Bright Era

Chapter 1789: Own person (1)

In Black Pearl Harbor, the bow of the giant ship with the head of the lion and lotus boat hung, and the large oriental coffee table is placed upright. Lin Qi sits on the side of the coffee table and stares at the small stove on the coffee table. A small stove made of red mud, the wood chips burning inside are Mingguang ebony, and the kettle on the stove is a purple sand kettle carefully kneaded by a master craftsman, and the scent of tea continues to flow from the kettle.

The graceful Ying Zheng sat opposite Lin Qi, comfortably gazing at the surrounding sea, sky and water. This was two hours after Ying Zheng was captured by Lin Qi. Lin Qi invited him to take a break here. Ying Zheng, who knew he could not escape, generously accepted Lin Qi's invitation.

In these two hours, Lin Qi will be the master over the things that Yingzheng did. After listening to Lin Qi's words, Ying Zheng fell into a long state of silence, and then remained so graceful, sitting there silently.

A few huge seabirds lazily stopped on the flagpole of the giant ship, but a fire dragon suddenly yelled and rushed over. The seabirds were so scared that they **** off, and fluttered their wings embarrassedly after dropping a large amount of feces and urine. .

The face of Ying Zheng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly changed: "Fenqin and cooks cranes, the scenery is terrible. Lin Qi, your subordinates must be in good control."

Lin Qi glanced at the flying dragon that had replaced the seabird on the flagpole, and yawned lazily: "This is their hobby, and I don't bother to care about it. As long as they don't cause trouble, what do I care about them? This is the nature of the dragon race. I can't kill the nature of my subordinates, right?"

Ying Zheng looked at Lin Qi coldly: "There is no rule, there can be no radius."

Lin Qi smiled and grabbed the hot purple sand pot and poured a cup of fragrant tea for himself and Ying Zheng: "The rules? It depends on who made the rules. For example, my rules are, as long as my subordinates observe military discipline, Do not disturb the people, do not destroy, then they can not be restricted by other red tape. On the contrary, it is your Majesty. Are your rules really yours?"

Ying Zheng was silent, confined with all his strength, he reluctantly grabbed the teacup and drank the hot tea.

"I still don't believe what you said." Ying Zheng looked at Lin Qi with a complicated expression: "I can't believe that my lover is a **** arranged by others. I can't believe that she is now relaxing on an island. A leisurely life; I can’t believe that all of my loyal courtiers are... all are..."

A ray of blood leaked from the corner of Ying Zheng’s mouth. He raised his sleeve to wipe the blood, and said lightly: "If everything you say is true, then even if we have unified the world, how much it is. lonely?"

Lin Qi didn't say a word. He just smiled at Ying Zheng and shook his head gently: "Lonely? I have an elder whom I respect so much. He once said to me that all emperors are lonely, their Life is destined to be loneliness. Clean and pure loneliness is better than false excitement. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

Ying Zheng was silent, but there were dull footsteps behind Lin Qi. Chi Yan carried a bright red chain, and walked over with a staggering Yin and Yang like a dog. He pulled the chains fiercely, causing Yin and Yang to stagger to the ground, Chi Yan nodded happily to Lin Qi: "This kid has conceded, he is willing to confess everything, and he is willing to give up resistance and let you control him soul."

Lin Qi stretched out, he nodded to Yingzheng, and laughed softly: "Your Majesty can listen to this Lord Yin and Yang carefully. Then, if your Majesty thinks his words have answered your doubts, you can Consider my conditions."

Ying Zheng's face was tense, he took a deep breath and looked hard at Yin and Yang.

Lin Qi turned and left the giant ship, and stepped on the waves to an island in the distance. Through the teleportation array here, Lin Qi soon came to the Dragon Abyss. Ximenfeng, Xiahouchu, Lin Crazy, and many other fine and handsome Yan Zheng squatted on the ground in embarrassment to eat Haisai, swallowing the wine and food provided by Lin Qi.

Seeing Lin Qi walking over, the elites of these various races all showed embarrassment. They ambitiously want to capture Lin Qi alive, control Lin Qi, and then influence the Tiger tribes of the five branches behind him. As a result, they were all caught by Lin Qi, and none of them ran away. They became Lin Qi's prisoners, and could not resist the torture, they were forced to agree to Lin Qi's terms.

Let go of all resistance on the soul, cooperate with Lin Qi to control their soul, and then make oneself become Lin Qi's "owner". Originally consciously aloof, he thought that after joining the dominion association, Ximenfeng and the others, who could overlook the sentient beings like the gods, felt a great humiliation and helplessness for a while.

"Very well, everyone made the wisest choice!" Lin Qi happily looked at these young handsome men from various ancient tribes. What a fortune, these people’s adventures can’t be compared with Lin Qi himself, but they can all cultivate to a demi-god high-level or even a demi-god peak in just a few hundred years. His talents and aptitudes are of the highest type.

Especially they are the ones who dominate the meeting! Controlling them, Lin Qi can penetrate a deep prong in the dominating club. At that time, who knows how useful these ‘owners’ will be? If Lin Qi could control the dominating club, then Lin Qi would really laugh out loud.

With a soft cough, Lin Qi said to these unlucky ones with complex expressions: "Don’t think I’m laughing at you! I’m telling the truth, you did make the wisest choice! You will soon find out. , Follow me, you can get more!"

"More wealth, more power, or more handsome men and beauties. Of course, I don’t want you to choose more handsome men. This will make me feel guilty, whether you are male or female, if you choose The option of'more handsome men' makes me feel that there is no way to tell your parents and elders."

Lin Qi spread out his hands and shrugged helplessly. Ximenfeng and the others looked at Lin Qi with cold eyes. After a long time, Ximenfeng snorted coldly: "Lin Qi, you have won, you have the upper hand, but you don't have to use such words to stimulate us?"

Lin Qi glanced at Ximenfeng innocently. He sighed helplessly: "To stimulate you? Of course not, I'm just telling the truth! And I hope you don't treat us in this way. Thing! Because it will bring you great danger!"

"There can be no resistance, no resistance, you'd better relax wholeheartedly, let go of your soul, and wait to become someone I can completely trust. Otherwise, your soul is very likely... "

Lin Qi looked at the left and right, then stretched out his hand and shook a virtual stone on the side. The invisible potential gushes out, and the stone suddenly becomes a plume of blue smoke. The corners of the mouths and eyebrows of Ximenfeng and the others twitched at the same time, they didn't want their souls to be like this ghost.

Xia Houchu sighed helplessly: "Fell into your hands, we accept our fate! But you must ensure that you can succeed. We are not willing to be your experiment, you must know that the sand fox family, the flying snake family, The ancestors of the **** carp clan, how high are they in soul secret arts."

Lin Qi shrugged noncommittal, and then grabbed Xia Houchu.

Xia Houchu, who specializes in the flesh, reached the peak limit of the demigod solely by relying on the power of the flesh, and the explosive power contained in each muscle was not weaker than that of a giant dragon, being grabbed by Lin Qi like a baby without resistance. He almost instinctively slammed a punch at Lin Qi, and as a result, his fist hit Lin Qi's face firmly, and it was Xia Houchu who screamed in pain.

Everyone watched as Xia Houchu's fists swelled up, and the bluish purple was dazzling. Including the young people of the most arrogant Yunlong clan, a piece of white sweat broke out all over, and the wine glasses, knives and forks in their hands fell to the ground in shock.

Xia Houchu punched him with all his strength, but the injured was Xia Houchu who punched people. How strong was Lin Qi's body? Is it possible that this guy has already taken that step in the family legend? Already set foot on the unpredictable mystery of the gods?

However, it is impossible. Every certain number of years among the ancient tribes, there must be such a peerless genius to take that step and obtain incredible terrifying power. But in terms of the Yunlong clan, who has the fastest cultivation speed, the youngest ancestor who took that step was also nearly a thousand years old and barely managed to reach the top with the help of the family ancestor.

How much is Lin Qi? Is he not even fifty?

Ximenfeng stood up with a ‘wow’, she stared at Lin Qi, really like a vigorous leopard looking at an antelope, her eyes showed the kind of fanatical light of seeing prey. The huge air currents in her body were rolling rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, the meridians that had been injured these days could not bear the erosion of these breaths and almost collapsed, causing her to scream ‘ah’ in pain.

With his fingers pressed hard, Xia Houchu yelled and couldn't move. Lin Qi frowned and took out a thumb-sized medicine bottle. In this crystal-carved medicine bottle, there is a drop of jade-colored mucus the size of soybean grains, like mercury.

This is the blood spit out from Qingjing Yutoad, the blood he spit out after two rabbits beat the poor three-legged toad with a stick.

According to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Qingjing Yuchan is best at finding all kinds of rare medicinal materials. After swallowing those medicinal materials, he can extract the essence of the medicinal materials and refine them into top-notch elixir. In the Primordial War of the Ancients, when the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the quiet jade toad were on the scene to help, relying on their medical capabilities, the enemy was often dragged down alive by the unkillable and unmutilated army of the own camp.

Throwing the medicine bottle to Ximenfeng, Lin Qi calmly said: "Try it and see the effect." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for it. Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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