Bright Era

Chapter 1756: Come to an end (2)

The flow of time in the void suddenly became very strange. Before this slime could touch Thames's body, it was like a snow ball drawn by countless wooden sticks, and it was scattered into countless droplets. Splashing everywhere.

When the droplets fall in the sea water, it is like the burning coal falls into the clear water, making the sound of "chichi" constantly.

Lin Qi couldn't help but gasped, "It's very poisonous."

Thames stared at the messenger of the Fallen Temple, and then sneered: "Do you want to be here, at this time, to be killed by me? Stupid and humble human beings, I should be brave to you What kind of evaluation do you make of behavior? Stupid? Or extremely stupid?"

The Yin Master took a deep breath, and he shouted loudly: "The God of Seasons, how are we working together?"

Tams stayed in a daze, teaming up? Join forces at this time? They beat you to death just now, and after the two of them inflicted heavy injuries on each other, they were ready to drag their bodies and leave here. Now the Yin Master actually said, make peace with yourself? Join hands with yourself?

"No, I promised them, the **** of dawn, I must..." Tames said this, but he fell silent suddenly.

He stared at the sea beast mother, the hundreds of subordinates in the fallen temple, and the increasing number of sea beasts around him. The huge sea scavenger mother spent all of her energy and finally produced nearly a hundred sea scavenger beasts. These sea beasts were divided into two groups and surrounded the Yin Master and Thames. In addition, the subordinates of the Temple of Fallen Temple were watching from the side, and there was a rotten leech eye lined up. The seriously injured Thames was also lost on whether he could escape confidence.

Together? Not to join forces? What should I do?

Tames looked at the Yin Master in distress. He has a special position among the gods. He doesn't spend much time with other gods. Therefore, his experience, experience, or his emotional intelligence is really a problem. There are big big problems.

The Yin Master has already screamed hoarsely: "Fool! You idiot with underdeveloped IQ! You must figure it out, if I die here, it doesn't matter, I'm just a clone of Penglai, I'm just a clone of Penglai! But You are different, you are dead, but you are completely finished!"

"I know that you are different from those gods. You did not have a direct conflict with us in the Primordial God War! Therefore, we temporarily joined forces, in fact, there is no need to have any worries! Get rid of the fools of the fallen temple, and then we Go back to our own self-cultivation, and when the injury is healed, we will come back to decide a victory or defeat. Isn't it a good thing?"

Lin Qi lowered his head and thought for a while on Hell Island, and then he slowly flew out, carrying his hands in the direction where the Yin Master was: "Perhaps, we can join hands to keep the people from the fallen temple! I want that rotten leech. Eyes, what do you think?"

The Yin Master looked at Lin Qi in amazement, he was silent for a while, and then showed a slight smile: "Actually, there is no enmity between us, are we? Lin Qi, we are actually our own! So, we should join hands. Deal with these people, because they are our enemies!"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded, and then the white light around him flashed continuously. Hundreds of ten-winged people appeared beside him, then thousands of eight-winged people, and finally hundreds of thousands of six-winged people were walking slowly. He flapped his wings and took up the entire sky indifferently and ruthlessly.

The sea breeze blew by, and the winged men flapped their wings, making a monotonous and dull "pop" sound. The sky full of ‘pops’ converged into a noisy wave, and the huge momentum made the faces of everyone in the Temple of Fallen Temple, Yin Master and Thames twitch.

Before the Yin Master hadn't reacted, a dozen ten-winged wingers had surrounded him. Although this separated him from the sea monsters, it also trapped him in the middle. Lin Qi bowed to Master Yin with a lovely smile, and then said softly: "That scale, as my price to protect you from leaving here, please give me that scale!"

Master Yin's complexion became extremely ugly, he took a deep breath, then neatly took out the purple-golden dragon scale that was more than three meters in diameter and several inches thick, and threw it to Lin Qi. He stared at Lin Qi firmly, and said in a low voice: "Heaven Mountain, I know you can perceive what is happening next to your spokesperson! I have paid the price, so you must let me go!"

"Don't forget the supreme prohibition between us, we can't directly conflict!" The Yin Master's face was ugly, no matter who suffered a big loss, the eternal particle was forcibly taken out of the body, and was also blackmailed. The candle dragon against the scales, the mood will not be any better.

Lin Qi looked at Yin Master with a smile, then slowly nodded: "Of course, Heavenly Mountain won't move you!"

No longer to say anything to Master Yin, Lin Qi turned to look at Thames: "Respected God of Season, the other party has a sea beast mother present, it is the same god-level existence as you. If you don't If you work with us, maybe..."

The messenger of the Fallen Temple looked gloomy at the more than 100,000 wingmen flapping white wings that suddenly appeared in the sky, his face was as ugly as if he was forced to eat three catties of shit. He didn't allow Lin Qi to say a word to Tams, but cleanly raised his right hand and waved to Lin Qi: "Attack, sea monsters, kill them!"

Afterwards, everyone present in the Temple of Fallen Temple heard the envoy's whispered curse: "What are the people of the Longshan Empire doing here? Why are there two ancient evil heresies? Could it be that the people of the Longshan Empire are all caught by them? Killed?"

The sea creatures opened their mouths and roared sternly. They opened their mouths and spewed out a dazzling light. At the same time, they waved their huge pliers, stirring up the wind, and rolling up large areas of seawater, turning them into overwhelming water. Waiting for someone to hit him over.

Nearly a hundred sea scavengers, each of them is only a little bit closer to the level of lower-level gods. Their use efficiency of wind and seawater is actually no lower than ordinary lower-level gods. Where to go. Nearly a hundred sea beasts like this shot at the same time, and the sea within a thousand miles was stirred, and a huge wave of 10,000 meters high was set off on the sea. The black tornado was like countless dragons poking their heads from the sky. Plunged deep into the sea.

Tens of thousands of six-winged men were wiped out in the first wave of the sea scavengers. After all, these low-level winged men were incomparable to these sea scavengers. Facing the impact of countless water bombs rolled up by the sea monsters, these six-winged men were smashed to pieces like an egg under a rock.

However, the horror of the Angel Legion was also exposed. After these six-winged winged men were destroyed, their body wreckage quickly turned into a large white spot of light and was swallowed by Lin Qi's body. Heavenly Mountain reclaimed the raw materials of these winged men and matched them. After the new energy core, there is a brand-new six-winged man.

And their energy cores automatically flew towards the sea beasts, and flew towards the sea beasts like countless falling meteors, and then exploded swiftly. The sky was full of dense explosions, countless water bombs were blown to pieces, countless tumbling whirlwinds were blown to pieces, and more than a dozen sea beasts were blown upside down, and they were so angry that they spouted dazzlingly. Beam of light.

Thames took a long breath, his body suddenly turned into a hazy phantom, and the flow of time around his body became extremely strange, and he had to use his control of time to get out of the battlefield.

The sudden appearance of Lin Qi and the appearance of the Angel Legion to which Heaven Mountain belongs was also a great shock to Tams. He suddenly felt that he had promised the God of Dawn to come forward to clean up some important goals for them this time, as if he was losing money?

But now is not the time to consider these things, Tams instinctively feels that he has to leave here quickly, otherwise he will be involved in huge trouble. But Tames never dreamed that if Lin Qi used means to attract him here, how could he let him go easily?

Lin Qi's figure flickered, and a large gust of wind moved him abruptly to Thames's side.

With a muffled sound of ‘hum’, a giant mountain with a dazzling divine light and shining white light appeared above Thames. A dazzling light from a huge angel portal exuding dignified sacred coercion at the top of the mountain just happened to shine on Thames.

The time barrier on the surface of Thames, who was seriously injured, was originally not very stable, and was severely hit by the space power of the Heaven’s Gate, even though the Heaven’s Gate of Heaven Mountain was in a state of just being repaired at this moment, capable of exerting 'S strength was less than one ten thousandth, but Tams still screamed miserably by the white light, and the time barrier around his body instantly collapsed.

Almost without any resistance, Thames was involved in the Heavenly Mountain, and was suppressed under a hall known as the ‘Holy Hall of Demon Sealing’. This hall, which has no actual combat effectiveness, is densely covered with countless sealed enchantments, which is equivalent to a prison in Heaven Mountain.

The heavily wounded Tamus was suppressed by Lin Qi so easily, the Yin Master's face showed a trace of panic.

The messenger of the Temple of Fallen God pointed at Lin Qi angrily and roared: "Hand over that god! Damn human beings, you, you!"

Lin Qi twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then shook his head contemptuously: "You call me a human? But are you not a human? Perhaps, you have already given up your identity as a human in your heart. You think you and those gods The same high above, has become... the so-called god?"

Shaking his fingers at the messenger of the Fallen Temple mockingly, Lin Qi casually grabbed a hand to the sea.

About 300 miles of sea water suddenly disappeared, and the huge amount of sea water condensed into a fist-sized drop in Lin Qi's palm. Uncountable sea water is stacked together, and has been forcibly transformed from a liquid into a strange substance that is almost crystal-like. The fine sea water particles are tightly gathered under the squeeze of the force of law, and there is not even the slightest gap between them, and even the volume of the fine sea water particles is forced to compress a lot. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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