Bright Era

Chapter 1782: The emperor comes from the sea (3)

"But this is a piece of enthusiasm for your country, so I'm not welcome! I represent the 125,835 brothers of the 19th Legion of the Longshan Empire and the 127th floor of the Longshan Empire. Thirteen thousand five hundred and twenty-eight brothers from the Warcraft Cavalry Division, 11,359 noble masters representing the third division of the Royal Mage Division of the Longshan Empire, and the assistance of our Gaul Empire The 385 officers of the Ling Empire Officer Corps and 2,877 accompanying guards, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you!"

Falha opened his mouth wide and looked at Enzo blankly, his whole person stiffened there.

The gift to Enzo, to put it bluntly, was that the Black Spirit Empire wanted to bribe Enzo to help him take care of the Black Spirit Empire, instead of letting the Longshan Empire swallow the Black Spirit Empire in one go. But how can Enzo do this? Although the Black Spirit Empire is rich in wealth, they are really not prepared to give gifts to hundreds of thousands of people at the same time!

If according to the list of gifts given to Enzo, one of the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Longshan Empire is given a copy, the Black Spirit Empire can now declare bankruptcy-the treasure in the treasury will definitely not be able to sustain it. From such a waste.

"Respect, respectable General Ente Marte, you, what you said, I, I did not understand!" The poor Falha looked at Enzo with a dull gaze, and almost knelt on the ground and kowtow to Enzo.

Enzo showed two rows of white teeth and smiled at Falha, showing that he followed Lin Qi back then, carrying a big stick in the Gaul Empire University City to collect the'monthly personal safety deposit' from the children of the wealthy. A **** face leaned in front of Falha: "Respected Lord Falha Jinduo, I came here from the Gaul Empire with hard work, bringing hundreds of thousands of brothers to burn your **** to save your lives. , Do you want to mean something?"

Falhar nodded repeatedly. He looked at Enzo cautiously and said: "This is natural. Of course we will mean it. We have prepared food and baggage for you and your subordinates. We have hoarded enough for a fight. The supplies of the big war, we..."

Enzo coughed, he frowned and slapped Falha's shoulder with an impatient slap.

"Master Falha, isn't the Black Spirit Continent very far from the Western Continent? We can reach the Black Spirit Continent so quickly, but we have used a super long-distance large magic teleportation array! We have passed over hundreds of thousands of people, You have to make up for this consumption, right?"

Falha pondered for a while, then nodded: "Of course, this is necessary."

"Our brothers' food and drink expenses, including the cost of communicating with some cute little girls here, talking about their ideals in life, and their military expenses, should this also be solved by the Black Spirit Empire?"

Falha's eyes widened and nodded: "Of course, we have prepared military expenditures."

"So, if our brothers are injured, cut twice, or simply disabled, or even killed in battle! Well, the medical expenses, medical expenses, nutrition expenses for later recovery, and even pensions! Think about it! Look, it’s not easy for those brothers who died in battle. Who is the one who drags the family? Which brother does not have seventeen or eight children to support? Which brother does not have a dozen wives and lovers who want to eat and drink? Which brother’s house? There are no seven or eight parents to support?"

"Seven or eight parents?" Falha let out a scream like a hanged old rooster: "This is impossible!"

"Ah, why is it impossible?" Enzo's eyes widened, and he glared at him cruelly: "In addition to his own biological parents, as well as the elderly on his wife's side, aren't those lovers' parents counted as the elders in the family Is it right? Can't they have many godfathers? Only seven or eight parents, I have already talked about it."

Falha looked at Enzo like a ghost. He gritted his teeth and nodded aggrievedly: "Of course, if your subordinates die in battle, the pension will definitely satisfy you!"

He patted Falha **** the shoulder, and Enzo said enthusiastically: "Then, first take out a sum of money to set up a Black Spirit War Death Martyrs Pension Fund! I personally and the Longshan Bank established by the Longshan Empire It’s a good relationship. I can introduce you to deposit this money in Longshan Bank! If a soldier is killed in battle, we will directly withdraw the fee from that account. Isn’t that great?"

Blinking desperately, Farha nodded without tears. This has not yet started, you are about to set up a war martyrs pension fund?

"Then, the total amount is tentatively set at 10 billion gold coins! If the gold coins are not enough, you can use equivalent precious magic metals and magic materials to offset it. I am a reasonable person. I know that 10 billion gold coins are against an empire. In other words, it’s a lot of money. It’s not so easy to withdraw so much money at any time. But aren’t there magic materials?"

"Longshan Bank specializes in providing this kind of service. You take magic materials, such as mithril, fine gold, or simply blue gold ingots to exchange them for gold coins. In order to serve large customers like you, they use market prices. Seventy percent of them provide you with unlimited gold coin exchange services! Unlimited, Your Excellency Farhar, not all banks can provide this kind of promise, and not all customers can enjoy this kind of service!"

Falha looked at Enzo with red eyes, damn, unlimited gold coin exchange business, yes, Longshan Bank's business is really amazing! But can you tell me why they only use 70% of the market price for gold coins? This is not fair!

"Seven percent! General Ente Marte, this is too much!" Falha felt that he still had to work hard for the benefit of the Black Spirit Empire.

"But it's during the war!" Enzo stared at Falha firmly: "During the war, real money is the most valuable thing! You are holding a large block of mithril, you can't get gold coins, you No weapons, no medicines, no food! That big piece of mithril is just waste!"

Gently patted Falha on the shoulder, Enzo said lightly: "I think, I personally think that my advice is very good for the Black Spirit Empire, and my advice is full of compatriots in the West. The wandering wandering family has a deep affection!"

Falha looked at Enzo dumbfounded. He couldn't understand why this man was known for his bravery and wariness in the Western Continent. His reputation for integrity and justice even spread to Ente Mart of the Black Spirit Continent, and now it is revealed. Such a face?

Falha dared to swear with the soul of his ancestors that after the 10 billion so-called pension funds were deposited in Longshan Bank, the money had absolutely nothing to do with the Black Spirit Empire. This sum of money is entirely for meat buns and beating dogs, and it does not have any repercussions. Even if a dog eats the meat buns you throw out, he will bark twice, right? But looking at the posture that Enzo put on, the Longshan Empire will never show any good looks to the Black Spirit Empire because of this money.

After a long silence, Farha asked cautiously: "Do you have any other requirements?"

Enzo put on a contemplative posture and looked towards the sky for a while, and then he nodded seriously: "My subordinates, these brave and fearless warriors, they travel across the oceans for the Black Spirit Empire and travel thousands of miles away from home. The Black Spirit Empire fights. Should the Black Spirit Empire give them some rewards? For example, in addition to the normal military salary, each person will be rewarded with ten gold coins every month?"

Falhard breathed a sigh of relief immediately. Each soldier gave out ten gold coins a month as a reward. A mere tens of thousands of people would spend a million dollars a month. This really counts for the entire Black Spirit Empire. No big deal.

Smiling and nodding, Farha smiled: "If the money can also be used to offset the magic material, I think I can make a decision."

Enzo nodded: "I hope this verbal agreement can be reflected in the formal contract. The Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire dispatched their troops to fight for the Black Spirit Empire. In order to express its gratitude, the Black Spirit Empire bears all the military expenses of these troops. In addition to expenditure, each soldier will be rewarded with ten gold coins every month!"

Falha nodded relaxedly, and he solemnly promised this matter.

Lin Qi squinted at Falha, who was smiling, and almost laughed without holding his belly. Well, the reward of ten gold coins per soldier is really nothing to the Black Spirit Empire to bear the overhead of an army of hundreds of thousands.

However, there is a huge army of churches coming here. The great God of Seasons, he estimated that he had seen too many human tactics during the ancient **** wars. He actually madly conscripted all the refugees, rogues, rogues, and gangsters in the Longshan Empire. The church army!

Lin Qi felt his scalp numb when he thought of the huge number of this church army. Poor Black Spirit Empire, as long as they cannot fulfill the agreement reached with Enzo, then the Black Spirit Empire is swallowed by the Longshan Empire. Who is that? You can't pick things up.

Falha hurried back to the mothership in the lifeboat to meet those who could be the masters behind him.

Enzo opened the scroll of beast leather, glanced at the things recorded on the leather, and then he couldn't help blowing a sharp whistle. It was a gift list, and it seemed to be extremely rich, but in fact it had a taste of a castle in the air.

This gift list is dedicated to the Longshan Empire-the Black Spirit Empire is willing to cede the southern part of the country about the size of the 15 provinces of the Longshan Empire. There are large tracts of bright ebony forest and countless rich mineral veins. There are dozens of gold mines with reserves of more than 10,000 tons. As for other resources, they are countless!

Even for an empire, this gift list is too tempting. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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