Bright Era

Chapter 1793: The Gods Strike (1)

Outside the city of Black Pearl Harbor, a black spirit army, which looks at least twenty to thirty thousand people, is lined up in a loose formation, dancing their indigenous dances, beating wooden drums, and playing horns made of ivory slowly. Come here.

The black spirit natives, who were only wrapped in animal skins and straw skirts between their waists and abdomen, used colored mud to paint strange magic patterns on their bodies. They blew their noses and stared at Black Pearl Harbor, making faces, twisting their bodies from time to time. He slapped his **** in the direction of the city wall.

Some Black Spirit children, who were at most in their early ten years old, were holding javelins, jumping like monkeys to a place less than one mile away from the city wall, and chirping to provoke the Longshan Empire soldiers on the wall. Several low-level officers quickly ordered the magic sniper crossbow on the city to prepare, but Enzo gave an order, and all the soldiers suppressed their impulse.

The distance of one mile is an absolute safe distance for the bows and arrows made by the indigenous people of the Black Spirit Continent. However, in the face of the Western Continent's precision forged killing weapon, not to mention the magic sniper crossbow, even the strong crossbow made of ordinary hardwood and animal tendons can easily be shot a mile away by the height of the city wall.

If it weren't for Enzo's moral bottom line of not slaughtering women and children, these provocative black spirit children would have been shot into hedgehogs.

Accompanied by the sound of melodious horns, several black spirit native wizards sat on loose wooden chairs. Each wooden chair was lifted up by several black spirit men with long wooden poles, and came to the forefront of the team. . These black spirit wizards squinted their eyes and looked up and down at the fortified city defense of Black Pearl Harbor, which was nearly 20 meters high, and then smiled disdainfully.

A gorilla-shaped gorilla-like black spirited man was two meters tall and covered with black lacquer hair, lazily swinging a scarlet machete out of the crowd. He walked straight to a place less than a hundred meters away from the city wall and challenged the Longshan Empire soldiers standing on the wall.

"Hey, white-skinned rabbits, come down and fight with me! If you don't have the courage to accept the challenge, surrender. The elders said, you will not be executed, you will only be sent to mine and pay off. After you have committed your sins, you can safely leave the Black Spirit Continent."

Enzo leaned on the wall, looked at this **** spirit man who probably had the strength of a saint, and shook his head gently.

"Hey, warriors of the Black Spirits, we do not want to conflict with you. We are not fighters of the Black Spirit Empire, we are from the Longshan Empire and the Gaul Empire. We are not here to plunder your resources, we are just here to rescue our compatriots . Therefore, I refuse to let my soldiers fight."

"I also ask you to go back and tell your elders and chiefs, don't decide to start war lightly. We are not here for war. I don't want to see the noble warriors and our soldiers killing each other, and I don't want to see everyone bleed in vain!"

The black spirit man was stunned, looked at Enzo in surprise, then whispered a few words in vernacular, then turned around and quickly ran towards the black spirit wizards. Just when he just returned to the black spirit wizards, the horn sounded again in the distance, and several flagpoles with animal bones and skulls nailed to the top came over here, hanging on these few. Behind the flagpole with the weird poisonous insect and alien beast pattern, the slack black spirit army of the follower brigade.

Nearly a hundred black spirit elders, chiefs, and wizards with animal skins and animal skulls or animal skin caps gathered around a bonfire, and they were all chattering. There are about 50,000 Black Spirit Warriors and children gathered here, but there are nearly a hundred big people who are eligible to attend the bonfire meeting. When Enzo saw this scene, he couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

The loose tribal alliance is certainly a symbol of fairness, but it is too weak to gather power.

The big shots shared fruit wine and barbecue by the campfire, while at the same time wondering whether they would fight Black Pearl Harbor or not. The black spirit warriors and the children who watched the excitement are divided into nearly a thousand teams, large and small, running in all directions to gather wood, harvest long grass, and build a large number of crooked wooden tents with the bonfire as the core. .

Soon there were thousands of wooden tents standing on the flat ground two or three miles away from Black Pearl Harbor. The black spirits were joking and joking and did not know where they collected a large number of prey and fat insects. A grand barbecue carnival was held on the spot. .

The pythons and wild beasts with their fur roasted on the bonfire so that they are squeaking and greasy, while the big fat insects are wrapped in leaves, thrown directly into the fire and burned for a while, then they are pulled out like fried soybeans. Put it in your mouth and chew happily.

Lin Qi squatted on the head of the city and looked at the black spirit ‘army’ for a while, and shook his head speechlessly.

Standing next to Lin Qi, Ying Zheng looked at these loose black spirits with a sullen face, and couldn't help but laughed sneerly: "I have an army under my command, and a mere three thousand light knights can kill these black spirits. I had known this, I should conquer the Black Spirit Continent one step in advance."

Lin Qi shook his head slightly. He glanced at Ying Zheng and sighed, "You can't solve the trouble of logistics. You can mobilize troops from the Eastern Continent to expedition to the Black Spirit Continent, the Eastern Subcontinent and the Undead Continent. How do you pass this level?"

Yingzheng was silent for a while, and then exhaled heavily: "Perhaps, I should wipe out the Mila Sect first?"

Lin Qi squinted, glanced at the black spirit chiefs, elders, and wizards who were arguing, and then beckoned to Enzo: "Unless the kid named Wang Zong shows up with someone, don't disturb me. If the black spirits in front of you want to attack the city, release the black spirit slaves in the city to negotiate with them, and you can give them food, medicine, and everything they like."

Delaying time, all Lin Qi needs is delaying time.

He had to wait until the huge transport fleets from the southern port city of the Longshan Empire arrived, and then proceed to final negotiations with the Black Spirits. Perhaps several small-scale wars will break out during the negotiation process, but Lin Qi doesn't care about it. It would be impossible to establish a Black Spirit Empire with a great power of speech by relying solely on negotiation.

War is also a means to achieve peace.

At this moment, the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire, Almu Golden Oar, surrounded by nearly a hundred guards, walked carefully onto the wall with a magic shield with his own hands. He rushed to Enzo with small steps, first glanced at the two Orientals Lin Qi and Ying Zheng curiously, and then yelled to Enzo: "Respected General Ente Marte, you Don't let these evil black skins rush into the city!"

After a few breathless screams, Almu lowered his voice: "I must explain to you the decision just made by the imperial royal family. For every black-skinned head your subordinates cut off, you can get an extra reward of five gold coins. If you do. To be able to cut off the head of the Eastern Demon named President Wang, I am willing to pay 100 million gold coins!"

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and calmly led Ying Zheng down the city wall, leaving Enzo there to deal with the people of the Black Spirit Empire.

Cut off Wang Zong's head? Hey, Lin Qi felt that Almu was too whimsical. It wasn't that Lin Qi looked down on Enzo, his old brother. If he didn't talk about his personal strength, from the point of view of war command alone, Enzo was far from Wang Zong's opponent. The two sides really fought, even if the army formed by the black spirit natives was loose, it is estimated that the possibility of Enzo's loss still accounted for the majority.

Through the teleportation of the magic circle, Lin Qi took Ying Zheng to the Fifth Abyss, to the great palace that secretly provided dragon blood baths in the deep mountain. An oval transparent cabin is already waiting for Ying Zheng. Lin Qi will let the sweet-scented osmanthus tree them to meet all Ying Zheng's requirements for his body.

Without any hesitation, Ying Zheng stripped off his clothes and strode into the huge transparent cabin.

The three-legged toad was driven weakly by the donkey, and jumped to the side of a hole above the cabin, and then spouted fragrant blood. After spraying nine mouthfuls of crystal-clear blood like beautiful jade in a row, the three-legged toad rolled over its white belly and fell to the ground lazily, refusing to get up or down. Even if the donkey threatened face to face, he was reluctant to get up.

With the blood condensed from the essence of the medicine in the body of these nine quiet jade toads, it was enough.

A large amount of lavender sap containing powerful energy and vitality was poured into the cabin. The rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree extended into the cabin, and a rhizome gently pierced the back of Ying Zheng's head, making Ying Zheng completely unconscious.

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, Shengxianchi, and Longya began to exert their power at the same time, and a large amount of viscous black plasma suddenly leaked out of Yingzheng's pores, and his breath was changing rapidly. Lin Qi said solemnly: "His request is to keep his blood, but his body must be brand new. I don't know how to do it, but you should be able to do it."

"He can't continue to practice Penglai's puppet technique. Find him a practice technique that you know and is powerful enough."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree didn't say a word, he was just using actions to fulfill Lin Qi's order. Huge energy is constantly washing Yingzheng’s body. The water from Shengxianchi merged into the cabin, quickly eradicating all acquired impurities in his body, leaving only a mass of purity that contained Yingzheng’s blood. substance.

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse injected a huge amount of destruction energy into Ying Zheng's body. With the cooperation of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and Longya, this energy perfectly blended with Ying Zheng's body. Afterwards, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree lightly used its own rhizome to send some wonderful energy and substances into Ying Zheng's body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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