Bright Era

Chapter 1786: Faction (2)

The King Scorpion waved two huge pliers with satisfaction: "Okay, we will try our best to kill the **** of war! But before that, I'm going to look for the black-skinned boys, the white-skinned kids from the Western Continent, I We have to kill them all! They are all believers of the Asher clan. It is the most beautiful thing to kill more!"

With a cold snort, the King Scorpion shook his body and turned into a strong man with a height of two meters, covered with thick gold-blue armor that grew out of the flesh, and his face stiff like a statue. He shook the two machete in his hand, and affectionately rubbed the exposed big fang of the spider mother with the machete, then turned and left the underground cave.

"He's going to bully people!" The Spider Demon Ji happily shook her plump breasts: "I'm going to play too. A group of white-skinned kids, a group of stupid creatures who have betrayed their blood, I don't have any psychological pressure to kill them. "Cack bang", crush one, "click", step on one, I don’t know how fun it is."

The spider demon's body turned into a bright red gleam and was about to dissipate, and the spider mother suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Xie Lisi, remember our identity. We, once, were the beasts of those adults. Even these stupid guys. Betrayed their own blood, but don't make too much killing. If they get lost, let them go!"

The dim light of the Spider Demon Girl condensed in the air: "Do you pet the beast? Speyer, how many years ago was that? I almost forget those things. But even so, the price we paid It's enough, isn't it? If it weren't for us, at least these black-skinned boys would have been annihilated long ago! We have paid enough!"

The spider mother didn't say a word again, the spider demon girl sighed softly, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

Outside Black Pearl Harbor, on an island dozens of miles away from the harbor, Emperor Yun looked at the few naked and wide-eyed tiger guards in front of him with a vigorous expression. He hooked his fingers to these tiger guards and smiled happily: "Boys, Grandpa Yundi won't bully you, let's go together! Grandpa Yundi has just broken through a big barrier, so I want to find you to practice. "

The donkey was carrying two rabbits, squatting coldly and looking at the pretentious Emperor Yun.

From the peak of the demigod, he successfully activated the bloodline, obtained the half-dragon shape transformation of the candle dragon, and successfully stepped into the deity position, possessing the strength of the lower-level deity. At this moment, Emperor Yun was so proud that he had to look for it. A few hapless guys try how much power they have.

The tiger guard who was called to the island for these unknown reasons widened his eyes. A tiger guard stepped forward and asked slowly: "You, want to fight us? Did we hear you right? You want to play with us. ? You still call us kid?"

Emperor Yun raised his head proudly. The pride of the Yunlong clan was well-known among the twelve ancient clans. Their pride radiated from the bone marrow, and their pride was hidden deep in their blood. In particular, Emperor Yun now possesses power comparable to that of a god. If he is not proud, is he still a pure Yunlong clan?

"Yes, that's what I meant! So, let's go together!"

As soon as his figure shook, a faint purple aura burst into the surroundings of Emperor Yun's body. A total of 9,980 phantoms of green dragons were looming behind him. The sacred and majestic dragons spread around, and those tiger guards' clothes There was a flutter, and there was a shock of'hunting'.

The Tiger Guard who came to speak was silent for a while, then he stared at Emperor Yun and said, "Are you a member of the Yunlong clan? Who is your father?"

Emperor Yun was stunned, he frowned and looked at these tiger guards, and hesitantly pinched a weird handprint.

The tiger guard nodded, his hands also made a complicated handprint on his chest: "We are from the Lin Hu clan. Who is your father? We have never seen you, but you are actually proficient in the Yunlong clan's merits. Fa, you are the member of the Yunlong clan that ran wild in the Western Continent and was almost wiped out, right?"

With a click of his mouth, Emperor Yun looked at the handprint on the tiger's chest, and took a deep breath: "My father is the emperor Yunhuang, the founding emperor of the sacred Longting Empire. My grandfather is called Shangyunxiasheng. My great-grandfather, his name is true, my..."

The Huwei interrupted him, and he shouted in a deep voice: "So, your fifteenth generation direct ancestor is Yun Ao, right?"

Emperor Yun looked at the Tiger Guard a little embarrassed, he had a bad premonition. He put away his breath and asked the tiger guard in embarrassment: "So, are you?"

The Huwei nodded, walked slowly to Emperor Yun, and looked up and down at him strangely: "Lao Tzu Lin Podi, that kid Yun Ao has only one wife, and his wife is my great-granddaughter! So! , You just called us boys, and you called yourself Grandpa Yundi in front of us?"

Emperor Yun looked at Lin Podi with numb hands and feet, and said nothing for a while. The twelve ancient tribes intermarried with each other, and the relationship between relatives was extremely complicated. But no matter how complicated the relationship between relatives and relatives is, Lin Podi is his ancestor of Emperor Yun for eighteen generations. Emperor Yun actually called himself "grandfather" in front of him, calling the tigers and guards of Lin Podi "boys." The joke is really big.

The originally straight waist was slowly bent down, and Emperor Yun's arrogant face slowly squeezed out an embarrassing smile: "The Yunlong clan, Vias and Yundi, have seen all the ancestors, all the old How is Zuan?"

"Can eat, sleep, kill people and set fires, and marry a few concubines and baby dolls, of course it's very good!" Lin Potian gave Yundi a fierce look, and Lin Potian turned around and patted his **** and left: "Brother Let's go, go and have fun on the pier. I thought this kid had something good to do with us, but he came to find a lesson! Who is itching? Beat him? Think it's amazing if you break through the demigod state ?"

Emperor Yun's scalp was numb for a while, and he looked at these Tiger Guards who were striding away in the waves with a little confusion. Could it be that these guys, like themselves, have completed the most important transformation?

But when he turned his head and thought about it, Emperor Yun suddenly became happy: "That girl Yun still has the foresight! No matter how high you are, no matter how strong you are, don't you have to listen to Lin Qi's confession? No matter how strong Lin Qi is, No matter how powerful you are, don’t you have to bow down to Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu doesn’t suffer at all!"

Yang Tian laughed three times, and Emperor Yun triumphantly hooked his fingers to the donkey and the two rabbits who were squatting on the side: "I am a good breeder of the Yunlong clan. I have a granddaughter and I am looking for such excellent men. My Yunlong clan is a good breeder! Well, the old man has a little breath today. Would you like to compete with the old man?"

The donkey blinked, and then barked his teeth. He stood up and made a rude gesture to Emperor Yun: "Old grandson, you owe it to clean up!"

The two rabbits were decisive actionists, and Emperor Yun was having fun on his own. They pulled out the thick metal rod without saying a word. Their bodies swelled to a height of several meters. Before Emperor Yun could clearly see their movements, the two metal rods slammed down like a storm.

"You are a sneak attack!" Emperor Yun's embarrassed hands furiously resisted the attack of the two rabbits, but because he had just stepped into the level of a lower-level god, the attack of the two rabbits still took him in a very short time. The defense was completely shattered.

A bang hit his forehead, a bang hit his ass, and Emperor Yun rolled his eyes and vomited blood before being knocked out. The two rabbits rushed up and stripped off the space rings on Emperor Yun, and then stripped off his top-quality silk satin robe.

Just when they wanted to clean the Emperor Yun, the donkey finally kindly reminded him from the side: "You better stay a little longer. Although this old grandson is a bit arrogant, Yun is the offspring of his aunt. With him, Yun can take your skin off. Do you believe it or not?"

The rabbit's body trembling with two hands dancing and looting suddenly trembled. They showed two white front teeth, and smiled flatteringly at the donkey, and then obediently put Emperor Yun's clothes on him again, and put his wife on him. All the space rings were put back on his fingers.

When the two rabbits were busy, the donkey's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle. He clicked his hoof and stood up, stretched his neck and looked away. At this moment, his eyes spanned a distance of nearly a thousand miles, and he saw a moon wheel that was blasting towards Black Pearl Harbor at an alarming speed.

"The old moon wheel is here! Rabbits, your business is here! Hurry up and inform Lin Qi, get ready, the big fat sheep is here!" The donkey was so excited that all his black hairs stood up: "Knock an emperor, How many big breasted girls have to be exchanged!"

Da Hei grabbed the unconscious Emperor Yun and threw it on his shoulder. He sneered sadly: "Eastern Continent, is there a girl with big breasts?"

The donkey's body suddenly stiffened, his black hair swayed in confusion for a while, and then he vomited blood up to the sky: "Damn, those women from the Eastern Continent, they..."

With fierce eyes in his eyes, the donkey pointed at the sky and cursed: "This **** grandson who was sent to the door, there is no need to stay alive! Since he can't get a lot of big breasted girls, he doesn't have it. Any value of existence! Kill him, and then strip him of all the valuable things! The Emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, his underwear is set with gems, right?"

The last words of the donkey quickly aroused the great interest of the two rabbits, and the three bad creatures caused a shadow and quickly disappeared without a trace.

In the moon wheel, Ying Zheng, who is less than a thousand miles away from Black Pearl Harbor, gently hummed a simple folk song. As the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, it was impossible for Ying Zheng to do so in front of courtiers. Even if he wants to chant poems and make the right, it must be Yangchun Baixue's poetry and poetry. How can such a vulgar tune of poetry and music from the country come out of his mouth? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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