Bright Era

Chapter 1797: Bribery (1)

The black shadow flashed, and the donkey and the two rabbits did not know where they came from.

The donkey's eyes widened, and he looked at the spider demon girl with a drop of breath, and his body was trembling with excitement: "My dream girl! My beauty! My big breasts! Goodness, look at her hair, her Her figure, her skin! Okay, none of that matters, her **** are perfect! If they could be a little bigger, it would be perfect?"

The two rabbits looked at the spider demon girl with expert eyes, and then they shook their heads at the same time: "It's hard to get started with an idea. It's a hard kiln. It won't be easy to break it. If our strength is at its peak. Period, we can wash her away, but now, do it!"

With a kind of pity that the hungry wolf saw the delicious lamb but couldn't eat it, the two rabbits sighed heavily.

"Very strong?" Lin Qi looked down at the two rabbits: "How strong?"

"Very strong!" The two rabbits nodded at the same time: "Get ready to run, high-level god, and it seems to be a high-level high-level god. We can sack at most one middle-level god, high-level god, and among the high-level gods. The most difficult goddess, my God, we will be very unlucky!"

Lin Qi's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle, he stared at Xie Lisi, and then took a deep breath.

"Respected goddess, we came to the Black Spirit Continent without any malice!" Lin Qi did not wait for Xie Lisi to speak, and said his intention first: "Our fleet is sending the Black Spirit slaves from the Western Continent back to their hometown. We came with kindness, and we are willing to live peacefully with the Black Spirits. You see, we did not attack the Black Spirits outside the city."

King Scorpion, who was struggling frantically, and Xie Lisi, who was kicking King Scorpion's head fiercely, raised their heads in surprise at the same time. Live peacefully with the Black Spirits? Is this what those white-skinned people from the western continent can say? King Scorpion laughed subconsciously: "Boy, who are you fooling? King Scorpion, a wise and wise King, will never be fooled!"

Xie Lisi was looking at Lin Qi up and down, and a palpitating white light suddenly appeared in her pupils. Lin Qi only felt a chill in his body, he felt that all the secrets in his body seemed to be seen through by Xie Lisi. After a long time, Xie Lisi shook her head hesitantly: "Strange, it seems that this is not your true face, but I can't fault it."

Lin Qi only felt a cold sweat oozing out of his heart. After processing by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the others, the phantom **** puppet could almost perfectly blend with his body, so she almost saw her true face by Xie Lisi? It seems that in the future, things like phantom **** puppets and **** puppets cannot be used indiscriminately in front of these gods.

Perhaps, they should listen to Longya's suggestion, let them extract their own blood, and use their incredible skills to create a few clone puppets that they call "Cologne Substitutes"? Of course, according to Osmanthus, the technique of'Cologne Substitutes' is a taboo technique, but they can make them with Lin Qi's authorization.

With a soft cough, Lin Qi touched his face: "You may be mistaken. Let's not dwell on these small issues, but discuss serious matters. We came with kindness, we want to get black The friendship of the spirits, we don’t want to start a war with the spirits."

Xie Lisi shook her body, her white eyes slowly swept across Lin Qi and Enzo and the others standing on the wall.

Suddenly, Chi Anger slowly walked out of the darkness carrying a large scimitar. He panted low and stared at Xie Lisi firmly. And Xie Lisi frowned and knocked her head a little tangledly: "One, the ancient dragon of pure blood? This is not something to deal with. Although it seems that you are too injured and weakened a lot, But in essence..."

Chi Yan stared at Xie Lisi, "In essence, my body is much stronger than your little spider."

With a cold snort, Chi Yan raised his head proudly: "In terms of bloodline, the blood of the dragon is extremely noble, and you reptiles, don't you need me to waste your tongue? What level of power can you achieve? ?"

Xie Lisi's face was a bit ugly, and King Scorpion also let out an angry roar. Lin Qi waved his hand and motioned Chi Yan to stand behind to not allow him to speak, and then he blew the whistle to make the six members of the tiger killing camp standing under the wall quickly retreat back to the wall.

"You are very powerful, respectable goddess." Lin Qi squinted at Xie Lisi: "Maybe all of us together are not your opponents. But you must admit that if the battle breaks out, there may be something wrong. The expected thing happened. What do you think?"

"Something unexpected?" Xie Lisi tilted her mouth, and then slowly pulled out a pink whip from the cloak. She whipped the whip in the wind, and a crisp crackling sound exploded, and the ground all around shuddered: "Unforeseen things, you mean the timid and weak Azerite idiots hiding in the western continent, Will you come here to intervene?"

Azer Protoss? Lin Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise. It seemed that this was the Protoss to which the God of Dawn belonged.

With a slight smile, Lin Qi nodded: "Yes, as humble mortals, we don’t know what kind of contradictions and ties between the noble gods will be, but I think no matter what, you don’t want your breath to attract. Other gods, right? Mortal things are left to mortals. Why do you gods intervene in worldly things?"

"Because you are believers of the Azerite clan!" Xie Lisi squinted her eyes and smiled: "I and King Scorpion are here to destroy you white skins. You are believers of the Azerite clan, so you must all die. ,It's that simple."

"As for the gods not intervening in human affairs, this kind of rule has never existed in the Black Spirit Continent, and there will be no such rule in the future!" Standing up her chest, Xie Lisi triumphantly cast a wink at Lin Qi. : "Because the rules of the Black Spirit Continent are determined by us, and our words are the rules!"

Without waiting for Lin Qi to speak again, Xie Lisi waved her whip, and she heard the sound of'rusty' soil collapsing from the ground around. Numerous large and small colorful spiders rushed out of the hole that suddenly appeared on the ground. With the squeaking sound, he rushed to the city wall.

"First enjoy my cute enthusiasm!" Xie Lisi smiled triumphantly: "You stupid fellows, do you really think I am as stupid as you? In short, no matter what you say, I won't believe it! Believers of the Azer protoss, you will also have goodwill? You will also have friendship? Who are you fooling?"

King Scorpion hurriedly nodded: "Xie Lisi, you are right, these idiots can't even deceive me, let alone you?"

Xie Lisi's smile is getting more and more proud, isn't she? She is ten thousand times smarter than the big idiot King Scorpion.

Countless spider monsters rushed towards the city wall screaming. The largest spider is ten meters square, and the smallest spider is no more than mung bean size. These big and small spiders rush towards the city like a tide, among which the big spiders are still entrenched. With countless small spiders, colorful spider silks flew all over the sky, and silk webs several meters thick soon piled up under the city walls.

I don't know when Esther came to Lin Qi's back and looked at the spiders in disgust. Her body shivered slightly, and goose bumps kept coming out all over her body. She screamed in anger, and the deep blue heart rose into the sky with a suffocating chill, and countless ice crystals floated down the sky in the blink of an eye. The silver-blue ice crystals froze the air, turning into blue snow flakes slowly falling.

Xie Lisi's face changed slightly: "Hey, you can't shame! Fight, fight, take your swords and fight with my little cuties! Isn't you shameless with the cold? Aha, the deep blue heart? Deep blue The devil’s natal artifact? Are you a descendant of the Deep Blue Demon?"

"I can smell the stench from the Deep Blue Devil on you! Little girl, a flat-chested little girl without a butt! I can smell the smell of you! Aha, I don’t know the descendant of shame, your ancestor As human beings, you have combined with the **** of the Deep Blue Devil and gave birth to you hybrid descendants. Do you still have a little bit of shame?"

The terrifying cold air fell, and countless spiders were instantly frozen in the ice crystals and could no longer move. Those huge spiders are powerful, and the most powerful group of big spiders even have the strength of a demigod, but after being frozen by the cold air released by the deep blue heart, they can only shiver and curl up on the ground, no longer Move the slightest. Even the carapace of some spiders was frozen and cracked, and the internal organs were frozen into ice.

Seeing her spider army wiped out almost instantly, Xie Lisi was so angry that her eyes shot out green.

The Black Spirit Continent is located in the south. This continent is hot and humid all year round, and is the best place for various poisonous insects to multiply. Precisely because the climate on the mainland is hot all year round, the spiders and other poisonous insects here have long been used to this kind of high temperature weather. Este did not hesitate to turn this place into a piece of ice and snow, and these spiders suddenly fell unlucky.

King Scorpion laughed'hehe': "Lucky! Really lucky! My children didn't come out to die! Aha, Deep Blue Devil? I seem to remember this guy? This guy was not escaped by the Axul protoss. Was the charge killed?"

Xie Lisi lowered her head and kicked King Scorpion fiercely. She screamed hysterically: "Idiot, how did the Dark Blue Devil escape and be beheaded? He is the craziest vanguard in the Azer Protoss camp, Dark Blue. The mother is the most loyal lackey of the highest leader of the Axul Protoss! The Deep Blue Devil was beheaded and the Deep Blue Mother was sealed because of them..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come. Starting point ( vote recommended, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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