Bright Era

Chapter 1802: Dominate the meeting, Wang Zong (1)

On rainy nights, the holes that were punched out by the King Scorpion outside the city had been repaired, and the spider corpses left by Xie Lisi had also been collected. Although these spiders are disgusting and hideous, their carapace is the best material for defense equipment. Spider silk is an excellent material for clothing. As for their venom glands, compound eyes, fangs, etc., they are all good medicines. material.

So Mr. Mo excitedly commanded Bilibili, scouring these spider corpses, and there was not even a trace of spider silk left.

Rain drops sparsely on the city wall, and the black spirit native barracks outside the city resounded the sound of movement unique to the offspring of human reproduction. Lin Qi sat upright on a wall, looking at the black spirit camp, shaking his head helplessly.

In the past few days, several more black spirit tribes have joined the siege of Black Pearl Harbor. These tribes came with more than a thousand or two thousand people, but few chiefs, elders and dozens of guards came. Lin Qi really didn't know if they were here to fight or to visit the mountains and rivers?

Or, the chiefs, elders and wizards of these indigenous tribes, they simply haven't seen their old friends for too long. Taking this opportunity to come to Black Pearl Harbor for a bonfire dinner party, and by the way, help young men and women in the tribe fail to have a blind date?

At least today, when Lin Qi sat on the wall of the city, he saw a dozen chiefs with young men and women in his own clan, matching up with young people from other tribes. And they just caught sight of each other. When the evening was still dark, these young men and women walked into the distant woods one by one, and started the first in-depth communication in their lives.

"Give me a thousand cavalry, I can completely destroy their camp now." Enzo, who is a little violent, squatted beside Lin Qi, chewing on a mixture of betel nuts and tobacco, and swore a vow. The camp of these black spirits looked really vulnerable, and they didn't even have a few sentries.

Lin Qi shook his head, these black spirits really made Lin Qi not even interested in attacking them. And Speyer also said that it is best not to kill too many black spirits. Now that Lin Qi has reached some tacit understanding with the native gods like Speyer and Xie Lisi, it's better not to have extra problems.

Just as Lin Qi looked at the Black Spirit camp, a violent quarrel was taking place in a huge military camp hundreds of miles away.

This barracks is different from the Black Spirit Barracks outside Black Pearl Harbor, which is messy like a refugee camp, and there are complete defense measures outside this barracks. Trenches, fences, traps, belvederes, arrow towers, magic towers are all available, and there are all kinds of open guards, secret guards, lurking guards, and mobile guards. Every ten tents are divided into a separate area, and there are strict guards against each other. Fire belt for fire attack.

This is an upright, upright military camp like a tortoise shell that makes it difficult for anyone to start.

And looking at the size of this barracks, there are at least 500,000 soldiers stationed in the camp. There was also a low beast cry from various places in the camp, and obviously there were still a lot of cavalry inside. With the towering magic towers everywhere, there are also many magicians in this barracks.

Teams of black spirit soldiers wearing black armors, all black, quietly cruised around in the night. On rainy nights, the sky was already dark. These Black Spirit soldiers who were in charge of patrols only walked by the light of bonfires and torches. They did not bring any lighting tools.

Therefore, the black spirit soldiers at the parade posts often collide with their companions in the dark. It is their skin and armor that have a very good hiding effect in this dark night.

In the middle of the barracks, in a large tent made of monsters of warcraft leather, the harsh quarrels continued to be heard. Nearly a hundred meters outside the tent, a thin layer of light cyan barrier enveloped this space, and all the sounds could not be heard to disturb nearby soldiers.

Standing outside the door of this tent, there was a team of pitch black, armor and weapons made of the Black Spirit Continent's special earth-fire ink mysterious steel. Except for the white eyes, there were no black spirit warriors of other colors. These black spirit fighters have a strong aura, and the heat above their heads rises, and the rain is evaporated before the rain falls. These are the weakest elites in the Saint Realm.

In addition to these black spirit warriors, there is also a team of exquisite armors stationed outside the tent door. The armors are colorful in gold, silver, purple, and green. The armors are exquisite like works of art, and there are hollow patterns everywhere, which makes people have to doubt these armors. How many defensive spirits are there?

Each of these elven warriors were handsome, and with long hair and shawls, they couldn't tell whether they were male or female. In particular, most of them have pierced holes in their ears, and they hang earrings with powerful magical waves in various colors, which makes them even more indefensible.

Standing with the simple and honest black spirits who are like black stones on the ground, as well as the delicate and luxurious and extravagant elves, there is also a team wearing ordinary pale gold armor. The armor is simple and traditional, and all armors are of ordinary standard. , Obviously an Eastern man from the same force.

Each of these Eastern men is magnificent and magnificent, like mountain peaks standing there, just standing there, revealing an aura of ‘sharpness and bravery’. There are not many decorative patterns on their armor, only a lion head embossed on the breastplate.

The black spirit warriors were slightly loose. They stood there loosely. To put it in an inaccurate analogy, they were more like the thugs of the pirate gangs and thieves gangs in the western mainland. They were all lacking discipline and unconstrained. taste.

As for these elves, they simply got together in groups of three or five, and they discussed in a low voice who cultivated a bunch of rare flowers, who had just customized a gorgeous carriage at a high price, and who was tame. A group of beautiful feathery birds of paradise and the like. Although they are wearing armor and weapons, they are more like nobles attending the banquet.

There was only this group of Orientals, they stood there steadily like green pine, smelling like iron-blooded soldiers. They are the real elite fighters, and these black spirits and elves are not the same thing. They are members of the lion clan, the royal family of the lion clan, they are born generals and natural warriors. The great ancient tribes must talk about their achievements in the army, even the tiger tribe can’t compare with them!

In the huge tent, Lin Qi’s old acquaintance, Wang Zong, who had been in the Fourth Abyss, lay weakly on a square table, coldly watching the chiefs, elders and a group of elves of the black spirits who had become a group of quarrels. The elder of the clan.

"The oracle, you **** long ears, do you know what an oracle is? The oracle tells you to get out of the Black Spirit Continent! If you don't leave, we will use the sword to drive you out!" A burly body, chest The Black Spirit Chief, who had painted a skull with white mud, waved his huge bone staff and howled hoarsely.

In the tribe of the Black Spirits, various occupational configurations are not very obvious.

A chief may also be a wizard, an elder may also be a candidate for a witch doctor, or a chief simply can be the most powerful warrior, the strongest mage, the wisest sage, and the prophet of the tribe. Seeing the appearance of this burly chief, he seems to be such a role.

There were still two unshaven muscles embedded in the teeth. The chief smashed the chest of an old wood elf in front of him: "Old guy, long ears, great spider mother After the oracle, get out of us with your long ears, otherwise, hehe!"

Standing behind this very characterful black spirit chief, is the representative of the most powerful tribe among the nearly 100 black spirit natives. These old Black Spirits, who were at least two hundred years old, cheered and helped.

"Yeah, yes, the mother of spiders has said to let them go, they should get out of here, don't waste time here."

"I hate these guys. I'm picky about this and that. I said our house is not clean for a while, and our barbecue is not delicious! I didn't ask them to eat barbecue? I sent the dolls to pick fruits for them. Do you eat barbecue?"

"These guys are very annoying, so you can hurry away, but the female elf dolls are still very tender, it's good to get a few to stay!"

"Hey, I'm not dead, you're okay with this bite? These female elves are tender and tender, but they have no **** and butts, so they are not good for nurturing! Even if a baby comes out, there is no breast, how can we feed them? Is the mixed doll a black-skinned elven or a black-skinned man with long ears? This is worth studying!"

A group of elven elders heard the nonsense of these black spirit chiefs and elders, and their eyes were red with anger.

Pushed by the burly chieftain on his chest, the elven elder with a black handprint on his gorgeous robe screamed, "We are Feng, the great elven goddess." The oracle, come to talk to you about cooperation! If it is the oracle of the spider mother, why don’t we have any news?"

"You are acting so recklessly, you are destroying the traditional friendship between the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent, and you will be punished!"

"Ah~~~Bah"! The burly chief worked hard to roll his tongue between his teeth a few times, rolled out the two muscle tendons, and sprayed heavily with saliva on the face of the elf elder. A scent of roasted meat with a strong vanilla smell rushed over his face, and the Elf Elder felt a warmth on his face, and he finally realized what had happened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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