Bright Era

Chapter 1763: Black Spirit Empire for help (1)

Didn't sleep well, upstairs was decorated, and the sound of the machine ‘crack kha kha’ made people crash! Sleepy eyes narrowed.

Go to bed early today to make up for the doze, automatically publish a chapter, and when the pig gets up, there will be three more chapters update!


Lin Qi's mood became very good after leaving the dragon abyss.

Dominate the meeting? It seems very interesting organization. Lin Qi didn't think the master would threaten him, anyway, everyone was his own. Whether they want to rule the world, or whether they want to conquer all continents, their enemies must include those gods, right?

Since they are enemies of the gods, they are Lin Qi's allies!

Therefore, after subduing Yin Yang and others and completely controlling them, Lin Qi felt that what would happen if he joined the ruler? With the strength and influence he has now, it is not always certain who controls who, who calls who. It would be a very wonderful thing if all the ambitious elites of these ancient tribes could be controlled in their hands.

And through them, you should be able to take a stroll in the territories guarded by other ancient tribes, right? Maybe there will be a good harvest!

With this relaxed mind of advancing, attacking, retreating, and defending freely, Lin Qi returned to Longshan City and sat back comfortably.

The emperor’s sign is carried by an unreliable fellow, Arda. Although it is ridiculous, Arda does not intervene in politics anyway, so although the name of the founding emperor of the Longshan Empire is well-known throughout the mainland, everything about the Longshan Empire is still It is booming.

All domestic government affairs are handled by Yun. In addition to the old guys of the Silver Iris family, and a group of the original Vias nobles who followed Lin Qi with all their heart, the court of the Longshan Empire is in good condition. According to Yun's estimation, the Longshan Empire will enter a stage of rapid development in the next few years, whether it is fiscal revenue or food storage.

After all, although the original Vias Commercial Federation was rich, the cohesion of countries in the form of a federation was still too weak. With Yun's iron fist, all the potential of this country was released, and with the endless supply of gold coins that Lin Qi refined from the abyss as fuel, the Longshan Empire immediately glowed with surging vitality.

And the army doesn't need Lin Qi to worry about it. The iron subordinates of the Black Tiger family have gradually shown their amazing talents in this regard. For them, the army and the band of thieves are no different. They are both violent organizations that wield a knife to kill. So they managed the army by the way of the dark world violent groups, but received good results.

Of course, the consequence of this may be to make the Longshan Empire's army a little too hostile and a little too strong. But Lin Qi didn't care about these things. The army, as long as they can win on the battlefield, Lin Qi doesn't bother to care whether they are a civilized division or a group of bandits and bandits.

So Lin Qi squatted leisurely in Longshan City, opened his mouth with a comfortable meal and stretched out his hands with his clothes, and it was rare to live a leisurely life.

Fangzheng Western Continent hasn't had any major events these days, the alien races on the Norman Fort are not advancing, and the nomadic empire and the Blood Qin empire are fighting in full swing. The two fronts were fought, but the Western Continent fell into a strange silence.

On Heaven Mountain, the God of Seasons, the **** of season, is undergoing the crazy exercise of Heaven Mountain. The extreme light power eroded his body, burned his soul, and made Thames constantly screaming crazy. The power of the entire Heavenly Mountain was used to suppress and refine him, and even Heavenly Mountain suspended the production of the Angel Legion, and dealt with Thames wholeheartedly.

With the full training of Heavenly Mountain, Thames' breath has become weaker and weaker, and it will not be long before Thames will be completely swallowed. As a **** who has mastered the law of time, his power is of great benefit to the restoration of the Heavenly Mountain and the Osmanthus Tree.

And if the law of time he mastered can be smoothly refined, this will greatly promote Lin Qi's growth.

After all, according to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, those who used to be extremely noble and exalted, they have perfect control of time, space and other laws. Therefore, if Lin Qi wants to achieve their ideal state of Osmanthus, he must master the law of time.

Holding a red wine glass, standing in the palace garden where flowers are blooming and bees and butterflies fluttering, Lin Qi pays attention to the frantically tempered Thames from time to time, and occasionally sips a sip of old wine, bathed in bright sunshine, Lin Qi even I feel that for those so-called gods, they might not be able to enjoy the ease and comfort they have now.

Slowly handed the red wine glass to Elysium standing aside, Lin Qi slowly sat on a soft step, and then put Elysium’s petite body in his arms: "Come on, sing to me Tune it down."

Elysium lightly rubbed his face on Lin Qi's chest for a few times, and was about to speak, when there was a rush of deliberately heavy footsteps. Bilibili sneaked into the garden, got to Lin Qi in twos or twos, and then got close to Lin Qi's ear.

"Great and wise master, the Youxuan Son of God Sect Milo sent someone to send a secret letter."

A fist-sized black crystal ball rolled out of Bilibili's sleeves, and Lin Qi grabbed the crystal ball, and a black light curtain suddenly bloomed. A strange creature with six arms, the upper body in the shape of a beautiful woman, and the squirming black poisonous python body on the lower body appeared in the light curtain, and then a cold and ruthless stream of consciousness emerged.

"Humble mortal, I am the supreme god, I am'Poison Blade' Abili."

"Keep this crystal ball, you will have a chance to get my help."

"I am looking forward to meeting with the **** you mentioned. I will use my knife to chop his body into pieces."

The light curtain suddenly converged, and the black crystal ball twirled in Lin Qi's palm. Lin Qi grasped the crystal ball, stuffed it into an empty space ring calmly, and then put the ring on his thumb.

"Poison blade Abili?" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree slowly waved a rhizome, bending the rhizome into a strange shape: "The poison blade Abili enshrined in the Destruction Shrine is a very cruel, sinister, Very cruel, but the same, very timid god."

"Because of her timidity, she was squeezed out by other gods in the destruction of the gods, and she did all the dirty work." The sweet-scented osmanthus tree laughed a few times: "If this crystal ball can summon her If her true body comes, maybe we can get another vote. Because she has six arms, her weapon is a six-handled divine weapon, which is much more generous than ordinary gods."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree clearly regarded Abili as a big fat sheep, and Lin Qi also thought so.

"This son of Youxuan, it seems that he still values ​​his missionary work in the Western Continent! Very good, let him arrange a batch of the most treacherous and sinister demonic hybrids to become his followers. They have paid such a sincere price. We must also show it!"

"Suck him hundreds of thousands of mixed races. Anyway, all they need are followers. As for what race the preachers are, I didn’t agree with them. Tams has been cleaned up by ourselves, this Abeli, Well, I have to find a better opportunity to use it."

He casually confessed a few words with a strong conspiracy to Bilibili, and Bilibili disappeared into the shadow of the flowers with a sly smile on his face. Suddenly, Lin Qi's face changed slightly, and his body shook, suddenly turning into Wanen Longshan's appearance.

In the next moment, a white light fell from the sky, and Grisgau Dawn, with a gloomy face, appeared in the garden.

When Grisgow Dawn was driving the divine light to fall, a few layers of barriers shining with tiny magic lines suddenly appeared above the palace garden. The divine light collided slightly with these barriers, and there was a dense explosion. Grisgau Chenxi's figure suddenly became blurred, and his teleportation almost failed. It was Lin Qi who took the initiative to open the barrier covering the entire palace garden before he successfully teleported down.

"Very powerful defensive barrier!" Grisgau Chenxi looked up at the sky a little bit afraid: "It seems to be the four elements that were very popular in ancient times to divide the barrier. The original elemental power of earth, water, fire and wind , Blocking all elemental fluctuations, is a very practical defense barrier."

Lin Qi nodded, he let go of the blissful sky in his arms and stood up with a smile.

"Yes, honorable Pope, the Longshan family has nurtured some explorers who like to haunt the ruins. They will always bring us some good things! This enchantment is the result of their excavation of the remains of an ancient giant. You may not believe that the energy core of this enchantment is the legendary'Thunder God's Hammer' that was lost with the destruction of the giant civilization!"

"That kind of Thor's hammer that can provide infinite magical energy in the legend?" Grisgau Chenxi looked at Lin Qi in surprise.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi nodded: "That's the thing, but it must be admitted that this thing is a gold swallowing monster. It consumes magic crystals worth nearly a million gold coins every day! But fortunately, our Longshan Empire can still Can afford this consumption."

Grisgau Chenxi nodded, but on weekdays, he was very interested in discussing with Lin Qi about the Thor's Hammer. After all, this infinite energy furnace derived from the civilization of the ancient giants has a huge attraction to any major force. But today Grisgau Chenxi’s thoughts were not put here, he just mentioned a few words, and then changed the subject.

"Where is Lord Tams?" Grisgau Chenxi looked at Lin Qi worriedly: "He has not returned to the church for more than half a month, and he has not passed any news back. And inside the church...something is proficient. The master of prophecy expressed some concerns to him."

An adult who is proficient in prophecy?

Are these gods? Lin Qi picked up the corner of his eyes, prophecy, this is not a skill that ordinary people can use. Among the magicians of the Western Continent, some are studying prophecy, and some have made considerable achievements. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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