Bright Era

Chapter 1768: Run away (2)

The smell of the great waste swamp is very unpleasant, the mud and stinky puddles all over the floor, coupled with the strange creeping creeping creatures, the elves who naturally like to be clean, will never step into such a ghost place. Therefore, Emperor Yun made a decisive decision to smoothly eliminate a half of the chasing soldiers, and he was the most difficult part of the chasing soldiers.

As time passed, when a red cloud appeared on the eastern skyline, Emperor Yun and the others who had been running around in the swamp all night suddenly stopped. They flashed silently into the bushes in a swamp and hid them, carefully looking into the distance.

An army of about a thousand people was huddled on a slightly raised dry mud in the swamp, and a middle-aged man who looked like a general was shouting weakly, ordering a group of fire-head auxiliary soldiers to cook there. The army’s food is pretty good. The fresh butter in the huge pan is happily making a chuckle, and the thick-armed sausages are fried in butter, which is very fragrant. Soldier's appetite.

A few large pots are boiling a thick soup with beetroot, onion and ground beef as the main ingredients, and a few fire assistants smoke and bake hard bread on a temporary oven. In such a wild environment, it is obviously impossible to eat fresh bread, but fresh bread is very easy.

There is thick soup, sausages, and flour cakes. Even Yun Canglong can't help but feel a little jealous of such food in this big swamp.

He was chased by people and fled like a hungry dog, and these guys actually camped in the swamp for a good meal? Changed to someone with a more brutal and erratic temper, it is estimated that he could violently kill this small army.

Just as Yun Canglong was muttering secretly here, the middle-aged general already yelled feebly: "Get up, eat, drink, um, how many supplies are there? Clean and eat up! Dear gentlemen , We have to make a decision, shall we surrender or... retreat?"

A blond and blue-eyed young officer with a strong aristocratic faction between his gestures and his gestures languidly stood up. He grabbed a big sausage and swallowed a few mouthfuls. Then he snorted listlessly: "If those Heipi can guarantee our living conditions, then I don’t mind surrendering to them! As for retreat, if we can safely evacuate this **** continent, I have no opinion."

The middle-aged general sighed heavily: "Living treatment? Can you expect them to prepare steak and red wine for us? Don't forget that their local specialties are all kinds of insects. Maybe they will entertain you a termite meal. ?"

The young officer who was taking a big sausage and swallowing stopped his hand movement. He spit a mouthful of sausage aside, and then complained angrily: "Dear general, you can't be while we have breakfast..."

With a ‘pouch,’ a simple arrow shot from the back of the young officer’s head and shot out of his mouth. Blood spurted out along the blood groove on the arrow shaft. The young officer's body shook, and then fell to the ground embarrassedly.

The middle-aged general stayed there. He took a deep breath and was about to exhale the word'enemy attack'. A boomerang that had flown from a distance had swept past his throat. He tore off half of his neck and almost cut off his head. A large amount of blood flowed out along the blade of the boomerang, and the middle-aged general led a face of unbelievable horror and fell heavily.

The weird cry of "YoYo" came from all directions. About 3,000 of them were dressed in animal skins, armed with simple spears, bows and arrows, but the wave of fighting spirit exuding from them was not weak. The team, like a clever cheetah, launched an assault against the army on the mud.

An accurate arrow is like a dagger that Bilibili stabbed at the enemy's **** in the dark, sharp and accurate shot into the throats of soldiers who were caught off guard. In just a few breaths, dozens of soldiers had arrows in their throats. Fell to the ground.

Before these black spirit soldiers rushed to their side, the remaining soldiers had already raised their hands, and all their weapons had been dropped on the ground. A few more courageous and bachelor soldiers simply knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "Hey, hello, brothers Negro, we are just mercenaries. We fight for money. We have no deep hatred." Are bloodstains?"

The dark warriors rushed into the mud and looked at these enemies who raised their hands and surrendered with disdain.

A tall black spirit warrior walked slowly over with a magic sword made by craftsmanship, apparently from the hands of a master of Western mainland. He watched the captives who had surrendered, slowly, yelling in unskilled Western common language.

"We don't kill the prisoners. You, don't resist, don't run away, otherwise, we can hang you."

"The benevolent elders decided to mine! After two years of hard work for us, we release you."

"Your weapons cannot be kept; your personal belongings, we will not plunder you like you ransack our compatriots. But all of you must be identified. If you have killed our compatriots, you will be cut off. Head off."

Obviously, a large group of soldiers suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, while a few fierce-faced soldiers suddenly yelled. With a flash of grudge, they were about to break open and escape. But the black spirit warrior cut out with a sword in his hand, and a blue gust of wind whizzed out. The saint-level sword aura slashed out more than 20 meters in the air, splitting these warriors who tried to escape with one sword into two.

"I said, run away, you will die! You are now exposing each other, um, who killed our people? People who have done this kind of thing will be chopped off their heads! But exposing those who have merit, the time you do hard work It will be cut in half!"

The soldiers who raised their hands high in a daze for a while, and then yelled at the same time. They were like a group of mad dogs who bite indiscriminately, madly speaking the good things that their companions had done without reservation. The black spirit warrior holding a long sword coldly gave the order, pushing all the exposed warriors into the swamp, and cutting off their heads cleanly.

More than two hundred wooden poles were stuck on the ground, and each wooden pole was stuck with the head of a dead soldier.

The black spirit warriors asked again and again and found that no one among the mercenaries had ever dealt with the black spirit people, they drove the group of captives away slowly to the east. In that direction, a black wolf smoke rose into the sky, and obviously there was a very large black spirit army over there.

"The Black Spirit Empire, it seems that things are not going well." Emperor Yun sighed, "It's just that it has nothing to do with us. Keep going, don't let those behind you catch up, it will be troublesome."

Touching the white widow on the right chest that was greedily sucking her own flesh and blood, Emperor Yun shook his head helplessly. What exactly is going on? With Emperor Yun mastering the strength of the real power mystery, he didn't realize when he had been tricked. How did the person who made a sneak attack and let the White Widow's egg invade Emperor Yun's body?

The group speeded up and fled northward in embarrassment as if they were floating without touching their feet.

This time, they had just left the bush where they had just hidden, and dozens of black spirit men had already arrived. These black spirit heroes are different from ordinary black spirit warriors. Although their clothes are very simple, but their black lacquered and smooth skin is as smooth as satin, they use the blood of Warcraft and other materials to embroider a lot of weird magic patterns.

These magic lines have three-point hideous, three-point sacred, three-point weird, and one-point ancient and bizarre aura. With these magic lines all over the body, these black spirits give people the feeling that they are like those from the western continent. Just like the royal guards with a full set of heavy armor in front of the palace, their status and temperament are completely different from ordinary black spirit warriors.

The leader of the team wears an unknown beast bone helmet on his head, and the big man whose front door is blocked by a few raised beast teeth sniffs, and then slowly nodded: "They are in front! Let's chase. Got them. Hey, there seems to be a group of little guys doing a game here? So it slowed their escape. Well done, it looks like they have gained a lot."

Another **** spirit man with a big blue snake wrapped around his waist snorted coldly: "I am also willing to take these little guys to attack those weak outsiders. Why should we listen to those proud elves and come here to chase after them? Kill these hapless guys?"

The man with a beast bone helmet grabbed his chest and spread his hands helplessly: "Don't tell me those nasty elves with cleanliness, I really want to press in those female elves with eyes in the sky. Smelly puddle, let them get close to those bugs."

After taking a sigh of relief, the man shook his head: "I heard my father say, it seems that the Queen of the Green Moon in the Elf Continent has any plans? Their vanguard has already sneaked into the Western Continent, but was cut by a difficult opponent. It became fragments. The Empress Green Moon felt that the strength of the Elves was not enough to deal with the Western Continent. She wanted to pull us together."

"Join up with the elves?" A group of black spirit men looked at me, I looked at you, and frowned.

"But we used to join forces with the elves, it seems that we are always the one who suffers!" The black spirit man with a big snake wrapped around his waist sighed in distress: "It's just that the elders can do what they say! Grab a few unlucky ones. Their strength is really strong enough. If it weren't for the mother of spiders, we would not be their opponents."

The big man wearing a beast bone helmet nodded religiously: "Yes, the mother of spiders is a god. Is it easy to deal with a human. The great mother of spiders has begun to recover, and she has begun to take the initiative Contact the elders, the other gods will soon wake up? With the guidance and protection of the gods, we will not be bullied!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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