Bright Era

Chapter 1794: The Gods Strike (2)

"We can only help him master a brand-new cultivation method, and maintain his strength as before. But whether his blood can be activated, whether it can activate the most ideal blood line that is most in line with his body strength, it depends on him. His own choice depends on his own efforts!"

Lin Qi nodded slowly, and he couldn't figure out what was going on with this activation of the bloodline. Anyway, the Osmanthus Tree and the others were working hard, he just had to watch it quietly.

Before I knew it, several days passed in a flash. Enzo did not come to summon Lin Qi. It seems that the Black Spirits' offensive is not fierce, or that the loose Black Spirit Native Alliance has not yet begun to attack Black Pearl Harbor. But this is a good thing. Lin Qi has enough time to spend on Ying Zheng to make the most perfect changes in his body.

With a ‘pop’, the skin of Ying Zheng’s brows burst open. A scarlet eye came out from the cracked skin between Ying Zheng's eyebrows, and the scarlet eye that exuded a cruel and hideous look gave Lin Qi a look, and then there was a look of awe in these eyes. Then a monstrous aura of destruction emanated from Ying Zheng's body, and Ying Zheng's skin continued to explode, and black scales gradually emerged from his body.

Accompanied by a low howling sound, above the scarlet eye of Ying Zheng's brow, there is a dragon with three feet shaped like antlers, but the whole body is dark and sharp like a knife. It looks like a dragon with a murderous evil spirit. The horn was born.

Lin Qi frowned and looked at the dragon horn, subconsciously suffocating a sigh. Ying Zheng's body seems to have completed the first step of the transformation process. He seems to have activated his bloodline, and like Emperor Yun, he has begun to grasp a certain inhuman ‘semi-alienated form’.

The skin of Ying Zheng's body was completely shattered, revealing the sharp black dragon scales on his body. Unlike ordinary dragon scales, which are smooth and round, the dragon scales on Ying Zheng's body are just like the bumps of a toad, with a spiral sharp bulge in the middle. This kind of scale armor not only has a strong defensive power, but you can imagine how many blood holes will be pierced by who collides with him.

Like Emperor Yun, Ying Zheng grew a dragon head shaped like an Oriental Dragon, but he only had a single dragon horn on the top of his head, and on both sides of his head, two rows of sharp fins were raised. Bone layer. His body is tall and strong, with spiral sharp bulges growing out of his important joints.

"My feeling is very good!" Ying Zheng snorted coldly, and then he shook his two arms. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound of'clap', and two sharp claws came out of his chest again Sensen's long arms are like a blade. The two arms that popped out of his chest were more than twice as long as his normal arms. It is conceivable that the two arms that popped out suddenly during the battle would cause much damage to his opponent.

"I remember this form. The Candle Dragon Clan is the race with the most mutations and mutations in its descendants. This is the'World Extinguishing Black Dragon' among the Candle Dragon Clan, known for its killing and destruction." Longya's urn said in a huff: "Troublesome kid, this is a creature that was born entirely for destruction, even the Candle Dragon family themselves, they have more choices to obliterate the newly born Black Qiu."

Lin Qi looked at Yingzheng with surprise. He would surprise Lin Qi with such a powerful Yingzheng.

The scales slowly retracted into the body, and the dragon's horns and third eye gradually disappeared. The body became stronger and stronger than before, Ying Zheng pushed open the lid of the cabin and walked out slowly. He moved his body and leaned seriously to thank Lin Qi: "It feels good. All the suffocation in my body has disappeared. This is a brand new body that is a hundred times stronger than the body I once had. ."

Lin Qi nodded: "You are satisfied. As for the equipment, what do I need to provide you with?"

Ying Zheng shook his head confidently: "The Blood Qin Empire has been passed down for thousands of years, and some secret treasures are always a lot. Although it is not as wonderful as the old moon wheel and the three-legged toad, some top semi-sacred tools are still indispensable. In the secret library, there are even a few artifacts excavated from the ruins. With my current strength, it is enough to control them."

Lin Qi smiled and stretched out his hand to Ying Zheng: "Then, Your Majesty Ying Zheng, happy cooperation?"

Taking a deep look at Lin Qi, Ying Zheng shook Lin Qi's hand: "Happy cooperation... They are mine! I think they are brothers, they are **** henchmen, and the ministers of the humerus. People, they are mine!"

Lin Qi shook Ying Zheng's hand firmly, then let go, took out three bottles of blood spit out by the three-legged toad and handed it to Ying Zheng.

Accepting three bottles of toad blood in silence, Ying Zheng put on a set of neat new clothes and followed Lin Qi out of this magnificent underground hall without saying a word. Stepping on the magic teleportation array, the two went straight to Black Pearl Harbor.

Looking up at the starry sky, Ying Zheng snorted softly: "According to my information, the Mila Sect has assembled a large army and has begun a small-scale conflict with the Tianmiao. A major war will break out. , Maybe, with the power you have now, you can get some benefits in it?"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded repeatedly. He looked at Ying Zheng’s back and said solemnly: "Your queen, I will send it to you. But you have to understand that your queen is an old man ten thousand years ago. Her seniority is much higher than mine, so I can only be responsible for sending her to you, but I cannot force her to agree with you."

Holding up his head proudly, Ying Zheng said indifferently: "My queen, I naturally have a way to subdue her. If I can't talk about friendship, I don't mind using violence."

Yang Tian laughed three times, Ying Zheng suddenly turned into a black air, and instantly sank into the sea. After completing the first step of transformation, Ying Zheng got half of the incarnation of Heiqiu. His control of water has reached an extremely terrifying level. He used the immortal moon wheel faster in the water than before. At several times the speed, he swept forward without any sound.

Looking at the direction of the Northeast Continental Bridge for a while, Lin Qi flipped his sleeves, his face gradually changed to Wanen Longshan's. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree carefully adjusted Lin Qi's appearance. After perfectly combining the fantasy **** puppet and Lin Qi's body, Lin Qi whistled and walked slowly towards the city wall.

On the wall of Black Pearl Harbor, a huge torch is inserted outside the wall every few steps. The bright light illuminates the range of the city outside the city. Within this distance, even a rabbit can't hide from the eyes of the city guards.

There are some thin bloodstains under the city wall. It seems that the Black Spirits still can't help launching an attack on Black Pearl Harbor, but the scale and intensity of the attack are obviously not large, because the bloodstains are probably left behind after more than 100 people were injured The traces are not like the appearance of many people who died or injured.

Several soldiers of the Longshan Empire leaned against the shadow of the walls, squinting at the movement outside the city. Hearing the deliberate sound made by Lin Qi walking up the city wall, they subconsciously held the handle of the knife and glanced at Lin Qi, and then saluted Lin Qi at the same time.

Waved his hand to signal them to continue to monitor the Black Spirit army outside the city, Lin Qi took the opportunity to glance outside.

Compared to a few days ago, there are about twice as many people outside the city. Nearly 200,000 black spirits gathered outside the city, and the dense wooden tents were scattered in tribe units, spreading out for more than 20 miles. Perhaps it was not long before the night started. There were excitement noises from the black spirit camp, the groaning of men and women, the crying of children, and the humming of domestic animals.

Lin Qi's face was dark for a while, and he randomly scanned the camp with mental power, and found that there were about 50 demi-god-level powerhouses in this camp, and the number of holy-level powerhouses was around 300 people. Then came nearly a thousand heavenly soldiers, nearly 10,000 status and tens of thousands of soldiers.

These main combat forces are enough. Why are there tens of thousands of women and children in this camp? Are they here to fight or to take a family outing? In particular, many black spirit women are still nervously picking berries from the bushes through the starlight. Baskets of berries are constantly being sent into the barracks and stored in the cellars temporarily excavated by various tribes!

It's really a group full of life's interest. Lin Qi couldn't speak for a long time, and could only look at the sky silently.

The regular army and mercenaries of the Black Spirit Empire were maimed by such a Black Spirit army? Defeated? Captive? How high is the commanding ability of Wang Zong, and how trash the army of the Black Spirit Empire must be to achieve such an incredible result?

Shaking his head, Lin Qi walked to a low tower on the wall. A few tiger kill camp soldiers wearing magic armor stood at the entrance of this tower. This is Lin Qi's personal protection specially arranged for Enzo and others here for the safety of Enzo and others. The presence of these tiger killing camp soldiers proved that Enzo must be in this tower too.

The interior space of the low-profile tower is not small enough for a meeting of dozens of people.

Enzo was standing by a square table, squinting at the map made of a huge beast skin on it, using black and red markers to smear the map. On the map, there are large red signs outside Black Pearl Harbor, and there are more than a dozen red signs coming in the direction of Black Pearl Harbor.

On the periphery of Black Pearl Harbor, in the territory originally controlled by the Black Spirit Empire, only a few black marks still remain. Obviously, there are still several strongholds in the Black Spirit Empire that have not been attacked by the Black Spirit Natives. When the Black Spirit Empire was fully occupied, the resistance of these strongholds seemed so commendable.

Almu Golden Paddle stood on Enzo's left hand, yelling and dancing forehand: "Offensive, dear General Ente Marte, offensive! Get rid of those black skins outside the city, and I will issue a letter of credence to Gaul. Your Majesty the Emperor canonized you as the Marshal of the Empire and Prince of the Empire! I will give you generous rewards. As long as you can kill those who dare to resist, I will meet all your requirements." (To be continued. If you like this work) , You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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