Bright Era

Chapter 1790: Own people (2)

Ximenfeng frowned, she pulled out the cork, and a fragrant fragrance came out, and even turned into a cloud of colorful ganoderma near the mouth of the medicine bottle. Ximenfeng looked at Lin Qi in shock, and hurriedly poured a drop of quiet Yuchan's blood into his mouth.

Ximenfeng's skin squirmed gently, and her meridian that was almost collapsed was quickly repaired by the heat and cold, and it was more tenacious and tougher than before. Her pores sprayed straight and thin air currents, and these gray air currents carried a faint fishy smell. It was clear that the impurities in her body were forced out.

Then the magical elements all around rolled up, and the huge energy airflow condensed into a vortex with a diameter of more than 100 meters above Ximenfeng’s head. Drops of blue droplets made of pure wind elements continued to drip, bit by bit. 'S blended into Ximenfeng's body.

"What she cultivates is the fighting spirit of the wind attribute? No wonder the speed of the sword is so fast!" Lin Qi nodded, and took Xia Houchu to an altar to the side: "When she finishes her cultivation, she will be the second one. . You can ask her about the effect of taking my secret medicine, maybe her answer will let you make the wisest choice."

The people of the ancient tribes around looked at Lin Qi with complex expressions. They were all experts in cultivation. They just glanced at Ximenfeng’s state and knew that the drop of medicine Lin Qi asked her to take was a great treasure of heaven and earth. Of the fetish. Ximenfeng had obviously benefited greatly from it, and perhaps her strength could go further.

At the level of a demigod high-level and a demigod pinnacle, it is difficult to increase the strength a little bit. If there is any foreign object that can help the demigod break through the limit and master a stronger power, this foreign object is bound to cause countless people to fight.

Ruoyouruowu's roar came from within Ximenfeng's body, and the low beast sound made everyone's eardrum pain, and he subconsciously stepped back. Suddenly, a pair of gorgeous white wings spread out behind Ximenfeng. The wings that were about ten meters long flicked slightly, and the surrounding wind suddenly became loud.

"Really, interesting! What a pity!" Heavenly Mountain murmured, "It turns out that what she activates is not the blood of the angels, but the power of the Wind Clan. Well, what she cultivates is the vindictive Qi of the wind attribute, which seems to be a grudge Ying Toward her control of the bloodline. She is already standing on the threshold of the completion of the first transformation... I am curious, how many potions the toad has swallowed over the years?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree snorted, and his rhizome waved frantically. Obviously he didn't have a definite answer to this question.

Qingjing Yuchan said that he had been sleeping and only awoke a year ago. After feeling the breath of the immortal moon wheel, he eagerly ran to Yingzheng to eat and mix. With that toad's tired and lazy character, he must have harmed Yingzheng's many elixir. But with his rogue nature, maybe he has been awake for a thousand years or even ten thousand years? It's nothing more than hiding in which horn to profit yourself.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree felt very resentful. He was a very pure and kind person, but the parts around him seemed to be worse than the other.

Lin Qi glanced at Ximenfeng deeply, just a drop of Qingjing Yuchan's blood stimulated Ximenfeng to step on the threshold to complete the first step of transformation? very good, very powerful. It is no wonder that Ximenfeng can become the leader of this ancient coalition army, and her strength really makes Lin Qi admire. In that case, this quiet Yuchan's blood can't be used indiscriminately.

A black square altar stands in front of Lin Qi, and four strangely-shaped statues of demon gods stand on the four corners of the altar.

One of them is the body statue of the Sky-Swallowing Snake. Hundreds of snake heads stretch out into the sky in a mess, revealing a hideous and evil aura out of thin air. The other three statues are not much better. Like the Sky-Swallowing Snake, they are all soldiers of the Demon Legion. After failing in the war with the gods, they fled the battlefield and huddled in the abyss.

He threw Xia Houchu in the center of the altar, and Lin Qi stared at him carefully and warned: "Remember, don't have a sense of resistance, otherwise your soul will be shattered. I hope you can become' My own person, I don’t want to see you become my own dead person!"

Xia Houchu smiled helplessly. He turned his head and looked at Xi Menfeng who was slowly spreading his wings behind him. He carefully lowered his voice: "If I become your own person, can I get a drop of that kind of elixir?"

Lin Qi nodded earnestly: "You have everything you need, don't worry, as long as you are your own, these benefits will not be missing from you."

In a tavern in Black Pearl Harbor, the three-legged toad, who was desperately pouring wine into his belly under the wait of a few succubus girls, shivered suddenly. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked carefully at the station. Donkey around. He has a bad premonition, he seems to have a premonition, he is going to bleed again?

Arta and a group of old demons from the Devil's Abyss followed the pattern of an evil and ancient magic circle around the altar. They raised the best wand forged by Lin Qi heavily for them, and mumbled the spell.

Buckets of dragon blood poured on the altar like money-free spring water, and then was quickly swallowed by this strange black altar. Xia Houchu was lying in the middle of the altar, watching the people who watched Lin Qi pour the dragon blood that exuded a strong semi-god breath on the altar as waste water, and his whole body convulsed.

This is the blood of the giant dragon. Even the young people of the twelve ancient tribes, only a handful of top geniuses and lucky ones loved by the ancestors can get the benefits of a dragon's blood bath. But here, Lin Qi used dragon blood as a sacrifice, and it was still such a waste! Demigod-level dragon blood, he knows how beneficial the demigod-level dragon blood is to those martial artists below the peak of the saint master or even the mid-level demigod?

Some other ancient tribesmen were also attracted by the movement here. They walked slowly in horror, and stared blankly at a group of small black demons screaming and screaming. The big buckets ran back and forth, splashing buckets of dragon blood on the altar.

Occasionally, a few greedy little evil spirits will deliberately fall on the ground and let the dragon blood splash a little on their bodies and mouths. The hot dragon blood scorched these little evil spirits screaming and screamed forward, and at the same time, the dragon blood swallowed in their stomachs exuded huge power in their bodies, stimulating these little evil spirits. The muscles swelled up, and dragon scales faintly grew under the skin.

The young handsome people of the ancient race had their eyes straightened. Look at the behavior of those little evil demons after corrupting the liquid in the barrel. This is indeed dragon blood, it is indeed the blood of a demigod dragon. And looking at the high temperature that dragon blood emits, this is definitely the dragon blood with pure Primordial blood.

However, so much dragon blood was sacrificed in this way?

Lin Crazy couldn't help but glanced at Lin Qi sluggishly, and then muttered in a low voice: "It's a waste! Instead of using so much dragon blood to sacrifice, I think it's better to use those little evil slaves to make money. "

A group of ancient tribes nodded repeatedly, and they all felt that since Lin Qi had so many slaves of little evil spirits, why didn't he use these little evil spirits as sacrifices? Using dragon blood is really a waste! It is not that these ancient tribes are cruel to sacrifice with little evil demon, but the little evil demon is really a kind of statusless, bloodline is really too despicable creature.

Lin Qi turned to look at Lin Crazy and the others, and smiled indifferently: "Want to have dragon blood? When you become your own, everyone can enjoy a dragon blood bath according to your strength every month. A warrior is still a mage. In short, you know how much benefit it will benefit you after bathing in dragon blood."

The ancient tribes were all dumbfounded. Of course, they knew the benefits of bathing in dragon blood-almost absolute magic immunity, super physical defense, and almost immunity to all toxic and horrible attributes. If they can bathe the blood of a dragon that is equivalent to their own strength once a month, then they will get even greater benefits, and their combat effectiveness and survivability will be increased several times.

This is too generous, right?

Lin Crazy and the others glanced at each other, maybe it is really a good thing to become Lin Qi's own person?

At this moment, a group of little evil spirits ran to Xia Houchu's body with huge wooden barrels on their backs, and poured all the dragon blood in the wooden barrels on Xia Houchu's body. Xiahouchu’s skin was scalded with a lot of blisters, and he yelled with pain, but soon he let out a very comfortable moan. The powerful flesh of Xiahou’s family made him quickly adapt to being soaked in dragon blood. The pain caused.

"Hey, a little bit more, don't be stingy, this dragon blood is so effective." Xia Houchu smiled so that his teeth were exposed and his eyes narrowed into a line. He can clearly perceive that the mysterious power contained in the dragon's blood is merging with his body. Without increasing his strength, his body becomes stronger and more powerful, and some mysterious changes, the same It happened rapidly in the body.

The little demons kept rushing to Xia Houchu's side, and buckets of dragon blood were all spilled on him.

Xia Houchu suddenly jumped up, grabbing the wooden barrels in the hands of those little evil demon, and swallowing the hot dragon blood into his stomach with big mouths. There was a billowing fire and blue smoke coming out of his mouth, his eyes turned to **** with pain, and the large blue veins under his skin swelled up, Xia Houchu screamed'Wow! There was a hot flame like magma.

"Open your soul, Xia Houchu, even greater benefits are waiting for you!" Lin Qi muttered lowly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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