Bright Era

Chapter 1765: Black Spirit Empire for help (3)

Grisgau? Chenxi smiled, and there was white light flowing out of his body, and he was about to teleport away with the help of divine art. Just before he left, he hesitated, took out a fist-sized white ball of light from his sleeve, and carefully handed it to Lin Qi.

"When you encounter an irresistible danger, you will smash this ball of light. This is the grace of the Lord of Dawn. A higher **** will come to protect your safety." Grisgau? Dawn looked at Lin Qi: " Saint Wann Longshan, you are very important to the church, so you must protect yourself, otherwise this will be a great loss to the church and the glory of my God!"

Lin Qi bowed deeply to Grisgau Dawn, he hid the ball of light in his sleeve, and then took out a thick stack of gold tickets and stuffed it. Grisgau? Chenxi nodded in satisfaction. He put the gold ticket next to his body and sighed softly: "War, a nasty war! Every time a war of gods is launched, the finances of the church are always very difficult. Fortunately I have you now!"

"I really can't believe that the contribution of the Longshan Empire to the church finances is comparable to the sum of all the countries on the mainland to the church in any previous battle of God!" Grisgau? Chenxi said with sincere emotion: "Your piety, you are destined to have an infinitely bright future, Wanen, saint of dawn? Longshan, you are a true saint!"

Lin Qi smiled modestly, and he bowed again to Grisgow Chenxi.

Grisgau? Chenxi sighed with satisfaction, then turned into a white light and rushed into the sky.

Lin Qi slowly straightened up and sneered with his mouth tilted. Without giving the church enough financial aid, how can these gods do their best to fight gods? Only when the religious monster of the church is armed to the teeth, countless pious gods will join the battlefield one after another, and then die on the battlefield!

Only if there are enough dead people, will there be a chance for those gods to break into conflict.

One more Swire Battle? Let those gods who have regained their vitality and can run around the ground be seriously injured again? Perhaps at that time, Lin Qi had enough qualifications to stand in front of the devastated gods and chop off their noble heads.

As time passed day by day, several months had passed since Grisgow Morning Xi's visit.

In the past few months, the church's penal institutions and courts were rushing across the continent like mad dogs, and countless humans with alien bloodlines, whether guilty or innocent, were all sent to the stake by them. In the past few months, the air on the mainland always smelled of burnt barbecue. This smell made Lin Qi's appetite a little bit diminished.

The state of the nomadic empire is very bad, facing two-line flanking attacks, and the nomadic empire that has not received enough reinforcement from the Odin Temple has been beaten down. The coalition forces of the Longshan Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty have already conquered most of the eastern Great Plain.

With the strong assistance of Penglai and Tianmiao, the Blood Qin Empire had already defeated all the forces that the Prairie Temple could organize. The grassland temple was forced to retreat to the site of the desert temple and began to collect gold and silver. The place of faith in the Prairie Temple has been occupied by the Blood Qin Empire at this moment.

As for the Norman Fort, upholding the agreement between the two parties, the alien coalition forces organize two or three legions of soldiers to siege the city every day, and the human army will give them head-on heavy blows. More than 10,000 alien fighters are killed every day, and the number of deaths and injuries among human fighters is several times that.

The gods of both sides sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, harvesting the souls of the believers without delay, and gradually accumulate vitality.

When the first snowflakes of winter fell, Heavenly Mountain finally brought good news to Lin Qi-the **** of seasons, Tims, all his resistance was completely destroyed, and all his power was destroyed by Heavenly Mountain and They divided the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and the law of time under his control had been condensed into an extremely complicated law crystal nucleus the size of a human head.

In Lin Qi's body, surrounding the slightly enlarged origin, Heavenly Mountain slowly rotated with the sweet-scented osmanthus trees. The original divine power of Thames gave them a great help to Heavenly Mountain. With enough energy, coupled with the input of huge amounts of magic materials, most of the wounds on Heavenly Mountain have disappeared, at least it looks like this is a brand new Heavenly Mountain.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree increased to ten thousand meters high, two lazy rabbits were lying on the roots of the tree lazily gnawing carrots, feeling Lin Qi's consciousness projected, and the two rabbits left Lin Qi's body and appeared. In the outside world, and then quickly run out of nowhere.

In the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, their voices are louder, and they are full of vitality after taking a big tonic.

A gray, gray crystal-like ripples constantly emitted, making Lin Qi's consciousness daring not to approach a human head-sized polyhedral prism suspended on the top of the heaven mountain, and the heaven's door was emitting a white light that held him firmly in place. This is the nucleus of the law condensed by the law of time of Thames, which incorporates all the profound meanings of time mastered by Thames.

"We don't know how long it will take you to completely fuse this crystal core!" The majestic and sacred voice of Heaven Mountain sounded: "But fortunately, this is a complete crystal core of law! To our surprise, this The identity of Thames is very special. He has a unique identity among the gods. He is an outlier. He is a true'first generation original creature'."

"The original origin creature?" Lin Qi looked at the law crystal nucleus curiously.

A dazzling white divine light exploded from the gate of heaven, pushing the law crystal core to slowly fly towards Lin Qi's soul. The law of crystal nuclei that exudes crystal clear ripples is like milk dripping into the water, quietly blending into Lin Qi's soul and disappearing without a trace.

Lin Qi only felt a chill in his body, and an inexplicable understanding slowly flowed through his heart.

Lin Qi’s soul groaned joyfully. Lin Qi had a feeling that his soul was like a grass snake that swallowed an ostrich egg, and his tiny body was filled with huge prey. He had to spend a long time very hard. In order to digest this ostrich egg cleanly, let him become enough nourishment to nourish his body, thereby making himself stronger.

"The original origin creature!" Heavenly Mountain waited for Lin Qi's soul and the crystal core of the law to fuse together before continuing to speak.

"When a universe is born, various laws evolve and form in the void. The original creatures of the first generation are the omnipresent elemental energy in the universe, and the life that has grown after absorbing this newly born law."

"Tames is such a life form. A group of powerful time elements merged with the law of time when the universe was just born, forming Tams!" Heavenly Mountain's voice was very strange: "Such a primitive creature, wait for them When they grow up, they will become extremely powerful. Maybe they have the opportunity to grow into beings comparable to the imperial emperor."

"But now, he's done!" Osmanthus tree said relaxedly: "All his benefits belong to us! A primitive creature of the first generation, he wants to grow up, he needs a lot of energy and a long time, he needs good Good luck! Tams obviously had bad luck, he was killed by us!"

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse sneered: "This is not the first original life we ​​killed, and it will definitely not be the last! All traces of his life have been recorded by us. If we can find the shell of his birth, maybe Metaverse can add a new component. Because of this Tams, the power of the law of time he has mastered has some peculiar effects."

Lin Qi felt the changes in his body. There were indeed some strange powers in his body, but these powers were too weak, and he couldn't use these powers to do anything. After pondering for a while, Lin Qi walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the snow slowly falling from the sky, and asked the Heavenly Mountain in a low voice: "Why do the church gods value Thames so much?"

"His identity is special!" Heavenly Mountain said indifferently: "In terms you can understand, Thames is an observer, or, in other words, he is an overseer, an existence like a supervising army. Thames is standing behind him. People who these gods cannot afford to provoke, he is dead, these gods will have trouble.

Lin Qi was silent for a while, and then cautiously sent a consciousness: "Does the existence behind Tims pose a threat to us?"

After a long time of thinking, Heavenly Mountain mumbled: "Of course, yes. If they come, we will have a lot of trouble! But it is clear that they will not have any impact on us in the short term. We are. There is enough time to create some headaches for the gods first."

"Can I know their identities?" Lin Qi asked the next question.

After a long silence, Heavenly Mountain coughed deeply: "Until you have enough strength, it is best not to come into contact with such problems. Perhaps you should be able to recall that on the way to Berrily, you learned about Zhou The scene of mental out-of-control after the meaning of the robbery."

"This is for your good!" The osmanthus tree said calmly: "You'd better not regularly contact some materials that subvert your perception and affect your soul and mind. You have enough strong Before power, you’d better not understand a lot of things."

"Of course, I am actually willing to explain to you the terrible aspects of the original creatures of the first generation, but it is completely unnecessary now, is it?" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree smiled relaxedly: "You may not have imagined a fully grown first generation. Primitive creatures, how many master gods can they kill with a single blow? How many upper gods can they kill like ants?"

Lin Qi thought of the goddess of dawn Hava, who turned pale and brought him a powerful threat.

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse has exploded a four-colored thunder, which slashed fiercely on the roots of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree: "You long-winded old Dryad, shut up!" (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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