Bright Era

Chapter 1787: Faction (3)

But no one knows that Ying Zheng only likes this kind of folk songs!

Even if he is already the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, he has loved this folk song tune all his life. This is a secret that only he knows. He never told anyone, even the most trusted founding ministers around him, he did not tell them this secret—in fact, every time he attended a luxurious palace banquet, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to cut down all the court musicians who played the huge scale.

"It's empty and boring, and time is boring." Ying Zheng tapped the long case in front of him with his fingers, and smiled leisurely: "I am an idler in the mountains, but I can't appreciate the sunshine and snow of their wealthy families. "

A jar of old wine in the wine jar has almost been drunk by the three-legged toad. The jade-colored toad, the size of a fist, spit out the same crystal clear tongue like a white jade carving, and it was locked in a certain direction in the southwest. .

"The person who talked with you, his breath is in this direction." The three-legged toad hummed slowly: "As long as I have seen it, I have sensed his voice or breath or other information. It is impossible to escape my tracking. He is in the Black Spirit Continent, and he is thousands of miles away."

At this moment, the donkey glanced here intently. The three-legged toad shivered suddenly. He subconsciously shrank the body to the size of a flea, and then the whole body became a colorless and transparent state: "I suddenly have something to do. Good premonition. Hey, emperor, let’s go back. You'd better bring more people, such as the Yin Master, or those bald heads in the Tianmiao. You can bring one hundred and eight hundred thousand people, I have a kind Very bad, extremely terrible premonition."

Curled up in the liquor, the three-legged toad mumbled tremblingly: "Nightmare, I feel the breath of a terrible and desperate nightmare. But what is going on? I have forgotten this feeling for too long! What is it that makes me so scared?"

Ying Zheng snorted coldly and raised his head proudly: "You little worm is really timid. Who can hurt you with me? Then Dongshun King Lin Qi, rebellious offense, I must Ask him for an explanation. I need to let the world know that there are some things that I can't say; some things I can't do. If you say and do it, you must pay the price!"

"But!" The three-legged toad's body is still so small, but he made a toad's head full the size of a water tank, and placed it funny on the opening of the wine jar. He looked at Ying Zheng pitifully, and cautiously said: "I feel very dangerous, my dear emperor, there is an old saying that the son of a daughter can't sit down, you are a majestic emperor, let alone, there are so many beautiful women in your palace. Yeah!"

Sticking out his long tongue and swaying in the air, the three-legged toad blinked and looked at Ying Zheng: "Think about it, if you have three long and two short this time, if you die, I will have nothing to lose. Anyway, the moon wheel is not old. , I am the immortal body. But if you are chopped into meat sauce, how pitiful your big wives, little wives, and medium-sized wives are?"

"Good luck, they can still give you widowhood! Bad luck, if your son sits on the throne, he will kill them all in one click. If luck is worse, your wives ran outside to hook up with men , Women, neither men nor women, your crown will become green!"

Yingzheng was almost vomiting blood with anger. He slammed the three-legged toad's head with a punch, and slammed his head into the wine jar: "Asshole thing, which side are you on? I, I, if not. You have all kinds of supernatural powers that can help me, and I have already chopped you off!"

"Impossible!" The three-legged toad stretched out his head again without fear of death. This time he changed his head to the size of two water tanks. His lips almost touched Ying Zheng's head: "Not old If the moon wheel is not destroyed, I will not die. But if I want to destroy the immortal moon wheel, it’s not that I look down on you, unless it’s the Yin Master, otherwise you really can’t help me! But the Yin Master is just a clone, he thought It's hard to destroy me!"

Ying Zheng was about to punch the three-legged toad's head into the wine jar again, but suddenly heard his words, Ying Zheng's fist suddenly stiffened there: "Yin Master, just a clone? You give it. I speak clearly!"

The three-legged toad shook his head and stared at Ying Zheng with wide eyes: "He is a clone. Don't you know? Well, if you don't know, then I can't tell you. After all, he and I are a little involved. Although he has become a little strange now, I will not betray his news!"

"On what conditions can you tell me his details!" Ying Zheng looked at Three-legged Toad with gloomy eyes.

Taking a look at Ying Zheng with a trace of weird pity, the three-legged toad shook his head: "No conditions allow me to tell any information about the Yin Master. Severe torture is invalid for me, I hope you can clearly understand This. At the same time, I must advise you, if you have cultivated that **** practice on Penglai Island, you cannot pose any threat to Yin Master."

A cold sweat dripped from Ying Zheng's forehead: "That exercise... is the exercise practiced by the gods."

The three-legged toad looked at Ying Zheng compassionately: "The **** army is just a war puppet. Except for the highest-ranking gods, they don't have any mind. You have practiced their techniques. As long as the Yin Master wants, he can easily make you a puppet . Correspondingly, you can never hurt him."

Ying Zheng became silent. He looked up into the distance. He could already see the coastline of Black Pearl Harbor.

The three-legged toad blinked his eyes and said slowly: "So, if you want to get rid of your tragic fate, please help me find my other companions. One can never control his mouth, but his heart is kind. Two sweet-scented osmanthus trees; two white rabbits that look pure and lovely, but cruel, despicable, treacherous, and lustful."

"Find them, I can help you recast your body and meridians, help you refine the strength you have cultivated, and help you resolve all the troubles in your body." The three-legged toad looked at Ying Zheng confidently: "We are following. If you are by your side, even if your head is chopped off by someone, as long as that person does not destroy your soul, it will be hard for you to die."

There was a trace of enthusiasm in Ying Zheng's eyes: "If I can help you find them, can you stay forever to assist me?"

The three-legged toad was silent for a while, and then helplessly drooped his tongue from his big mouth: "I don't count, you idiot. I'm just a spare part, and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree with a big mouth is our boss! "

There was a ferocious and greedy look in Ying Zheng's eyes. He stared at the three-legged toad and said confidently: "You will be my most precious treasure, including your companions, or say Your boss must be mine!"

The body of the three-legged toad shuddered, and then he sighed heavily, "Fortunately, I am a male toad, not a female toad. Otherwise, your words will make me get goose bumps! Hey, why are you also an emperor? Can you not speak so numbly?"

Ying Zheng was so angry that he was about to vomit blood by the three-legged toad. He stared at the tired toad for a long time before exhaling sullenly.

The moon wheel flew forward rapidly, seeing that it was less than a hundred miles away from Black Pearl Harbor. Suddenly, huge waves were raised on the sea, and the terrifying waves were hundreds of meters high. Rows of huge waves rolled, forming a huge lotus on the sea, and the moon wheel where Ying Zheng was located was just trapped in the stamen of this lotus.

With a ‘click’, the deep blue heart slowly appeared from the sky, and a terrible cold air instantly blocked a hundred li, and the lotus petals composed of huge waves quickly froze into silver-blue icebergs. The deep curse sounded from all directions, and countless large and small magic patterns and divine texts appeared in these icebergs. The biting cold air pulled out a silver-blue light visible to the naked eye in the air, completely blocking this space.

Wearing a fur coat, Lin Qi lazily appeared in front of the moon wheel following a gushing water wave.

Quietly looking at Ying Zheng sitting on the sapphire chair in the middle of the transparent moon wheel, Lin Qi smiled: "Your Majesty, long time no see, did you really find it?"

Looking up at the sky, Lin Qi couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "During the last call with you, I deliberately left a trace of space fluctuations for you to track. But I didn't expect you to come so fast!"

With a bang, the three-legged toad jumped out of the wine jar happily. He nodded to Lin Qi, and spit out his long tongue at Lin Qi: "This is my credit! The emperor didn't spend a little bit of it. My strength, it's all my credit that he came here so quickly."

"Aha!" Lin Qi's eyes widened in astonishment, surprise, and surprise: "One, weird three-legged toad?"

"Please call me Qingjing Yuchan!" The three-legged toad clicked his mouth: "Toad or something, that's too vulgar. My official name is Qingjing Yuchan. Isn't it a very elegant name? Is it a beautiful name? Is there a kind of otherworldly immortality? Does my name make you feel ashamed and make you want to kneel in front of me and call me uncle?"

Lin Qi was stunned. He stared at the three-legged toad, and didn't recover for a long while.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree murmured: "It's good to get used to it. He has always had this broken mouth problem. But there are no other major problems. He just muttered a little bit, which makes people unable to help but want to beat him. Meal. In short, if you don’t want to listen to him, you can order him to shut up. If he doesn’t shut up, you can beat him up, beat him up, and beat him to death as much as you want, it’s okay!"

Lin Qi shuddered, what did the three-legged toad do to make the sweet-scented osmanthus tree remember him so much? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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