Bright Era

Chapter 1767: Run away (1)

The Black Spirit Continent, the Great Wild Swamp, in a precious ebony forest with bright light.

Bright light ebony, this kind of black color is like coal, but it can emit a faint brilliance at night, and the fragrant fragrance can refresh the mind. It is a rare material that is hard to find in the Western and Eastern continents. But in the Black Spirit Continent, forests composed of thousands of years of bright light black sandalwood can be seen everywhere.

It’s just that the indigenous tribes that are not in the Black Spirit Continent believe that the heavens and the earth are all gods, and their cherishment of the natural environment has reached an almost paranoid level. At the same time, they stubbornly refuse all outsiders to roam freely on the Black Spirit Continent, so whether it is Western wood The traffickers are still big merchants in the Eastern Continent, and none of them can get a lot of light ebony.

Therefore, the price of these woods is higher and more rare.

At this time, Mingguang Ebony, which is hard to find in the Western Continent, was chopped into pieces like ordinary firewood and lit up a bonfire.

The haggard-faced Emperor Yun was lying on the side of the fire, surrounded by Yun Canglong and his descendants. In the distance, there were several Yun family servants and old eunuchs in black robes watching the surrounding movement vigilantly. The bright light ebony wood burned, and a strange fragrance filled the surroundings, that is, this sub-scent, allowing Emperor Yun to maintain the last bit of sober mind.

After a few coughs, Emperor Yun tremblingly raised his hand and touched his chest.

On his right chest, a whole rib disappeared without a trace, the muscles became shriveled and rotten, and only a thin layer of fleshy skin was left to cover the squirming internal organs. A thumb-sized translucent white spider was firmly embedded in his skin and flesh, slowly spewing venom to corrode Yundi's flesh and blood, turning into a fragrant gravy and slowly sucking and eating it.

This white spider is eroding Yundi's life, but his life is also barely maintained by this poisonous spider. This is a vicious creature called the White Widow, born and evolved from the black magic and vicious curse that are unique to the Black Spirit Continent, and is not a natural product. This white widow will sneak into the victim's body in the form of worm eggs, and after hatching, it will be embedded in the victim's body and **** the flesh for a living.

When the white widow hatches, an extremely terrible cursing toxin will permeate her body, engulfing human life and soul. Only the digestive juice released by the White Widow can resist the spread of this cursing toxin and can barely maintain the victim's life.

But even if the white widow is parasitic on the body, it will continue to swallow the victim's flesh and blood, making him die step by step.

This is an extremely vicious way of death, a cruel method specifically used to torture the enemy. Unless you get the unique antidote of the caster or the help of the legendary potion that can cure all toxins in the legend, ordinary people will be destined to suffer long torture and turn into a shriveled human skin after being parasitized by the white widow. .

"Have you contacted other people?" Emperor Yun looked at Yun Canglong bitterly.

A transparent hole was pierced in his left shoulder, and Yun Canglong, whose wound was emitting a rotten stench, shook his head. He lowered his voice, and said in a low voice: "There are search teams of the Black Spirit natives everywhere. Now we are all injured. We can show less than 10% of our strength. We want to break through the blockade and contact other people. , A little difficult."

Emperor Yun sighed heavily, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of depression.

Even if the sacred Longting Empire was destroyed, Emperor Yun re-established the Yun Family after escaping under the shelter of many old eunuchs. Facing such a shocking change, Emperor Yun was full of confidence and felt that he would definitely bring the Yun Family to the top. But this time, in the face of the unexpected and strange blow, Emperor Yun was also a little bit sick and unable to hold on.

Lin Qi killed Jun Yun, Emperor Yun confidently rejected Lin Qi's kindness, and brought a group of remaining clansmen to launch a retaliatory attack on the Acacia family. At the beginning, it went smoothly. The Acacia family was beaten up by Emperor Yun, and the entire family was crushed.

In the end, helpless, the remnants of the Acacia family swept away all the family's funds and treasures, fled to the Black Spirit Continent with a group of **** confidants, and quickly opened up a situation in the Black Spirit Empire. Emperor Yun came with the tail of his tribe to pursue and kill, launching a ruthless blow to the remnants of the Acacia family.

Seeing that the Acacia family was about to be destroyed two months ago, and only three or five members of Yunjun’s direct lineage were left, the Acacia family did not know what luck it had taken, and suddenly got a strong The support of incomparable forces. Emperor Yun and a group of tribesmen were led into a trap. After a great battle, all the tribesmen below the emperor Yun were severely injured. The emperor Yun broke through a **** road to protect many tribesmen from escape.

Because many of the clansmen were seriously injured, Emperor Yun ordered everyone to form a small team to disperse and escape, and he took Yun Canglong and a few descendants to flee towards the Western Continent. As a result, the Acacia family and their forces behind the scenes are chasing after him, and they have been chasing after Emperor Yun.

What made Yundi even more puzzled was that the indigenous tribes of the Black Spirit Continent didn't know what was going on. They also sent a large group of elite fighters to cooperate with the Acacia family to attack Yundi and the others. The weird attack really hurt Emperor Yun's brain.

"Take a short break, and then, since they have been chasing after us, we will go to the Western Continent." Emperor Yun gritted his teeth and grunted: "Let them chase after us, so as to give others a chance to escape. Sooner or later, ancestors, I will put them in a dilemma."

Yun Canglong opened his mouth, then nodded with a wry smile. Go further north? It is easy to break through to the northern coast, but without a sea boat, how can they escape when they reach the beach? With their current physical condition, it is almost impossible to cross the ocean with their own strength.

Touching the swollen and hot wound on his shoulder, Yun Canglong breathed out deeply. He also couldn't figure out what kind of injury he had suffered. His shoulder was only pierced by a thin wood. As a result, the wound began to decay. After more than a month of work, it was originally only a small cut with hair. , At this moment has rotten into a transparent hole the size of an egg.

Moreover, the stench of the flesh and bones that rotted constantly gave Yun Canglong the urge to chop off his arm with a single knife. This smell is really unpleasant, and Yun Canglong, who has been in good condition since he was a child, can't even eat food these days.

Emperor Yun slapped his lips and sighed helplessly: "Trying to find a way to get to Vias Port as fast as possible. Lin Qi's little thing has been making trouble in the Western Continent recently. It's all from his own family. Don't be polite to him, ask him for a group of demigod masters, and when we come back, we will wash away the acacia family and the group of people behind them!"

Yun Canglong gritted his teeth, and he muttered in a low voice, "I don't know where they came from?"

"The way?" Emperor Yun was silent for a while, and then "Jie Jie" laughed strangely: "Have you not figured it out yet? I can talk with these rigid-minded natives of the Black Spirit Continent, and their attack methods are so secretive. The primordial jungle with infinite danger is like people who enter and leave at will like their own backyard, besides the group of wood elves in the elven continent, who else?"

"Wood Elf?" Yun Canglong's eyes widened: "We have no grievances against them."

"Now I have a grudge!" Emperor Yun took a deep breath, took out a blood-colored pill and threw it into his mouth, a strange blood suddenly rushed to his cheek. He struggled to stand up, and waved his hand to Zheng Bei: "No matter what they are mixing with Jun Yun's evil species, now we have enemies."

Yun Canglong took a deep breath. He took out a bottle of scarlet potion and poured it on the wound on his shoulder. As soon as the wound touched the potion, he made a weird sound of'chicking', and he could see a large amount of secretion from his wound. White bubbles. Yun Canglong's face twitched with pain, he randomly took out his handkerchief and wiped the wound, gritted his teeth and followed Emperor Yun.

After going out more than ten meters away, Yun Canglong turned over easily, and the soil on the ground rolled up, covering the pile of bonfires under the thick soil. The small enchantment surrounding it to prevent light leakage quietly shattered, leaving no traces.

Several members of the Yun family held weapons of various colors and guarded them carefully. On the periphery, there were a dozen old eunuchs dressed in black, carefully peeping around. The countless weird attacks along the way have really made them a little veteran.

After rushing forward for a while, there was a faint sound of running water in front of them. They had reached the edge of the wild swamp, and a small river reflecting the magnificent colorful light under the stars was slowly filling the swamp. At the intersection of the creek and the swamp, dozens of giant unicorn crocodiles lay there lazily. Occasionally, their eyes blinked, and their small, fierce eyes radiated a fierce red light in the night.

The Great Desolate Swamp, this is the northernmost swamp of the Black Spirit Continent. As long as you cross this swamp, it will be the territory actually controlled by the Black Spirit Empire. Arriving in the territory of the Black Spirit Empire, there is a chance to find a sea ship, leaving the Black Spirit mainland and returning to Vias Port.

"Don't take the long road, just cross the swamp." Emperor Yun coughed a few times with a sullen face: "Our injuries are too weird, we can't afford to take any time."

The group of people quickly sank into the swamp, and about two quarters later, nearly a hundred black shadows quickly came to the edge of the swamp with a faint wind breaking sound. They hesitated for a while on the edge of the swamp. A small half of them was tall and slender. The man in the black cloak stayed in place, while some were left in clothing made of animal skins, or the black spirit with a grass skirt wrapped around his waist. The natives rushed into the swamp in stride. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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