverse scale, which is blown away by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, is also a good thing Lin Qi must get.

The strange sound of ‘cuckling’ came from the bottom of the sea, and a black sphere with a diameter of three kilometers slowly pierced the surface of the sea and floated. A huge flesh-colored hole under the sphere was constantly squirming, and a large amount of mucus was sprayed out. A sea beast made a strange sound of'tearing', slowly shot out from the flesh-colored hole, and then swayed and suspended on the sea. , Flying slowly to Master Yin.

"The mother of the sea beast, and it is a lower-level god-level sea beast." The Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse let out a deep sigh: "There is a good show. This guy is stronger than the mother of deep blue. , And her power remains intact, and she can even hatch a sea monster with full combat effectiveness!"

Lin Qi was staring at the men in black standing on the back of the sea beast mother. At the same time, a large number of men and women in gray and black robes rose up from the sea, and they slowly flew high into the sky. , Quietly suspended there.

"Those who have fallen from the temple!" Lin Qi said to himself, frowned and thought for a while, then called the donkey and two rabbits, and whispered a few words to them. The donkey and the two rabbits plunged into the darkness with evil smiles, while Lin Qi took out a crystal ball and quickly communicated with the cloud in Longshan City.

In the former Caesar Empire, Lin Qi destroyed some of the plans of the Temple of the Fallen God, and also breached their largest stronghold in the Caesar Empire, saving most of the Yan family members. These things caused Lin Qi and the Temple of the Fallen Temple to forge a deep hatred, Lin Qi did not believe that these fellows from the Temple of the Fallen Temple would forget the hatred in it.

When the Longshan Empire was founded, the Temple of the Fallen Temple once launched a desperate raid, but unfortunately it was violently suppressed by the three popes.

This time the people who fell into the temple suddenly appeared, and they also used the existence of the gods like the sea beast mother, Lin Qi must warn the people around him. Fortunately, the defense of Longshan City is also very strong, and with the Void Eye monitoring the entire Western Continent, Lin Qi does not believe that the people of the Temple of Fallen Temple dare to cause too much trouble in the Longshan Empire.

If it was just some assassinations and surprise attacks, with Lin Qi's defensive forces around Yun and Blackbeard, it would be a dead end for many people to fall into the temple.

"Which adult of the Longshan Empire is responsible here, please come out and meet us!" The messenger standing on the back of the sea beast mother smiled and said: "We have no harm to you. The empire also has great goodwill. We, maybe we can cooperate?"

Lin Qi smiled lazily without saying a word. The two heavy Primordial barriers on Hell Island isolated all detection methods from the outside world. These people who fell from the Temple certainly didn't know that Lin Qi was left on this island now. Lin Qi is happy to pretend to be deaf and dumb here, and he will see what tricks Yin Master and Thames can play.

"The Temple of Fallen God?" Lin Qi didn't speak, but the Yin Master screamed hoarsely: "You aliens who are excluded by the gods, your crazy doctrines are not allowed in this world. What are you doing here? ?"

The messenger smiled coldly: "The doctrine of my **** is not tolerated in the world? Maybe, for humans, it may indeed be the case! But as the spokesperson of Penglai, you should know that the doctrine of my **** is the most important of all gods. The goal of the source. Your so-called gods are nothing more than a group of traitors motivated by profit."

The Yin Master took a deep breath. There were already a dozen sea beasts around him. There were also a few more sea beasts beside him, and the sea beast mother was still making a deep voice. Moaning, constantly producing more sea monsters. It's just that with the continuous production of the sea beast, the flesh-colored hole below the sea beast mother has less and less mucus, and the color is getting deeper and deeper, obviously she has reached the limit.

Thames whispered coldly: "Traitor? I am not from the camp of the gods in your mouth. No matter what you want to do, it has nothing to do with me! So, I don't want to clashed with you and let me leave here. , Whatever you want to do!"

"No, no, no!" The messenger hurriedly called: "You can't leave here! The God of Seasons! Although I don't know your deeds very well, as a **** who can control time, this kind of magic To me, the power of "is also very tempting."

Tames looked at the messenger in surprise: "Allure?"

The messenger of the Temple of the Fallen shoved the hood back, revealing a face like a girl, and he nodded to Thames with a lovely smile: "Yes, if I can devour your soul, can I get you? What about the power of ‘’s? Mastering the law of time, I should be able to become one of the core high-levels of the Temple of Fallen Temple, right?”

A thick green mist emerged from the palm of the messenger, and in the mist, a fist-sized grayish-white eye was vaguely visible. This eye pupil was pale, hollow, and lacking the slightest expression, but as soon as this eye pupil appeared, the surrounding sea water suddenly turned dark green.

An unspeakable horrible poison swept the surroundings. The air and sea water were all poisoned. Lin Qi, who was standing on Hell Island watching and watching, curiously touched the hairspring transformed by a trace of spiritual power into the sea water. As a result, his mental power felt a sharp pain, and the terrible poison was madly engulfing his mental power.

Frowning and retracting his spiritual hairspring, Lin Qi muttered in a low voice: "It's terrible and highly poisonous, even more powerful than the Ten Thousand Poison Heaven Sphere!"

"More powerful than the Ten Thousand Poison Celestial Sphere? Then, this is the rotten leech eye." Osmanthus tree as an expert specializing in medical and logistical treatment made a judgment on this eye: "This is among the most radical gods. The eyes of a poisonous insect called Wanyanshen. His eyes can release terrifying virulent attacks, and his strength is comparable to the strongest among the upper gods."

"This eye is very good. If I can merge, then all the knights of the apocalypse can increase a certain degree of lethality." The Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse unceremoniously gave Lin Qi the task: "Kill that little white face, **** that one Decaying leech eyes. The knight of the apocalypse brings death, plague, hunger, and terror. Is it highly poisonous? It is also a kind of plague!"

Lin Qi stared at the messenger, and he nodded slowly.

Thames looked at the rotten leeches with an ugly expression, and he muttered in a low voice: "Ten thousand eyes, that nasty guy who is so slimy and stinking to the sky. Hasn't he been completely destroyed? How could his eyes In your hands?"

The messenger from the Temple of the Fallen God smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Your words are a great insult to our gods. However, I can satisfy your little curiosity, the look in the eyes, the noble eyes, he Of course he is still alive, but the situation is a bit bad. Those **** traitors, they trapped him with a seal composed of three hundred artifacts, preventing him from getting out of the trap."

Thames' expression suddenly became more relaxed. He shook his head and chuckled softly: "Since this is the case, then I won't play with you! This **** body has suffered too much damage, which makes me My body feels uncomfortable, and I am leaving!"

Pointing to the messenger of the Temple of Fallen Temple standing on the back of the sea beast mother, Thames said in a deep voice: "Bullish little guy, I remember you! When I solve this troublesome physical problem, I will go I'm looking for you. At that time, I will let you know that offending a **** is..."

Thames was interrupted only halfway through. A flesh-colored tentacles suddenly protruded from the flesh-colored hole under the huge sea monster mother. The flesh-colored tentacles with a diameter of more than 100 meters have a huge hole on the top, and a thick, blood-colored mucus that emits a strange fishy smell roars. He shot over at Tams. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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