Bright Era

Chapter 1777: Your Majesty, please come and kill me! (3)

Emperor Yun took a deep breath, he inhaled into a wind, exhaled into a cloud, his body shook slightly, and the void around him began to tremble. Countless small thunder and lightning and cyan clouds surround his body, and his gestures are filled with an indescribable sense of power.

"Very good, very good, this state makes me incredibly well." Emperor Yun'quack' laughed: "This is the power of God! Yunlong Clan Vias has several ancestors. Having also reached this state, this is the source of our confidence in establishing the Holy Dragon Court Empire."

"Unfortunately, after stepping into this realm, their bodies appeared in some unhealthy conditions, and they were forced to fall into a deep sleep. That's why the Holy Dragon Court Empire will be destroyed by the church!" Emperor Yun raised his head and watched. Looking at the few children and grandchildren who kept kowtow in front of him and a loyal old servant, he pointed to Lin Qi with a big heart: "My dear son-in-law, your hand is good at healing injuries. Give it to your father, your uncle, and Take a look at a few elderly people."

Lin Qi's neck shrank, okay, the old man Yundi was really not at all polite.

But no way, who made him and Yun a couple? Who made the elders of these ancient tribes too many and their own generation too young? Anyway, Lin Qi had become accustomed to pretending to be grandson in Hudao, so Lin Qi faced Yun Canglong and the others without any pressure.

With the help of the power of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Yun Canglong and their injuries were quickly healed, and then Lin Qi's eyes were suddenly attracted by the white widow on Emperor Yun's chest. This vicious poisonous insect made its first metamorphosis in Emperor Yun. It was not shaken to death in the process from the peak of a demigod to a one-star imperial priest, that is, a lower-level god. Although it was rejected by the powerful body of Emperor Yun. Came out, but now it is still trying to invade Emperor Yun's body.

Emperor Yun noticed Lin Qi's gaze, he nodded and grabbed the little spider.

"Look, it's this little thing. These days, it has made me extremely uncomfortable." Emperor Yun carefully handed the white widow to Lin Qi: "Be careful, this thing is very vicious, and I can feel it now, There is a trace of divinity hidden in this little thing!"

Emperor Yun’s body has been transformed, and his soul is undergoing earth-shaking changes, from an ordinary human soul to a so-called divine soul. Emperor Yun’s soul has become stronger and more sensitive, so he can understand Perceived an uncomfortable tyrannical aura in this white widow.

It was a trace of divinity. This white widow was the handwriting of a god. It was a **** who personally took the initiative to invade the white widow's egg into Emperor Yun's body, leaving him without any reaction. Emperor Yun felt the enormous power in his body, and felt full of confidence that he should be able to do something to the **** behind this white widow.

"Very powerful god!" Lin Qi sighed deeply: "At least a middle-level god. In other words, there can be no one of us to be his opponent. And he, or she, is not a human god. , Is she a weird'Spider God'?"

Lin Qi crushed the White Widow to pieces. From the divine breath hidden in this vicious little bug, he felt the existence of a huge and strange white spider. There were broken wounds all over the white spider's body, but it was obvious that some huge wounds had been repaired, only some of the wounds that looked hideous but were actually insignificant were squirming wildly.

At least it is a middle-level god, and an insect-shaped god. Such gods often have all kinds of weird abilities, Lin Qi didn't want to conflict with her before he understood her strength. This is a battle against a god, not a demi-god battle. Even in the Black Spirit Continent, if Lin Qi really gets into a fight with a god, it is estimated that all the strong on other continents will be alarmed, right?

Emperor Yun frowned: "Middle-ranked god?"

After a moment of silence, Emperor Yun quickly gave up the idea of ​​seeking justice from the middle-ranking mid-level god. The dragon horns and scales on his body quickly retracted into his body, and he regained his human form. Taking out a set of clothes and changing them slowly, Emperor Yun said calmly: "Then, if we can't find this **** to get angry, let's go find her dog legs, this, should it be possible?"

Lin Qi smiled brightly: "Of course it can. Those wood elves, I am also curious, why they appear here."

Lin Qi remembered that a few months ago, when he went to the Gaul Empire, he was assassinated by a group of elven archers in the streets of Bereli. After that assassination, the elves died down, and there was no more movement. But now that they appeared in the Black Spirit Continent, Lin Qi didn't mind having fun with them.

What made Lin Qi especially happy was that he also met Emperor Yun and his party here, and with his own help, Emperor Yun successfully completed the first stage of transformation and obtained the incarnation of a half candle dragon state. The combat power of a one-star imperial warrior, such a strength used to bully a demigod, is really pleasing to the eye.

There was one more powerful thug around him, and Lin Qi felt that he could do something.

Those wood elves had seen the process of Emperor Yun's body change, so they had to silence their mouths. At first, Lin Qi wanted to get some information from these wood elves about their purpose of coming to the Black Spirit Continent, but later saw that these wood elves showed a fearless and fearless appearance, he was very reasonable. Fulfilled them.

Putting away the flame barrier, Munch has already rushed over with a group of pirates.

After some greetings, Munch skillfully led the pirates to build more than a hundred gallows, and hung a group of wooden elves from the gallows. After finishing all this, when the last wood elves stopped twitching, Munch cried out in surprise: "Aha, let’s say, Lord Wann Longshan, here in the Black Spirit Continent, no, no, yes Is there really a lot of oil and water in the Black Spirit Empire?"

Munch stared at Lin Qi blankly. He had only dealt with several incarnations of Lin Qi, including the one who claimed to be the Minister of the Navy of the Longshan Empire. But Munch is not stupid at all. This old man named ‘Wan En Longshan’ is the real important minister of the Longshan Empire.

"General Munch, your fleet is here too. This is really great." Lin Qi smiled at Munch and nodded slowly: "Then, cooperate with the army of the Empire. I think you will. There are big oils and waters, but before that, maybe we should discuss the benefits you got in Black Pearl Harbor this time?"

Munch ‘quacked’ a few dry laughs, but his laughter soon stopped. Seeing Lin Qi's deep gaze, Munch stretched out his hands helplessly: "Okay, okay, according to the agreement between me and the Longshan Empire, you can get half of the proceeds. I am an honest person. The Blackbeard Pirate Group will be a good ally of the Longshan Empire."

Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction, and then he pulled Munch to tell him a few times. Munch's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and then he nodded seriously, and quickly led a group of subordinates to step on the flying dragon and whistled. Flew to the north sea.

There was a rush of breaking through the air from a distance, because of the call of that green light, the reinforcements of the wood elves finally arrived. A small team of about three hundred wood elves appeared behind Lin Qi and their side. The leader of the team was an old elves riding a big horned reindeer.

"Don't pester them, we still have serious business!"

Lin Qi stopped the eager Emperor Yun, smiled and made a rude gesture to the elves, and then the group of people boarded the dragon coming for reinforcements at the fastest speed, and walked away with a big laugh. The elves looked angrily at Lin Qi and his party who had quickly left with the help of the dragon's power. They wanted to track, but it was impossible to catch up with the dragon's speed.

These elves hesitated for a while, and then they found the gallows made by Munch and others. Roaring angrily around the hanged clansman, these elves reluctantly rushed back towards the path. The Emperor Yun and his team, who they wanted to capture alive, have fled, and they have also killed and injured so many people, they can only go back and find a way.

Anyway, they can't catch up with Lin Qi and his party. Now their most important task is to send back the corpses of the people and bury them in the fairy forest.

Stepping on the dragon, Lin Qi and his team directly broke through the black spirit indigenous defense line and landed in the core area of ​​Black Pearl Harbor. The current Black Pearl Harbor has long since fallen into a state of disorder. With the massive dispersal of the army in front, the leading figures of the Black Spirit Empire disappeared without a trace, and they have long been hiding in which corner.

Faced with this situation, Lin Qi could only look up to the sky and speechless.

Thanks to these guys, they sent special envoys to the Western Continent for help, but now the rescuers are coming, and the people who can be the masters of the Black Spirit Empire are gone. What use are the special envoys they sent? Lin Qi was really speechless for this empire organized by those merchant nobles. He hasn't even figured out the full composition of this empire. Does this empire have the position of emperor?

However, since all those who could call the shots fled, Lin Qi unceremoniously took people to occupy the Imperial Assembly Building in the heart of Black Pearl Harbor. This ordinary two-story building is already a rare majestic building in Black Pearl Harbor, which is generally a bungalow.

In the lobby on the first floor of the parliament building, Lin Qibu descended a super long-distance teleportation magic circle.

The magic circle flickered, and the huge magic wave spread, and a large group of regular soldiers of the Longshan Empire, dressed in magic armor, with a hideous color, poured out from the magic circle. Then Enzo's old brothers walked out of the magic circle. Under their command, these soldiers rushed out of the parliament building, strode along the streets of Black Pearl Harbor, and gradually controlled all parts of the city. Vital.

Soon Lin Qi heard cheers from all directions. It was the cheers of ordinary citizens in Black Pearl Harbor. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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