Bright Era

Chapter 1778: Your Majesty, please come and kill me! (4)

The black spirit natives outside the city are attacking the city, and the last regular army of the black spirit empire has been dispersed. The powerful figures of the empire have disappeared without a trace. Now the defense on the city head is formed by ordinary residents in the city. Team only. Rao is so, facing the casual siege of the Black Spirit, they still suffered heavy casualties.

The main force of the Hei Ling native has not arrived yet, and those who came here early were only scout teams from some indigenous tribes. But these city defense teams lacked a unified command. Although they all had a not-so-weak fighting capacity, they still defended very hard in the face of the attacks from the black spirit natives.

If it hadn’t been for all the ships in Black Pearl Harbor to have disappeared without a trace, and their wives and children were in the city, these city defense team members would have escaped with people. They are not those wealthy and wealthy businessmen. The fare offered by Munch is too expensive, and that is not the treatment they can enjoy. They are really forced to form and go to the city.

Therefore, when they saw the black spirits running past the city from time to time, they had been desperate, suddenly saw the brigade of elite soldiers wearing standard armor pouring up the wall, their cheers were taken for granted.

But what shocked these city defense team members was that as soon as these fighters rushed to the top of the city, they immediately issued a reorganization order-all city defense team members must accept the inclusion of the Longshan Empire regular army and become the official soldiers of the Longshan Empire regular army, if any Those who disobey shall be engaged in military law.

The cheers on the walls and the cheers in the city disappeared without a trace. ,

Lin Qi stood alone on the second-floor terrace of the parliament building, looking at Black Pearl Harbor, which suddenly boiled but suddenly fell into a state of death, a ridiculous arc was pulled up at the corner of his mouth: "There is no real meaning in this city. Good guys. So, join my army and fight for me! Well, these city defense members are all good hands, and they are all good enough to send directly to the dragon blood bath."

The huge spiritual power enveloped the entire Black Pearl Harbor, and Lin Qi had instantly ascertained the strength of the spontaneously organized city defense team members.

There are a lot of them, at least about 100,000, and most of them are status strength, a few of them have heavenly combat power, and there are even a group of saint-level existence. Just look at the hostility around them. They are all desperadoes who can't get along in the Western Continent. Thugs who fled to the Black Spirit Continent to find life.

So no matter how to toss them, Lin Qi doesn't have the slightest psychological pressure.

Use an elite regular army to control the entire Black Pearl Harbor in advance to resist the attacks of the black spirit natives, and then wait until the huge church army from the rear arrives to scare the black spirit people with a huge number of people, and let these church soldiers see blood. , Training and training, this is just a small part of Lin Qi's plan.

Seeing regular soldiers from the brigade rushing into Black Pearl Harbor, Lin Qi walked into the room slowly, took out a long-distance communication magic circle to assemble it. After groaning for a while, Lin Qi took the initiative to inspire the magic circle of transmission.

After about a cup of tea time, a haze rolled out of the magic circle, tightly wearing a close-fitting garment, lying on the side without covering the body, the skin showed a faint golden color, it is obvious from the appearance. She is a beautiful girl from the home of nomadic nobles on the Continental Bridge.

One of Ying Zheng's foot gently rubbed the smiling girl, and the girl gently stroked Ying Zheng's calf, looking at Lin Qi curiously.

Lin Qi, who was put on the clothes of ordinary people in the Blood Qin Empire, bowed deeply to Ying Zheng: "I have seen your Majesty, are you all well?"

Ying Zheng tilted his head and stared at Lin Qi, he took a deep breath, and then shook his head puzzledly: "King Dongshun, I can't understand why you want to betray me? If it's just the head of the country. Huang Pu Liufeng said that you want to rebel, I don't believe it, I know what he is."

With a deep sigh, Ying Zheng fainted the girl with a finger: "But the Yin Master said so, then I must admit that you have betrayed me, and you have betrayed me to you. Trust, you have betrayed the Blood Qin Empire, and you have betrayed the glory and wealth that the Blood Qin Empire gave you!"

Lin Qi gave a light cough, he smiled and shook his head: "Your Majesty, maybe you have forgotten one thing? Between you and me, is it just a transaction?"

Ying Zheng looked at Lin Qi in disbelief, his eyes widened in astonishment: "What did you say? Between you and me? Do you dare to sit on an equal footing with me? A deal? Do you dare to say, the Wang Juezhi I bestowed on you? Bit, the fief I gave you, the princess I gave you, is it just a deal?

Lin Qi waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, okay, you are a ten-thousand-year-old ghost who robs the flesh of your offspring and is born with a weight, don't be pretending here. In short, Huangpu Liufeng and his son are giving way. I am very uncomfortable, and I don’t want to do it under your hands, so I don’t bother to play with you. In short, Huangpu Liufeng and his son are the culprits who forced me and you to turn my face, you should cut off Huangpu Liufeng’s head ."

After a pause, Lin Qi took a deep look at Ying Zheng: "But Master Yin, I have a personal grievance with him! So he will definitely not tell you why he had a dispute with me, why he vowed that I betrayed You. But anyway, in short, I am too lazy to play with you. So I specifically inform you... By the way, General Longcheng and his family have moved out of the Blood Qin Empire, you know what this is. meaning?"

Ying Zheng stared at Lin Qi fiercely: "It's not just Dragon City, right? Hu Xinzhu and his family, which seemed to have disappeared a few days ago? And when they left, they swept away Shuangyang Chilong City Treasury One A huge amount of wealth!"

Lin Qi's eyes widened in astonishment: "What? They did this? Too unkind, so I didn't tell me, I must find them to make a profit! Well, that's it, win Zheng, you old ghost who will not die for ten thousand years, I will never help you harm the people of the western mainland. Therefore, I have left the western mainland, and you will never find me in your life!"

With a flick of his finger, Lin Qi was about to close the magic circle of transmission. But after thinking for a while, he added another sentence to the furious Yingzheng: "By the way, Yingzheng, you are just a waste of man-made things! You think you are a genius of heaven and a monarch whose destiny belongs, but In fact, you are just a puppet manipulated!"

"Master Yin controlled you, didn't you find out? Why did you hide in that great cauldron for ten thousand years? Don't you doubt it at all?"

"The close ministers around you controlled you, so you really don’t doubt that you, as a humble countryman, why did you get the help of so many elites to make you the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire? You really think you are something amazing. Stuff?"

"In addition, your first queen, aha, are you sure she likes you? Are you sure she is a sincere follower of you? Ha, you think you are in control of everything, in fact, you are basically everything Poor bug kept in the dark!"

After three triumphant laughs, Lin Qi crushed the most important piece of void magic crystal on the transmission magic circle.

"Yingzheng, don't let me down! You must come to chase me personally, otherwise, I have spent so much effort in vain!"

Seeing the powder of the Void Demon Crystal in his palm falling to the ground, Lin Qi sneered a few times before putting away the magical array of communication.

On the remote mainland bridge, in the most magnificent temple of the Prairie Temple, Ying Zheng slammed the pillar of the hall with a frantic punch, blasting the crystal pillar that was surrounded by several people to pieces. He raised his hands hoarsely and screamed: "Bastard thing, damned **** 10,000 times! I, I, I..."

A touch of blood rose suddenly in his eyes, Ying Zheng's face was gloomy, and he kept recalling Lin Qi's babble-like rhetoric.

Master Yin is controlling his Yingzheng? Master Yin wants to make Ying Zheng a puppet? Recalling the techniques he had cultivated, recalling his master, recalling the secretive actions of Yin Master, Ying Zheng's expression became increasingly ugly.

The important ministers around you are all people who want to control yourself? Ying Zheng thought of many, many things subconsciously. For example, when he met with a few confidants around him, it seemed, indeed, that he had nothing at that time, but they followed him so desperately, and then accompanied him to create a foundation for all generations!

Even the Zhao Lu, the Zhao Lu who built the impeccable royal worship group for the Blood Qin Empire for thousands of years, although he is a little crazy sometimes, he has good talents, talents, and strength. Well, there is really no need for him to become the head of the Blood Qin Palace for himself!

Ying Zheng remembered the scene when he saw the crazy Zhao Lu castrate himself with a knife, and he couldn't help but feel the horror.

Is he worthy of Zhao Lu's sacrifice? Is it worth it?

As for her own queen, that Yingzheng's only woman in her life who truly loved her, she was as unpredictable as a fairy in the sky, and her strength was so strong that Yingzheng was even hard to grasp. After leaving a child for him, another thunderstorm night, the beautiful queen who was almost inhuman, suddenly disappeared.

After mobilizing the power of the entire Blood Qin Empire to search for decades, Ying Zheng failed to find his own queen.

If she really loves herself, then why does she leave so abruptly?

It's okay for Lin Qi not to say these things. Lin Qi said these words, which made Yingzheng feel countless doubts. There are many things that Ying Zheng didn't look forward to thinking about in that direction, but as soon as Lin Qi brought up this topic, Ying Zheng would discover that it seemed that some things were indeed untrue?

Ying Zheng attaches great importance to him and his queen, and the relationship between him and his hard-core and important ministers is stronger than brotherhood!

But because of this, Ying Zheng can't tolerate this kind of feeling being infected with even a little unclean thing!

You must find Lin Qi to verify it, and then kill him yourself!

With a sullen face, the scene of the conversation with Lin Qi was brought up, and a strange statue behind Lin Qi was printed into Ying Zheng's vision.

"Sure enough, you are not in the Western Continent, you are in the Black Spirit Continent? Hey!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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