Bright Era

Chapter 1773: The best candidate (3)

As long as Enzo can establish enough merits in the Black Spirit Continent, and then pull down a huge army with Lin Qi's help, when Enzo returns to the Gaul Empire, how can Lin Qi also get him the title of a prince. As long as Enzo can draw a piece of territory from the Gaul Empire, Lin Qi will take another big step forward from dominating the western continent.

More importantly, the Black Spirit Continent. Lin Qi has a rather whimsical idea, the Black Spirit Empire, the Black Spirit Empire, this empire does not have a Black Spirit person, this is unreasonable. Why can't Lin Qi build a real Black Spirit Empire in the Black Spirit Continent? A huge empire formed by countless black spirit tribes?

‘Haha’ laughed a few times, and Lin Qi jumped off the dragon.

With a faint sound of breaking through the air, Lin Qi lightly fell beside Enzo and the others. Lin Qi was greeted by Vic's smash hit. The howling poisoned dagger brought a cold light, and it was almost immediately when Lin Qi landed on Lin Qi's neck.

Lin Qi stretched out his fingers and firmly clamped Vic's dagger, and then he laughed'hehe': "Vik, there is progress, this knife response... well, everyone's reaction is quite fast. "

Not only was Vic giving Lin Qi a knife, Enzo's stabbing sword had been silently pressed against Lin Qi's abdomen, and the weapons of several other old brothers were also placed on Lin Qi's body. Hundreds of guards trained by Enzo on the nearby city wall have formed an assault formation, ready to launch a desperate attack on Lin Qi.

"Yes, yes, really good!" Lin Qi clapped his hands gently.

Enzo and the others put away their weapons with a big laugh, and then faintly collided with Lin Qi's fists to signal each other. Lin Qi came to the Norman Fort in the image of ‘Wan En Longshan’, Enzo and the others could not hug Lin Qi in front of so many soldiers.

"Your Excellency Wann Longshan, what's the point for you to come to the Norman Fort?" A sharp voice suddenly sounded, and a group of guards wearing a green robe was firmly surrounded by a group of armored guards. The young man came over slowly.

"Introduce myself, I am Alec Retribution, the warlord of the Temple of Retribution to Norman Fortress." The young man bowed to Lin Qi and saluted: "You know that Norman Fortress is a special place. General Mart is the sharpest sword in the Norman Fort, and you, as a very important figure in the Longshan Empire, why did you come here?"

"Don't you suspect that I am in collusion with a foreign race?" Lin Qi helplessly spread his hands toward the suspicious warlord officer.

"Uh, of course, no, as the Lord Wann Longshan who killed the deer **** of ice, no one will doubt your character." Alec Retribution sighed, he squinted at Lin Qi. Then he looked towards the sky suspiciously: "I just wonder why you want to come to the Norman Fort? After all, the Norman Fort is independent of all countries. Although there is no explicit stipulation, the ministers of the countries basically Shang will not step into the Norman Fortress."

A hot wind rushed down, and the fierce flame dragon slowly descended on Lin Qi's accompanying guards. With a very unceremonious wing, he drove away the soldiers on a section of the wall, and then he landed on the wall steadily, occupying a section of the city wall in Long Youli Xu. He snorted fiercely, and rolled out dozens of heavily armored soldiers in embarrassment.

"Look, your mount, he has interfered with the normal order of the Norman Fort." Alec Disciplinary looked at Lin Qi a little distressed: "My personal opinion, you'd better not stay in the Norman Fort for too long. Stay, because it will trouble the defense of the Norman Castle!"

"I'm very sorry, Master Overseer." Lin Qi bowed to Alec Retribution, then smiled and pointed to Enzo: "I'm here just to discuss something with General Ente Mart. A major matter of the interests of the western continent. In this matter, I still have to obtain the consent of several popes and His Majesty the Holy Light, but the front foot of all this is the personal wishes of General Ente Marte."

Alec Disciplinary took two steps back, putting on a posture of listening respectfully.

Enzo spit out the mixture of betel nut and tobacco under the city wall with a grin. He laughed loudly: "Hey, my eldest man, just tell me, what can I do? Lead troops to fight, other than that, I don't care about anything."

Lin Qi smiled and nodded, and asked Enzo directly: "Have you heard of the Black Spirit Empire?"

Enzo was stunned, and Alec Disciplinary on the side took on the topic with great interest: "The former Vias Commercial Federation, a group of top nobles sent agents to establish a small A small power. Although it is called an empire, this power has a population of only a few million. Although the business they conduct is lucrative, it is a bit bloody."

Lin Qi nodded to Alec Retribution: "Your message is very well-informed, and you have a fair and compassionate heart."

"The Black Spirit Empire is in trouble. Millions of good people and devout believers in the Western Continent are being threatened by the Black Spirit Natives. To be precise, the last army of the Black Spirit Empire has been completely defeated. I guess they are only now A group of desperate mercenaries can be used to resist the Black Spirit natives."

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Enzo: "Are you interested in bringing an army across the ocean to save our compatriots, our faithful?"

"Hold on, hold on!" Alec Punishment on the side hurriedly interrupted Lin Qi's words: "Your Excellency Wanen Longshan, I don't mean to be disrespectful to you. But it comes from my identity, the red of the punishment center. I must remind you, Lord Costume, those people in the Black Spirit Empire, they are all slave traders, they are all **** mine owners, and many are even wanted by the mainland... The bandits also fled to the Black Spirit Continent."

Blinking his eyes and looking at Lin Qi, Alec Retribution shook his head with a smile: "They are not kind people, and I don't think they will be devout believers!"

Lin Qi coughed, and he reached the ear of Alec Retribution and muttered in a low voice: "But you can't deny that they are all believers of the goddess of wealth! They believe in golden coins, so they are the most devout believers of the goddess of wealth. Since they are followers of the goddess of wealth, they must be kind, just, and moral people! What do you think?"

Alec Discipline looked at Lin Qi dumbfounded. He thought Lin Qi's theory was absurd, but he couldn't provoke it!

That's right, the people in the Black Spirit Empire are robbers, bandits, **** slave traders, and sweaty mine owners who squeeze the Black Spirit natives to force them to mine. But it is undeniable that they all devoutly believe in the goddess of wealth! And since they are followers of the goddess of wealth, who would dare to say that they are not kind people? Do you want the goddess of wealth to trouble you?

Alec Punishment retreated gorgeously. He smiled and raised his hands: "I agree with His Excellency Wann Longshan's view that the people of the Black Spirit Empire are indeed compatriots from the Western Continent and are devout believers. Therefore, we We cannot tolerate the persecution of the cruel and ignorant Black Spirit natives. We must organize..."

Alec Retribution took a breath. He gritted his teeth and shouted to Lin Qi in a low voice: "You mean, when we are facing threats from foreign races and nomads and the Blood Qin Empire, we will go to the Black Spirit Continent to open up a battlefield. ?"

Lin Qi looked at the pale face of Alec Punishment, smiled and nodded: "Trust my judgment, this will bring us a steady stream of benefits. I did not share the birth and death with the natives of the Black Spirit Continent. I just want to form a real Black Spirit Empire. I want to tie the Black Spirit Continent to our chariot."

After a long silence, Alec Retribution shook his head: "This is impossible, right?"

An hour later, in the Palace of Victory of the Gaul Empire, Holy Light I and Grisgau Dawn at the same time shouted: "This is impossible! It is completely impossible! How can the Black Spirits stand in the same camp as us? There is only hatred between us and them."

Grisgow Chenxi looked at Lin Qi helplessly. Could it be that Lin Qi didn't know what good things those ambitious guys in the Western Continent did in the Black Spirit Continent? They flooded into the Black Spirit Continent, robbed the tombs of their ancestors, plundered their wealth, robbed large groups of Black Spirits to sell everywhere, and slaughtered the old and weak women and children of the Black Spirits.

For hundreds of years, the Black Spirit Continent has been tossed by these bandits of the Western Continent to be miserable.

Fortunately, the intrusion of the Western Continent is only a small-scale action, and the loose tribal system of the Black Spirit Continent prevents them from effectively responding to the intrusion of the ‘explorers’ in the Western Continent. And these ‘explorers’ are also very clever, and did not provoke the powerful black spirit tribes. Generally speaking, they just attacked the black spirit tribes with fewer than 1,000 people.

But after all, the enmity between the two sides has accumulated, and it is impossible for the Black Spirits to forget the various injuries that people in the Western mainland have done to them over the years. Not to mention that after the greedy merchant aristocrats of the Vias Commercial Federation formed the Black Spirit Empire, the originally loose mercenary squad-level intrusion immediately turned into a large-scale national act.

After the establishment of the Black Spirit Empire, the number of Black Spirit slaves sold in the Western mainland slave market soared fifteen times each year, and the number of characteristic artworks and other rare treasures from the Black Spirit continent also soared several times. And more black spirit slaves were traded to the Undead Continent and even the Eastern Continent and Eastern Subcontinent!

This is the good thing the Black Spirit Empire has done. At least hundreds of Black Spirit tribes have been destroyed by them, and their accumulated wealth has been looted by them.

"Do you still think that we can pull the Black Spirits into our chariot?" Grisgau Chenxi looked at Lin Qi with the same eyes of the undead: "Are you sure we can succeed? Of course, I admit that if the Black Spirits If the mainland can stand on our side, our strength will be much stronger, and we will be more confident to resist pressure from foreign races and the blood Qin Empire, but..." (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come. Starting point ( vote recommended, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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