Bright Era

Chapter 1775: Your Majesty, please come and kill me! (1)

"Can these little chickens come in handy?" Blackbeard stared at the large group of Church soldiers on the dock.

Although they have been trained for several months, these church soldiers are no more than gangsters from the ground. They have barely been trained to become ‘reserve soldiers’ who know how to obey orders and learn to line up and cooperate with basic battle lines. Yes, the combat effectiveness of these guys is extremely weak, and more than 90% of them do not even have the strength of a human fighter, and they are not qualified soldiers at all.

Unlike the former Caesar Empire, which had a sturdy folk style, almost all the citizens of that country would come with swords and guns. But these people of the Vias Commercial Federation, they got into the eyes of the money wholeheartedly. Did not refine their own traditions.

So Blackbeard's contemptuously calling them little chickens is not an insult to them.

"I didn't let them fight." Lin Qi looked at the church soldiers in line on the pier who were boarding the ship slowly, and said slowly: "I asked them to go to the Black Spirit Continent to scare people and train troops by the way. These guys are fighting power. It’s a bit weaker, but their numbers are huge and scary. That’s enough."

A large number? that's enough?

Blackbeard stroked his beard a little confused. He looked at Lin Qi, racking his brains for a long time, but didn't know what Lin Qi wanted to do. But after being silent for a while, Black Beard decided to shut up and leave Lin Qi's questions. As Lin Qi's father, if he still couldn't guess his son's wishful thinking, Black Beard felt he was too embarrassed.

Looking at the black beard suffocating, Lin Qi laughed ‘hehe’ a few times, and then took out a small, delicate test tube shaped like a finger. A little sap about the size of a little finger rolled in the test tube, and the pale golden sap exuded a dazzling brilliance in the sun, and even the snow on the ground nearby was stained with a faint golden color.

"Huh? What is this?" Blackbeard snatched the test tube curiously.

"Mr. Mo's secret medicine is made according to an ancient medicine formula." Lin Qi put all the responsibility on Mr. Mo's head: "This kind of medicine can make ordinary people strong in a short period of time, and have enough Their fighting strength makes them eligible to enjoy our dragon blood bath. But after taking this medicine, they need a lot of exercise to better absorb the medicine."

"So you sent these church troops to the Black Spirit Continent?" Blackbeard seemed to understand something.

Grabbing the potion bottle back, Lin Qi carefully stuffed it into his sleeve, and then slowly nodded: "Going to the Black Spirit Continent, they will be severely practiced, I will let them there. Establish a strong castle defense line. With a lot of exercise, a lot of engineering, and enough nutrients and medicine, their physical fitness will reach the level of a human soldier in about half a year."

With the basis of human soldiers, and then bathing in the dragon blood bath, the strength of these soldiers can break through to the high-ranking or even the heaven in one fell swoop. Thames used the funds provided by the Longshan Empire to form a large-scale church army. If Lin Qi didn't squeeze out all the use value of this church army, how could he be worthy of the gold coins he took out?

After a few triumphant smiles, Lin Qi greeted Enzo who was standing by, and after carefully exhorting Enzo a few words, Lin Qi let out a sharp whistle. Dozens of giant dragons and hundreds of flying dragons hovered down from the high-altitude clouds at the same time. Amidst the screams of countless church soldiers on the dock, they were surprised, happy and fearful. Lin Qi led a large group of tiger guards and tiger kill camp The demigod masters of the warriors and tiger clan divisions brought a group of old evil spirits and old demons such as Ozy Nightmare and Artha, and flew onto the dragon.

A large group of flying dragons surrounded these dragons with people standing on their backs soaring into the sky. These ferocious behemoths rushed into the sky, circled in the port of Vias for a while, and shot south at the fastest speed.

While Lin Qi and the others set off, hundreds of transport ships full of grain and other heavyweights were already surrounded by a large group of warships. They set off from several large ports in the south of the Longshan Empire, forming more than a dozen transports. The team went to the Black Spirit Continent.

There was no words all the way, the dragon was flying extremely fast, and Lin Qi and others used magical power to accelerate the speed of the dragon's flight. In just one day and one night, the coastline of the Black Spirit Continent appeared ahead. This is also the advantage of flying at high altitude. If it is an ordinary fleet on the sea, they must bypass several waters with extremely complicated hydrological environments between the Black Spirit Continent and the Western Continent. Without two or three months, they simply cannot. came here.

More than a hundred miles away from the coastline of the Black Spirit Continent, Lin Qi saw a pirate fleet with black skull and crossbones mooring on the outside of a huge seaport city ahead. In the harbour, a large number of people dragging their families and their mouths are boarding the gangway, crying to heaven and earth to throw the golden ticket with the charming golden light and other belongings to the bald man on the deck.

Lin Qi's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he patted his forehead heavily.

"This fellow Munch, he came to eat alone! Aha, his news is really well-informed. How did he know that the Black Spirit Empire is going to be unlucky? He actually came here early to pretend to be the savior? How much will he charge for boarding? Sixty percent? Too little! Seventy percent? Too benevolent! Eighty percent? A reasonable price! But this cruel pirate, he will not only charge 80% of the fee, right?"

"It must be 90% or more!" Da Hei leaped on Lin Qi's shoulders: "When their lives are threatened, these **** whose blood is tarnished and contaminated by original sin, they are willing to take out all their property in exchange for themselves. Security. So, this guy must blackmail them a lot of money!"

"Meet in half!" Xiao Hei rushed to Lin Qi's other shoulder: "We must admit that these poor, innocent, rich men whose wallets are full of gold coins and gems will be rescued from the city that is about to fall. It’s a great deed of immense merit! They must be grateful, they must pay us!"

Lin Qi blushed and coughed: "The one who rescued them was the pirate Munch."

"But isn't he your subordinate?" Da Hei exclaimed with a sense of righteousness: "He is your subordinate, and his boat is a free gift from you, so all his harvest must be given to you. You divide it in half or more! I will have a good talk with him, and I will let him understand that eating alone is a very sad thing and a very poor end!"

Lin Qi closed his mouth, well, these two greedy and shameless rabbits, what they want to say is what Lin Qi wants to say.

So, if Lin Qi can draw a large profit from the Black Spirit Empire without having to do it himself, Lin Qi has no need to object, does it? Anyway, the wicked man was made by two rabbits. He Lin Qi, he is naturally a good ally, good brother, and good partner of Munch.

At this moment, Lin Qi saw a dazzling green glow appearing in the air. He saw Blackbeard Munch jump on the back of a flying dragon. Surrounded by a large group of flying dragon knights, Lin Qi mighty toward the south. The place where the green Mingxia appeared rushed over.

"It seems that something is good!" A purple light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes, and he squinted his eyes, looking in the direction of the green light rushing hundreds of miles away. Then Lin Qi's body shook suddenly, angrily cursed, and a large black hurricane burst out all around his body. A tornado rushed to the ground and rolled Lin Qi forward like a teleport.

"Someone is going to be unlucky!" The two rabbits and the donkey lying lazily on the side suddenly jumped up vigorously. They let out a cry of excitement, brought three black lights into the black tornado beside Lin Qi, and rode in the toilet. The car hurried forward.

Munch was stepping on a fire dragon, waving a big axe in his hand and howling hoarsely: "There is an abnormal change, which represents an opportunity to make a lot of money! Brothers, remember that this will never go wrong. The law! As long as there is movement, there is a chance to make money!"

"As long as the opponent's strength is not strong enough, no matter what the benefits, grab it and leave! We are pirates, we are the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Group! We are free pirates, we are rampant pirates! But remember, we It’s a smart pirate. If the enemy is strong and we can’t provoke it, turn around and flee!”

"There is nothing to be ashamed of a pirate running away on the battlefield! Haha, fighting for gold coins is not a shame at all!"

"But remember, if it is for brothers desperately, who dares to escape, I will hang him on the beach for three days and three nights before letting him die!"

A group of flying dragon knights in heavy armor let out a cheering sound of "Aoao", rushing forward like a group of hungry wolves.

But they had just passed the Black Pearl Harbor, had just rushed out of the city wall, and had not even touched the flying warcraft cavalry of the Black Spirit natives who were attacking the city outside, and a terrible black wind swept past them. A gloomy and solemn voice suddenly rang in Munch and others' ears.

"It's a coincidence, Munch, I'm here to make a fortune, and you actually ran over early?"

"There is a group of wood elves in front. They are captured alive, and people from the Hyena Chamber of Commerce sell them to the Undead Continent for research. All the profits are yours. This group of **** long ears, why are they found anywhere? "

The wind stirred the air, and the air around the body of the dragon under Munch was almost evacuated by the wind. Fortunately, when flying dragons fly more with the help of magic, the air is evacuated, and these flying dragons can barely float in the air. If you change to another flying mount, it is estimated that Munch and his party have already plunged to the ground in embarrassment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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