Bright Era

Chapter 1783: Emperor from the sea (4)

The problem is that this fat and oily territory is all reserved land in the Dark Spirit! In order to obtain this territory, the Longshan Empire must help the Black Spirit Empire to defeat the army formed by the Black Spirit, and expand the territory to the south for nearly ten thousand miles, in order to successfully reach this large piece of land.

Afterwards, even if the Longshan Empire had obtained such a fertile territory, the benefits of the Black Spirit Empire were more than ten times that of this territory! Using the military power of the Longshan Empire to open up territories for themselves, these dignitaries of the Black Spirit Empire had a good calculation.

Enzo calmly turned his head and glanced at Lin Qi. Lin Qi had already read the record on the scroll with mental power. He shrugged his shoulders and gave a mocking smile. Enzo suddenly smiled and threw the scroll to the adjutant beside him, as if throwing away a mass of garbage.

"The Black Spirit Empire will rule the entire Black Spirit Continent, but it is an empire that is dominated by the Black Spirit Tribe Alliance and is allied with me. Not the disgusting empire now!" Lin Qi muttered looking at the fleet on the sea. Muttered.

A high-pitched horn sounded, and the boats moored at sea slowly moved towards the pier. The two giant ships at the forefront were purchased from the Eastern Subcontinent and were made by those forces controlled by the Mirage Sect. They were huge ships full of Eastern charm.

Two giant ships with the heads of a lion and lotus ship dangling from the bows broke through the waves. What surprised Lin Qi was that the two giant ships actually went head-to-head and put on an equal posture. Seeing that the flags on their ships were all flying the flag of the Black Spirit Empire, it was just that one of the giant ships was hoisted with a flag with a crown coat of arms, which obviously represented the royal family of the Black Spirit Empire.

On the other giant wheel, a scepter flag surrounded by thorns was hung. There is no doubt that this should be a symbol of the Black Spirit Empire Council.

"What does this mean? Is their power obtained through violence?" Lin Qi raised his brow and asked Esther who was standing next to him: "Who can tell me about this black The intelligence of the Spirit Empire? The royal family and the parliament coexist? And it seems to be on an equal footing. What does this mean?"

Esther glanced at Lin Qi coldly, her thin red lips twitched slightly, obviously she didn't care about the Black Spirit Empire.

For the former first successor of the Silver Iris family, the Black Spirit Empire, a “weak power” composed of “rich landlords and nouveau riche”, really couldn’t gain access to her Dharma vision. Where did she have that free time to care about black The internal affairs of the Spirit Empire?

The two huge ships set off a wave several meters high and slowly leaned on the trestle bridge. What made Lin Qi speechless was that the two giant ships happened to clamp the trestle bridge where he was on the left and the right. The two gangways were put down at the same time, and two hand-woven pure red cashmere carpets rolled down the gangways. , And then at the end of the two gangways, a chubby fat man appeared at the same time.

Two fat guys who were almost able to roll the ball on the ground, they walked down the gangway panting, the heavy log gangway made an overwhelming'crunch' sound, Lin Qi was worried that they would move the gangway Stepped off.

The fat man on the left was wearing a red emperor's robe. He came to Enzo out of breath, and moved his upper body forward with difficulty. This is probably because he was bowing to Enzo and saluting: "Respected Enzo? General Mart, I, the only ruler of the Black Spirit Empire, the Black Spirit Emperor Almu Golden Oar salutes you. I unconditionally promised all your requirements. It is our honor that you can lead troops to rescue us!"

The Golden Oars family, Lin Qi nodded thoughtfully. This family is also notorious in the former Vias Commercial Federation. They set up a hard-working auction house throughout the Federation. From their hands, there are often High-quality slaves flowed out.

Another fat man stood in front of Enzo with his head held high and said: "Honor General Ent Mart, I am the highest authority of the Black Spirit Empire, Buffy Golden Mast, the Speaker of the Imperial Assembly. First of all, I represent Black Spirit. Thousands of people of the empire would like to express their sincere gratitude to you for your assistance."

After a pause, Buffy Jinwei said proudly: "Secondly, I express my unconditional support to the conditions that our noble majesty has promised you. Even I personally propose that your brave soldiers deserve more! For example, do your soldiers need a sharp rune weapon?"

Almu Golden Paddle's expression became extremely ugly, and he said solemnly: "President Buffy, I am the majesty of the Black Spirit Empire!"

Buffy glanced at Almu and shook his head gently: "But please remember one more thing, your Majesty, we have agreed upon the establishment of the Black Spirit Empire. You are the Golden Oars family with the most powerful army at the time. On behalf of, you have become the emperor of the empire. Although our military alone is not as powerful as you, our combined military can compete with you, so we have unlimited powers of advice and supervision!"

Glancing sternly at Almu, Buffy said proudly: "Now is the time for our parliament to give full play to the unlimited power of advice. I propose to increase the treatment of reinforcements to the Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire. They deserve more! Must get more!"

"His Majesty, there are tens of thousands of rune weapons that we forged in the treasury over the years. Why don't you donate them so that our lads have stronger combat effectiveness? Everyone is rewarded with ten gold coins every month, you Don’t you think this is too shabby? Fifty gold coins, I think it would be a more reasonable price. I think, with the encouragement of fifty gold coins every month, the soldiers under General Ente Malte will Use ten times the enthusiasm to help us teach those black spirits well, right?"

Buffy smiled brightly, but Almu's eyes turned red.

This kind of thing is the easiest and most pleasant thing to do to be generous to others; but people who are ‘be generous’ may not feel very comfortable in their hearts. Buffy is here to please Enzo, but he uses the money and materials of the Black Spirit Empire, and these money and materials belong to the Treasury of the Black Spirit Empire. To put it bluntly, this is Almu's private property!

"President Buffy, you are a loyal and good friend of the Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire!" Lin Qi immediately rushed out of the crowd. He expressed his most enthusiastic support to Speaker Buffy: "I even think that the Black Spirit Empire Only under your leadership can we embark on a bright road!"

Enzo nodded desperately, and he shouted enthusiastically: "I firmly support this view. Speaker Buffy is indeed our best friend, so we must maintain Speaker Buffy’s power and power in the Black Spirit Empire. interest!"

Almu became anxious, and he immediately screamed hysterically: "The great goddess of wealth is here, with only fifty gold coins, but I'm sorry those brave boys! I think the reward of one hundred gold coins a month is very Appropriate! The Treasury of the Black Spirit Empire has stored one hundred thousand powerful rune weapons. I think our lads should fight those black leather weapons with the best weapons!"

Lin Qi embraced Almu enthusiastically, and soon Almu became the strongest friend of the Gaul Empire and the Longshan Empire, and the soldiers of the Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire must also maintain Almu’s The rule of this country!

With enthusiastic smiles, Almu and Buffy expressed to Lin Qi how excited they were to be friends of the two empires. They stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes like a cockfight, and they wanted to rush to choke each other to death.

Lin Qi smiled more brilliantly. There are two voices in a country? Well, it couldn't be better! Now, it depends on how much benefit you can give! Lin Qi is looking forward to squeezing all the oil and water in the Black Spirit Empire before his huge troop transport team arrives!

Just when Lin Qi and his group were in the Black Pearl Harbor to extortion and extortion, forcing the dignitaries of the Black Spirit Empire to promise them countless benefits, a cloud of immaculate moonlight was flying fast on the sea. The moon wheel with a diameter of about ten meters exudes shining brilliance, and with the chill that makes people cold from the bone marrow, it skimmed over the sea silently, and a white ice mark was frozen on the sea.

Going straight to the Black Spirit Continent from the middle of the Continental Bridge, this round of moonlight flashed across the sea like a phantom. People with a slightly weaker eyes could not even see the shadow he left when he flew past.

In this round of moonlight, after a long sapphire case, Ying Zheng was dressed in a black Nine Dragon robe with a silver dragon pattern and sat on a high-back sapphire armchair with a gloomy expression. There was a huge wine jar in front of him. Inside the jar was 100-year-old sweet-scented osmanthus wine. One was as white as jade and looked almost translucent. The back was covered with three protruding legs that were as bright as a pearl. Toad, lying in the drink with his lazy belly upturned, rolled up the drink with his long tongue and swallowed it into his stomach.

"You idiot, how did you become the emperor?"

"If someone says your daughter-in-law steals someone, do you believe it?"

"People say that your brother sold you, but also believe it?"

"Then, if a donkey stood in front of you and said to you, you are his grandson, would you really kneel down and hold his hoofs to make him fail?"

"Okay, okay, I know my last statement is a bit strange, a bit incomprehensible, and a bit unacceptable. After all, the wisdom of a mortal can only understand some common things! For example, a wife steals someone, and a brother betrays it. Category!"

After a few sips of wine, this three-legged toad opened its mouth wide, pointing at Ying Zheng and yelling.

"Stupid, so stupid! How did you become the emperor, you stupid? What a yellow-mouthed kid said, do you take it seriously?"

"Hey, if it weren’t for the immortality moon wheel in your hand, I woke up with all my hard work, and ran back with the smell of the immortality moon wheel, and ended up in your hands. I really don’t bother Stay by your idiot for even a quarter of an hour!"

"You are so stupid, so stupid that you exude a breath called stupidity! I stay with you for too long, I will become stupid too!"

The three-legged toad yelled at him, and Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with an angry fierce light.

Lin Qi, if you are stubborn and dare to pour sewage on my lover and confidant brother, I will never let you go! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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