Bright Era

Chapter 1774: The best candidate (4)

Today is so tired, tired to the bone!

Relatives came to the house, and I drank a lot, a lot, a lot, and chatting was very HIGH!

With such a high spirit of wine, please count the votes! No matter the three seven twenty one, just drop it to me if it is the ticket!


Spreading his hands, Grisgow Chenxi sighed: "We can't succeed. The Black Spirit Empire has committed heinous crimes in the Black Spirit Continent. The Black Spirits natives will never forgive them, we..."

Lin Qi interrupted Grisgau Chenxi's words: "Those people in the Black Spirit Empire are all criminals wanted by the countries of the Western Continent! They are thugs through and through. They are evil existences that are despised in our Western Continent. , They are heretics, they will be sent to the torture!"

"Among them are believers of the goddess of wealth!" Grisgau Chenxi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he seemed to realize what Lin Qi wanted to do.

Lin Qi gave a dry cough, and he calmly said: "I need the cooperation of the church. We must liberate all the Black Spirit slaves in the Western Continent. When General Ente Marte leads the army to the Black Spirit Continent, we must bring a group of rescued The Black Spirit sent it as a voucher."

Grisgow Chenxi looked at Lin Qi thoughtfully: "But, if those nobles disagree..."

Lin Qi waved his palm cleanly: "There will be no more Black Spirit slaves in the Longshan Empire. They will all be released. All the nobles who dare to resist this order will have all their assets nationalized. I am happy to make the Treasury of the Longshan Empire a little more substantial."

Shengguang I, who was suffering from huge war expenditures, his eyes lit up: "I agree to this plan. All the slaves of the Black Spirit will be released, and all the nobles who dare to violate this order, I will completely deprive his nobles. The title and all his assets."

Grisgau Chenxi laughed: "Then, it shouldn't be a problem with the Great Yan Dynasty."

Lin Qi nodded: "Then, the church authorized the Gallic Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty, and the Longshan Empire to jointly issue a wanted warrant. All the nobles of the Black Spirit Empire, all the generals, and all the big businessmen are criminals, and they are all criminals. Criminals who have been wanted for years, decades, or even hundreds of years! We can pick some of the most notorious **** and hang them in front of the Black Spirit natives."

"The Western Continent is a just, compassionate, and noble-character continent. Those criminals who violated the teachings of the gods and committed evil felonies, they must be punished." Grisgau Chenxi is a god-stick. After a while, he asked Lin Qi: "Will the black spirits believe our statement?"

Lin Qi nodded vigorously: "Frankly speaking, the Hei Ling people are simpler, simple, closed, and conservative, so as long as we make a certain posture, compensate for certain losses, and show enough military power at the same time, they will Believe us."

Hua Li, who had been silent for a while, giggled: "I have to admit this. Those black spirits are easier to be fooled. Because their character is like this, they seem to be too credulous. "

After a few coughs, Lin Qi nodded to Hua Li, "General Ente Malt will lead an army that is enough to deter anyone to the Black Spirit Continent. Then, we have to tell the Black Spirits that we are going to hunt down. Those mobs who have been wanted by us for many years, we can confess our mistakes-we did not get the information that the mobs fled to the Black Spirit Continent in time, so that they committed so many evil crimes in the Black Spirit Continent. "

"We want the rescued black spirit slaves to show up and say, we must make all the black spirits believe that we are people who help them with kindness and friendship." Lin Qi smiled weirdly: "We can even tell some The'big nobles' will be handed over to the Black Spirits to deal with them, so that they can eliminate the grievances in their hearts."

Hua Li coughed in a deep voice: "Those'big nobles', I think, in fact, no one would be stupid enough to violate the order issued by the three empires, right?"

Lin Qi glanced at Hua Li's: "Then, choose a group of unlucky people from the prison of felons. Use Ecstasy to instill a false memory in them, so that they can'remember' that they are a certain nobleman in the Western Continent. Then, in front of the black spirit natives, burn them to death."

The Seal Pope next to Grisgow Dawn'chuckled': "I like this plan. I can't wait to see the benefits that this plan can bring to us when it starts. Go ahead, Holy Tuwanen Longshan!"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded. He pointed to the outside of the hall, and said calmly: "What I said earlier is our rhetoric in the Black Spirit Continent. But to the people of the Western Continent, we must preach that we are bringing peace. And benevolent, to rescue the compatriots who were besieged and persecuted in the Black Spirit Continent. In short, we must let all our people, no matter which country they were originally from, enthusiastically support us, love us, and then be willing Join the army and die for us!"

"Perfect plan!" The newly appointed Pope, a burly man from the Goddess family of the God of War, clapped his hands vigorously: "Army, source of troops, we need more devout believers."

Lin Qi nodded to Pope Scepter, and then pointed to Enzo: "So, I think General Ente Marte will be the best commander in this army. You must be confessed, the Longshan Empire cannot find too much Excellent general; and the Dayan Dynasty, uh, there seems to be a slight disagreement between us and the Dayan Dynasty recently."

"Small disagreement." Grisgau Chenxi and the other two popes glanced at each other, then the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

Of course they knew what Lin Qi's so-called little disagreement was. The Duke of Green Forest from the Eastern Continent, who was said to have been killed by the Emperor Blood Qin, after he hooked up with the Queen of the Great Yan Dynasty, he had already shown a posture of leaving the Longshan family alone.

Originally, the Longshan Empire had a strong influence in the Great Yan Dynasty, but with certain actions of Lord Green Forest, this influence is rapidly declining. On the eastern front, the two armies that had worked together to fight side by side have already had some unfavorable signs at this moment.

The army of the Great Yan Dynasty has been pressing on the back line, while the army of the Longshan Empire is constantly advancing. To be precise, the army of the Longshan Empire became the main attacker, while the army of the Great Yan Dynasty put on a team to **** the spoils and preserve the strength.

Although these signs are subtle, there is no doubt that the former close allies of the Longshan Family and the Green Forest Family are now only a partnership, not the close relationship they had just started.

Therefore, Lin Qi refused to find a suitable general from the Great Yan Dynasty to serve as the commander of the expeditionary army.

In this case, the church is happy to see. If the three remaining empires in the Western Continent are so good to wear a pair of pants, then the church is in a panic, and even sleeps well. But if the three major empires seem to be in harmony, and even some disputes arise, that is the best thing.

After a light cough, Grisgow Chenxi nodded heavily: "Yes, I also think that Ente Malte would be the best candidate for command! Ente Malte's justice, compassion, integrity and enthusiasm , We all recognize."

Enzo straightened his waist and put on a look like someone else, even his chin was slightly raised.

"Your Majesty the Pope, Your Majesty, and you sirs, I am willing to do whatever it takes for the welfare of the Western Continent. I will use the sword in my hand to open up the territory for the Western Continent in another continent."

Lin Qi interrupted Enzo's words: "Oh, no, dear General Ente Mart, you are going to the Dark Spirit Continent, not to fight. Of course, according to my judgment, perhaps you need to fight the Dark Spirit natives. A few games, but it was also based on lessons, not an annihilation battle!"

"We need you to tell the Black Spirit natives that the true strength of the Western Continent is not to be humiliated. Then we have to let them understand that it is not a pleasing thing to fight against us. They must cooperate with us in order to obtain the greatest benefit for them. ."

"We have shown our sincerity. We have released all the black slaves in the Western Continent. We have punished the top figures of the Black Spirit Empire. We have shown our sincerity. Therefore, we must also receive goodwill in return. If they Refusing to give us kind returns, then we need your sword, forcing them to sit at the negotiating table, and give us the kind returns we need!"

After a slight pause, Lin Qi frowned and looked at the three popes.

"Perhaps, we will need a more powerful threat at that time, so that the black spirits can do it according to our plan."

The three popes glanced at each other, and then they nodded slowly. Although they did not say a word, they had agreed to Lin Qi's request. The so-called more powerful threat should be a threat from the gods, right? At this point, Grisgow Chenxi was a little sure in their hearts.

The gods of the Black Spirit Continent, of course, there are sleeping gods in the Black Spirit Continent, but those gods are relatively easy to deal with.

In the huge Golden Palace of the Victory Palace, Lin Qi talked freely, and brought up all the changes he thought of and the countermeasures. Hua Li and a group of old and cunning Gao Lu courtiers filled up the vacancies and filled Lin Qi with all possible loopholes.

While they were discussing it, the intricate, low-strength, but huge church army built by Thames in the Longshan Empire had already assembled quickly under the dual pressure of the local garrison and the church. stand up.

A large number of armors and weapons were distributed. These soldiers who had been rigorously trained in the past few months quickly became armed, and then rushed to the southern coastline of the Longshan Empire. A large number of ships have been mobilized and are waiting to send this large number of church troops to the Black Spirit Continent.

Along with them, there were also the black spirit slaves released from the noble estates of the Longshan Empire. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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