Bright Era

Chapter 1791: Own person (3)

Feeling the terrifying power in his body like a volcanic eruption, Xia Houchu took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and opened his eyes resolutely, causing his soul to fall into a state of no sadness, joy, and carefree blankness.

Lin Qi snorted coldly and kicked the demon statue at the corner of the altar: "Four idiots, get out and work!"

Several thin cyan streamers shot out from Lin Qi's fingertips and quickly wrapped around Xia Houchu's head. The deep prayers came from Lin Qi's body, and the blue light from the roots of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree gradually melted into the white divine light of Heavenly Mountain and the four-color light of the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse.

Furthermore, the blue-white moonlight of the immortal moon wheel and the golden thunder light of Longya also melted in. These lights carefully followed the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and penetrated into Xia Houchu's body.

The four demon statues near the altar wriggled at the same time, and the Heaven-Swallowing Body and the other three statues slowly revealed their true bodies, and then flatteringly bowed to Lin Qi. Out of the devil's instinct, after these four guys appeared, they immediately used all the flattery they had accumulated in their entire life and threw them to Lin Qi like a tide.

Lin Crazy and the others were stunned, they felt the shocking demon flames emanating from the four demon gods. Judging from the little aura that leaked, these four demon gods are much stronger than Ximenfeng, who is constantly improving. They must be the kind of **** who has already taken that step and entered the awe-inspiring and admirable god. The terrifying existence of the secret realm.

But what broke them was that Lin Qi actually shouted and worked hard towards these four noble and terrifying existences?

Under all eyes, Lin Qi slapped one of the heads of the Sky-Swallowing Snake: "Stop talking nonsense, work! Avoid the guardianship of this kid's soul, and then let him sign a soul contract with me. He becomes my person!"

The Sky-Swallowing Snake greeted Lin Qi with a big gift: "Great and noble Master Lin Qi, your will is the highest order in this world, and we are very willing to obey your orders. We can become your servants. , This is our luck!"

The ancients are all dumbfounded, what is going on? The four demon gods, who are as powerful as the gods, are they willing to become Lin Qi's slaves? What's more terrible is that the elders who dominate the society actually let them, young handsome men of various races, calculate such a terrible guy?

The four black airs rolled and merged into the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and Lin Qi's huge soul power also flowed into Xia Houchu's body along the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. Soon, Lin Qi saw that Xia Houchu was a lot stronger than ordinary people, but among the half-god powerhouses, it was an extremely weak soul.

The bleak bronze soul radiated a faint brilliance in a small space, which looked roughly the same height as Xia Houchu.

Lin Qi couldn't help but nodded. This is the weakness of the Xiahou Giant Ape Clan's exercises. Their physical strength is extremely strong, but their soul is very weak. If it were not for the protection of a powerful body, if it were not for the blessing of the soul protection technique of the allied family, the Xiahou clan would inevitably face a fatal threat on the battlefield.

But their physical bodies are really terrifying. Some wonderful changes have taken place in their physical structure. Lin Qi felt a bit of a suffocation when the power of the soul invaded. It is estimated that ordinary soul attacks will not break their physical defenses. .

Let’s take a look at the great blessing technique of the soul guarding the soul wrapped around his soul. A majestic golden palace surrounds Xia Houchu’s soul. Numerous complex divine texts are combined into a powerful soul guardian barrier. , Loyally defend Xia Houchu from all foreign souls.

"It's not bragging!" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree snorted coldly: "Without god-level soul power, it is impossible to break this layer of soul protection magic, let alone not disturbing this layer of protection magic. In this case, he signed a contract with his soul. But, it's not difficult for us!"

Thousands of tiny cyan light filaments shot out, and carefully clicked on the golden palace, like the fingers of a gentle and dexterous girl, lightly unlocking those complex combinations of divine texts.

In Heaven Mountain, they also made separate plans, or sold coolies, to help the sweet-scented osmanthus tree crack this complicated soul guardian blessing technique.

In just a few breaths, this magical technique of soul protection was quietly broken through a thin gap. The demon soul powers of the four demon gods including the Snake of the Sky swarmed in, involving a trace of Lin Qi's soul, and planted an extremely complex immemorial contract imprint in Xia Houchu's soul.

Xia Houchu's body trembled suddenly, and he felt a strange feeling at the moment when the imprint of the Primordial Contract was completed. It was a feeling that Lin Qi had nowhere to hide under Lin Qi's gaze, and Lin Qi completely controlled all his thoughts, words and deeds. With a hint of helplessness, a hint of bitterness, a hint of grief, and a hint of surprise at the same time, Xia Houchu accepted the fact that he had become Lin Qi's'owner'.

Perhaps this choice is not bad, Xia Houchu comforted herself subconsciously. At least the dragon blood he had just poured himself was a training resource that Xiahou's family could not provide him. Although the great ancient tribes were strong and the Domination Society's tentacles touched all directions, they couldn't provide them with a steady stream of dragon blood for auxiliary cultivation like Lin Qi did.

The Domination Club is indeed very strong. According to Xia Houchu's understanding, the Domination Club's tentacles have even reached into the Dragon Abyss, and have concluded alliance contracts with several dragon kings in the Dragon Abyss. However, it is precisely because the ruler will become allies with the dragon kings that the ruler will not be able to slaughter the dragon to obtain dragon blood.

Xia Houchu was a little surprised. Where did Lin Qi get so much dragon blood? Did he bloodbath the dragon abyss?

Slowly opening his eyes, Xia Houchu shook his huge head, then walked a few steps forward and bowed deeply to Lin Qi. Lin Qi nodded slowly, he took out a blood of Quiet Yuchan and threw it to Xia Houchu.

He quickly pulled out the cork and drank the Qing Jing Yuchan's blood. Then Xia Houchu jumped off the altar and hurried out hundreds of meters to sit on the ground. His body suddenly spewed out a large amount of gray, with a strong **** air current-the Xiahou great ape family madly tempered their flesh, but because of their crazy training of their flesh, they accumulated countless The dark wound.

At this moment, a drop of Qingjing Yuchan's blood instantly wiped out all the dark wounds in Xiahouchu's body. After the old congestion and kinked body tissues were crushed, they rushed out of the body along with the excreted exhaust gas. Xia Houchu's body became pure, his blood was quickly purified, and then a huge, hot like magma blasted into his blood.

Xia Houchu's body squirmed suddenly, his eyes widened, and Yang Tian, ​​gritted his teeth, let out a low howl.

A trace of thick golden hair poured out of Xia Houchu's body, and his body quickly swelled to a height of five meters. He raised two arms with the thickness of an ordinary person's waist, and slammed toward the sky. An invisible shock wave blasted out, and the ancient tribesmen around him suddenly fell to a large area.

Amid the wheezing of ‘huh, huh’, Xia Houchu’s face gradually squirmed and deformed, turning into a hideous face, roughly similar to a gorilla. His teeth also turned into the shape of a triangular scraper, and a fiery force emerged out of thin air, filling Xia Houchu's meridians like a tsunami.

The Xiahou great ape clan only repairs the flesh, not fighting spirit or magic. But at the same time that Xia Houchu’s physical body changed, a pure and powerful flame vindictiveness suddenly appeared out of thin air in his body, and it quickly overflowed from his body, turning into a mass of fiery heat several meters high on the surface of his body. flame.

"Yes, not bad!" Heavenly Mountain sighed softly: "The third, third, and fifth, and second, colonial area, the bloodline of the Flame Demon Ape? This is a very violent, strong-fighting race. The annoying thing is that they have nine sets of internal organs in their adult bodies. That is to say, they must be killed nine times or their bodies will be completely shattered, otherwise they will always haunt you endlessly."

After admiring it, Tiantian Mountain complained a little bit sullenly: "I followed the 127 Colonial Army and was responsible for destroying the flame demon clan. The flame demon ape with a total population of less than 100 million caused 17,000 to my angel army. The loss of 100 million yuan caused me to compress all rations by 70% in three full logistics cycles after that war!"

Longya smirked and laughed: "Your strategic mistake! Your battle has been listed as a negative textbook and passed on to all Metaverse main combat units."

With a grunting cold snort, Heavenly Mountain grumbled a little dazedly: "I just don't think much of them. I want to complete the task at the lowest cost, so I made a large number of low- and medium-level angels. But I didn't. I thought that the strongest among them actually had nine sets of internal organs! Nine sets of internal organs! Bastard, who has ever encountered such a thing?"

Everyone was speechless, and the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse cursed angrily. There is no doubt that Heavenly Mountain participated in the battle against the Flame Demon Ape, and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse must have set out along with it. If the battle failed, there is also a share of the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse.

Lin Qi hooked his finger at another member of the ancient tribe, motioning him to lie obediently or stand in the middle of the altar. Then he asked curiously: "Every time you go to the colonial area, what do you do in the colony?

They stayed silent for a long time on the Paradise Mountain, and finally the osmanthus tree spoke slowly: "Conquer or destroy! The survivors, the potential races become slaves, and the non-potential races are all wiped out. The resisters will destroy all individuals. Resources, plunder resources, collect resources The bloodline information of the indigenous peoples and all the resources that can be used. The first task of the Metaverse is to destroy, and then to protect."

Lin Qi was silent for a while and exhaled heavily: "Including the so-called demons, candle dragons, elves, dwarves, they are all like this?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian) .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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