Bright Era

Chapter 1798: Bribery (2)

After a few triumphant smiles, Xie Lisi raised her head: "That was the supreme commander of the Azer Protoss who died in battle. The idiots of the God of Dawn took charge of his power, so the Deep Blue Divine Element was purged. Crazy lackeys are always the first to be killed, which is really ironic, hahahahaha!"

Xie Lisi smiled extremely proudly, Este stared at the two peaks of Xie Lisi who were beating wildly on her chest, her small face turned black with anger. What the **** woman said she was? Flat-chested girl without butt? As a distinguished person who once famously moved the western continent, she can freely enter and exit the palace of any country, and Este, who is regarded as a distinguished guest, how can she tolerate such a slander?

As for whether the Deep Blue Demon King and the Deep Blue Mother, or even the entire Deep Blue God System was cleansed by the God of Dawn, Esther didn't care much! For a woman, to be ridiculed by another woman's weakness in her body is absolutely an unending vengeance, and it is definitely an irresistible contradiction between life and death.

Silently pulled out a dagger, Este cut the vein of her left wrist, and a lot of blood spurted out.

The Deep Blue Heart released a dazzling silver-blue light and absorbed all these blood. Lin Qi, who was frowning and wondering how to deal with Xie Lisi, didn't notice Este's movements. When Lin Qi suddenly felt the huge fluctuations of divine power around him, Este had already used the fastest speed with the help of Deep Blue. Xin released the most powerful magic spell she could now release.

A silver-blue statue, like a majestic statue carved from crystal, emerged from the deep blue heart. This idol exuding a terrifying cold air gripped slightly towards the sky, and immediately the immeasurable water elements from all directions gathered in his palm at the same time. Black Pearl Harbor was on the edge of the sea, and the surface of the sea within a thousand miles outside Black Pearl Harbor collapsed suddenly, exposing a dry ship.

As soon as this statue of God was shot, all the water elements in the sea area of ​​thousands of miles were exhausted. In his palm, a long sword shining with a dazzling cold light appeared slowly. The terrible cold froze the space and time. Lin Qi and the others only felt trance, their thoughts were all given by the terrible cold. frozen.

The phantom shadow of the **** statue is a thousand meters high, and the long sword condensed in the palm is only more than three meters long. It looks like an adult holding an embroidery needle, with indescribable comicality. But it was such a funny scene that Xie Lisi couldn't help showing a cautious look.

"Hey, flat-chested girl, don't you need to work so hard? Actually speaking, the relationship between Deep Blue God System and us is pretty good. Do you know the origin of Deep Blue Mother? She and I were still good friends. My first time When I saw her, she was still a "Snow Devil" that had just hatched from an eggshell. Later, she evolved into the mother of deep blue."

"Just kidding, what are you doing so desperately? And I'm not wrong, your chest is really flat, look at me, at least ten times the size of yours! Look at your thin arms and legs , Look at your flat butt, oops, it's clearly an undeveloped luchai stick!

Xie Lisi started talking nonsense again. While talking in a mess, she waved the whip in her hand, and countless silver-white spider silks whistling and lasing in the air, woven into layers of dense giant spider webs on top of her head.

"It's a headache! The Dark Blue Devil's power is not very strong, but my body is a spider, and the cold hurts me a lot! This is the biggest weakness of us poor bugs hiding in the Dark Spirit Continent. , Our bodies are all kinds of insects. We all have the most feared elemental attacks. We are afraid of the cold. Like the King Scorpion, we are afraid of earth elemental attacks. This is impossible!"

Xie Lisi frantically weaves a spider web shield while chattering.

The King Scorpion roared hysterically: "Xie Lisi, you big brainless idiot woman! Why are you telling my weaknesses to the enemy? I am indeed afraid of the earth element attack! But you haven't noticed these years, for Conceive the enemy, do I dig holes in the sand every day? I just want people to think that I like sand and dirt!"

"But you actually told these people about my greatest weakness! You stupid woman, if I couldn't beat you, I would click you!" King Jin Xie was so angry that green smoke came out of his mouth, pungent. The poisonous mist quickly spread to the surroundings.

Lin Qi's eyes widened, King Scorpion's trump card is actually highly toxic? According to the division of Western mainstream magic, most of the poisonous power is divided among the wood elements. The earth element has great restraint on the wood element, and King Scorpion is afraid of the attack of the earth element, which seems to be conclusive. Thanks to Lin Qi seeing the thick carapace of King Golden Scorpion, he thought he should be a creature with the elemental earth attributes.

She seemed to know that she had said something stupid, and Xie Lisi was weaving a spider web like crazy without saying a word.

Suddenly, the phantom of the **** summoned by Esther waved down fiercely, and a chill of sword light slashed its head and blasted straight towards Xie Lisi. Esther squinted her eyes and muttered lowly, "Go to hell, coquettish woman!"

The terrible cold air that had frozen time and space suddenly dissipated, only to see a cold light blasting down. Lin Qi stared at Xie Lisi fiercely. Her biggest weakness was the fear of cold. Could this blow smoothly hit Xie Lisi? If Xie Lisi can really be hit, then Lin Qi doesn't mind doing something smoothly.

Xie Lisi's spider web was frozen into ice crystals layer by layer, and layer by layer was crushed under the erosion of the cold light. Xie Lisi's face became extremely ugly, and she screamed hysterically: "I hate this feeling. I am stronger than the Deep Blue Devil, but why am I so afraid of the ice elemental attack? Damn it!"

The air vibrated violently, and a huge white spider's arms and legs stretched out from the air, quietly grasping the light that contained the terrifying cold air. There was a crisp sound of'Kacha', the cold air was crushed to pieces, and a clear and soft voice rang out: "Ah, Xie Lisi, I said not to be too blind impulsive, dare to come here at this time, these white skins are not so easy To deal with."

The void suddenly shook, and Lin Qi faintly saw a layer of space debris scattered. A big spider with a body length of about ten meters and a translucent white jade spider slowly crawled out of the shattered space corridor, and then fell heavily on the head of King Scorpion King. The huge King Scorpion bowed his head obediently, letting this big spider use him as a mount.

"Completely finished! Fuck!" The two rabbits jumped frantically, and suddenly rushed to Lin Qi's shoulders: "The main god-level spider, it's over! Don't do it yourself, she just lays hundreds of them. Eggs can kill us all!"

Lin Qi's body was stiff, staring at this huge white spider. Speyer, the mother of spiders, also gleamed densely with its large compound eyes, looking up and down Lin Qi. One person and one **** looked at each other for a long time, and Speyer suddenly smiled mildly: "Some interesting discoveries, if it weren't for my body to come here, maybe I would not have been able to discover that you are actually covered by the creation of the spirit and god."

Lin Qi sighed helplessly, he nodded to Speyer: "I made you see through? I am ashamed."

Speyer waved an arm and foot, and smiled faintly: "Oh, that's because my strength is much stronger than you. If you can have the strength like Xie Lisi, I can't see you actually have this A subtle disguise. But even if I can see that your appearance has changed, I still cannot recognize your true face."

After being silent for a while, Speyer tilted his head and glanced at the two rabbits on Lin Qi's shoulder. Her body stiffened, and then she muttered to herself: "It shouldn't be those two terrible guys. They are white hairs, here are black hairs, so they should not be. Fortunately, fortunately not, otherwise it would be really true. Disastrous consequences."

Lin Qi looked at the two rabbits squatting obediently on his shoulders, squirming and chewing on the Chinese cabbage gang, and exhaled very gently. I'm sorry, these two **** rabbits should be the two rabbits Speyer said. It's just that their coat color has been disguised by themselves.

It seemed that this worked well, otherwise Lin Qi wouldn't know what Speyer would do. In order to resolve the catastrophic consequences, God knows if she will act brazenly and completely wipe out the entire Black Pearl Harbor?

After another long silence, Lin Qi organized a speech, and then he said: "Respected goddess..."

Speyer interrupted Lin Qi's words: "I am Speyer, the mother of spiders, one of the three main gods worshipped by these black-skinned boys in the Black Spirit Continent. In addition to me, there are also Snake King Sna and Bat King Wen Grid. Of course, there are more than three of us sleeping on the Black Spirit Continent, but there are only three of us who are energetic and interested in helping these black kids, so we are the three main gods."

Lin Qi seriously bowed to Speyer and saluted: "Then, respected Speyer, mother of spiders."

When he said this, Lin Qi looked at the Black Spirit Camp in the distance for a while. With Lin Qi's eyesight, he could have clearly seen the trees and plants in the Black Spirit camp, but since King Scorpion appeared, the Black Spirit camp seemed very far away from him. As soon as Speyer appeared, Lin Qi felt as if thick mist was rising around him, and he couldn't see it a kilometer away.

This space, the space where Black Pearl Harbor is located, has been blocked by Speyer's powerful supernatural power! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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