Bright Era

Chapter 1764: Black Spirit Empire for help (2)

But prophecy has a very wonderful characteristic, that is, the stronger the person directly involved in the prophecy, the greater the price and the power needed to initiate the prophecy. Those who can predict things related to the gods such as Thames, and those who use prophecy must also be gods.

Are the church's gods still very keen to respond? It was just half a month after the accident here, they felt something was wrong? Lin Qi couldn't help but stand in awe of the gods of those churches. He sullenly looked at Grisgau Chenxi with a serious face: "Your Majesty, do you mean that Lord Tams might have something wrong?"

Grisgau Chenxi let out a heavy sigh. He looked at Lin Qi and said solemnly, "When was the last time you saw Lord Tams?"

Lin Qi was stunned, then frowned and meditated for a while before he said: "To be precise, it was a month and twelve days ago when Master Thames asked the Longshan Empire for a batch of weapons and military supplies. Also. After that time, I never saw him again."

Grisgow Chenxi frowned very distressed, and then let out a long sigh: "Then, maybe that adult's premonition is correct, Master Thames, maybe really caught in a predicament."

There was silence for a while, and a faint white light gradually appeared in Grisgow Chenxi's body: "If there is any abnormal movement in the Longshan Empire recently, please inform the church immediately... Well, the last time the Fallen Temple was against the Longshan Empire Retaliation attack, do you have any clues to track down?"

Lin Qi's heart moved, did the church suspect that the people from the Temple of Fallen Temple attacked Thames? This is totally correct, very correct, hasn't the people of the Temple of the Fallen fought against Thames? The remains of the sea beast mother is still lying in the cave of Longya. The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, and his expression changed somewhat.

Grisgau Dawn’s white light immediately converged. He was just about to send back to the holy mountain and looked at Lin Qi with wide eyes: "Dawn saint Wann Longshan, under the glory of Dawn God, please don’t be wrong. I have any concealment. The Temple of Fallen Temple attacked the Longshan Empire, but their attack was easily crushed by the Longshan Empire, so the church did not take this matter seriously."

"However, this does not mean that the church does not care about the Longshan Empire. In fact, the Church has always believed that the Longshan Empire is the best spokesperson for the church in the secular world, and it has given you the best treatment. So, if you have anything unusual Discovery, please report all your findings to the church. If your findings are of sufficient value, then the church will not be stingy with rewards."

Grisgow Chenxi’s words were extremely sincere. He looked at Lin Qi and lowered his voice: "Master Tams is a very special and noble being. His identity and some of the power he represents, even for the great church As far as the gods are concerned, they all have important influence, so..."

Lin Qi clicked his mouth. He blinked his eyes and nodded slowly: "Then, in fact, I may be a little greedy, but you must understand that anyone facing such a magical thing can't bear it. There is such a bit of greed to live. Of course, for the glory of my god, because of Longshan Empire’s devout belief in my god..."

Looking at the left and right carefully, Lin Qi's palm turned over, and a thick carapace with a large pile of messy flesh and blood appeared in front of him. Carefully wrapped the group of flesh and blood exuding a powerful and supernatural aura with a gentle wind, Lin Qi coughed gently.

"Actually, the attack on the mainland of the Longshan Empire was not serious. A heavy fleet of the Longshan Empire was strongly attacked and killed by the Fallen Temple, and we lost some ships. Of course, for the Longshan Empire, the loss of these ships Not much. But the important thing is that the attack on the Temple of Fallen Temple was suddenly stopped, and then the Imperial Fleet brought back this thing!"

Grisgau Chenxi's eyes were staring straight at this piece of tissue that had been taken from the sea beast mother. It was about two hundred catties of flesh and carapace, but it contained astonishingly powerful power and essence. This is clearly not something that humans can have, this thing can only belong to the gods.

"Trouble!" Grisgau Chenxi muttered to herself: "Could it be that the lord, I really met..."

A white light flashed from behind Grisgow Dawn, and a white-haired woman with a medium-looking appearance, extremely high cheekbones, and a mean of meanness on her thin lips came out of the white light like a ghost. A set of exquisite, leaf-like white armor wrapped the thin body of the white-haired woman. Lin Qi felt that this woman was really dry like a white praying mantis, but with a dangerous energy. .

"You are?" The way this woman appeared was so strange that Lin Qi didn't even feel any spatial fluctuations in the teleportation magic circle. She seemed to have penetrated directly from Grisgau Chenxi. These strange appearances made Lin Qi had to be extremely cautious.

"I am the goddess of dawn, Hawa!" She was thin, her chest was flat like a man, her ears were slightly sharp and raised, and the white-haired woman who looked a bit like an elf directly reported her identity: "You should I have heard of my identity. I am the first **** of the Lord of Dawn, the upper middle-level **** of dawn, Goddess Hava!"

The voice of Heavenly Mountain sounded directly in Lin Qi's soul: "Dangerous enemy, Master Lin Qi! A high-ranking god! The power we have now is not enough to fight against this woman! She didn't come here by descending or projecting. , This is her body! A complete divine body and a divine spirit that perfectly fits the divine soul! She can exert all her power! We are not enough to deal with her temporarily!"

Lin Qi bowed deeply to Hawa, and a strong soul wave gushed from Lin Qi's eyebrows, transformed into incomparable power of faith into Hawa's body. Hawa raised his eyebrows in surprise, and nodded in admiration: "Yes, you deserve to be a saint in the dawn. Although you are not my believer, you are very firm in your faith in the gods, Wann Longshan, you are a worthy of praise. Saints!"

Although that was the case, Hawa's gaze did not stay on Lin Qi for even a second. As soon as she appeared, she stared at the flesh and carapace of the sea beast mother, and then gloomy. , Cold, sharp laughter that makes eardrums painful like a blade.

"Sea Beast Mother? This low-level creature that has not yet been fully evolved, is a stupid existence that only serves as cannon fodder in the Primordial God War. They actually have the guts to fight us?" Hawa raised his right hand and gently A palm split on the carapace. There was a crisp sound of ‘click’, a faint light flashed, and the broken carapace was split into two pieces, and the port was as smooth as a mirror.

Lin Qi's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip, and then quickly returned to normal.

The sea fierce beast mother, this is the strength of the middle god, her physical strength is similar to that of Lin Qi today. The carapace on the sea beast mother, as the most defensive part of her body, can hardly cause damage to it even a top-level semi-sacred weapon. But Hawa actually used the palm of her flesh to break open the carapace of the sea beast mother, which shows the strength of this woman.

High god, this is far from the existence that Lin Qi can look at today. In front of her, Lin Qi could not even show the slightest hostility, otherwise Lin Qi and everyone around him would face the disaster of destruction. It is strange that Lin Qi suddenly thought of the people who ruled the society-do they really know the horror of gods? In other words, they have enough confidence to fight against the gods?

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree continued to emit shining brilliance, and tried its best to perfectly combine the body of the phantom **** puppet and Lin Qi.

Now standing in front of Lin Qi is an upper **** in a complete form! The phantom **** puppet made by Princess Qingli, even after finishing with the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the others, still cannot perfectly cover up Lin Qi's identity in front of an upper god. As long as Hawa pays a little attention to Lin Qi, it is possible that Lin Qi's true identity will be exposed.

If it weren’t for Lin Qi’s physical body to have reached the level of a three-star imperial warrior, that is, a mid-level god, his physical body has already evolved extremely mysteriously. Lost his identity.

Fortunately, Hawa doesn't really pay much attention to a human being. All her attention was on the wreckage of this sea beast mother, with a weird smile on her face, and her eyes were emitting a dangerous dawn like a flame.

"This group of humble, disgusting, stubborn creatures should have been killed according to my opinion!" Hawa looked at the pile of flesh and blood in disgust, and snorted coldly: "It's fine now. We let them go back then, but now they rushed out to embarrass us! If anything goes wrong with Thames, we will have trouble in the future."

With a wave of a small hand, the wreckage of the sea beast mother was picked up, and Hawa's body shook, and it turned into a faint white light and disappeared into the air. "Grisgau Dawn, the church must show its own attitude in this matter. Choose ten million heretics in the Western Continent and burn them all! The crime is, colluding with fallen gods and murdering noble priests."

Grisgau Chenxi and Lin Qi bowed deeply and saluted at the same time. This goddess, who brought infinite pressure, finally left.

"Then, Your Majesty the Pope!" Lin Qi looked at Grisgau Chenxi.

"Forget everything about Thames. The church army he formed in the Longshan Empire is temporarily commanded by the Longshan Empire!" Grisgau Chenxi looked at the sky a little worriedly, and shook his head gently: "I have a kind of I have a hunch that something bad is happening. But what scares me is that I don’t know where things are brewing and what will happen.”

Lin Qi put his hands in front of his lower abdomen, and looked at Grisgau Dawn very sincerely: "Your Majesty, the glory of my God covers everything, will we still fail? No matter who dares to provoke the dignity of my God, they All are bound to be devastated.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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