Bright Era

Chapter 1803: Dominate the meeting, Wang Zong (2)

With the cleanliness and all kinds of weird habits of the elves, the body of the elven elves trembled violently, and then collapsed to the ground with his eyes turned. He was actually sprayed by a black spirit who never brushed his teeth? My God, how does this make a clean-loving elf live?

A group of elf elders hurriedly began to rescue their unconscious companions, and they had no energy to quarrel with this group of unreasonable black spirit soil buns.

Wang Zong took a deep breath, then slapped the table vigorously: "Enough! At least I am now the highest commander of this army! At least I am now the highest commander of the Tribal Alliance of the Black Spirit Continent! My opinion, Should it be useful?"

A group of black spirit chiefs and elders who were babbling with their mouths closed their mouths. After a long time, the old chief with a face that looked like a goat and a goat skull helmet on his head smiled dryly: " Dear Lord Wang Zong, you are a friend of our Black Spirits, and your family is an eternal friend of our Black Spirits. You led our army and eliminated the army of the Black Spirit Empire, of course..."

Spreading out his hands for a gesture, the old goat chief narrowed his eyes: "Although you are replacing your cousin to help us command the army, these days, you have demonstrated your outstanding military command strength. . So, we respect your opinion!"

After taking a deep breath, Wang Zong said solemnly, "Then, I will stick to the plan I made before. The Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent formed a coalition army to cross the sea from the Black Spirit Continent to expedition to the Western Continent. Obliquely stabbed the Western Continent from behind. With one slash, cooperate with the troops of Odin Icefield and the Eastern Continent to besiege the Holy Mountain of the Church!"

Looking at the silent Black Spirit elders with cold eyes, Wang Zong said calmly: "This is the wisest choice. The roots of the Black Spirit Empire are in the Western Continent, and they are supported by church people. Unless we eliminate the Black Spirit Empire, Eliminate the forces that support them behind, otherwise the people of the Black Spirit Continent will always become slaves they watch."

Stomping his feet hard, Wang Zong said solemnly: "The Black Spirit Continent is rich, fertile, and resourceful, and the loose Black Spirit tribe alliance cannot withstand strong attacks from the outside. The plan I made is best for you. The plan to eliminate the Western Continent’s prying eyes on the Black Spirit Continent from the root, and then build a truly powerful Black Spirit Empire."

Glancing at the Black Spirit chiefs and elders present, Wang Zong said solemnly: "It belongs to the Black Spirits, the Black Spirit Empire!"

A group of elder elves had strange lights in their eyes. They stood up, smiled and nodded: "Your Excellency Wang Zong's opinion is very correct. This is the most wise decision. We are old friends of the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent!"

The Black Spirit chief and the elders looked at each other and fell into a long silence.

The Black Spirits worship and respect nature, and they live a primitive life in the Black Spirit Continent with an almost haunting attitude. Because of their close relationship with nature, many natural wizards have emerged among the Black Spirits. At this point, the Black Spirits and the elves have a lot in common.

From time to time, elves come across the sea and travel in the Black Spirit Continent. The Black Spirits are simple and honest, and they have given these elves a lot of help. The arrogant elves enjoy the feeling of being treated preferentially by the black spirits wherever they go, so they also ‘grant’ the status of ‘friends’ of the black spirits with ‘generosity’. Therefore, the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent are indeed friends.

Of course, in the concept of the elves, this friendship is a reward, and it is a reward from the rich and aristocratic families to the poor relatives in the countryside. To be precise, in the eyes of the elves, the Black Spirit Continent should be their vassal force, and this is the true relationship between the two parties.

But it is undeniable that these sleeping gods of the Black Spirit Continent have a fairly good relationship with those of the Elf Continent. For at least countless years, religious wars have continued to erupt between the major Protoss on various continents, but there has not been such a conflict between the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent.

For example, the Western Continent has cross-sea expedition to the Elf Continent, and the elves are very rude to the Western Continent. Religious wars between the two continents each end with both sides hurting and losing. However, there has never been a conflict between the Black Spirit Continent and the Elf Continent. On the contrary, many times, in the army of the Elves, there will be strong people of the Black Spirit.

"Old friend!" The burly chief black spirit grabbed his forehead a little annoyed: "That's a good thing to say. My tribe failed in grain harvest 50 years ago, and you long ears gave us a batch of grain. , We only survived the famine. Eighty years ago, our tribe and dozens of surrounding tribes were plagued by plagues, and your long ears gave us enough wizard herbs."

The elven elders laughed. These black spirits are very simple and honest. They will hide their hatred in their hearts for countless years. Correspondingly, they will remember their kindness for countless years. So as long as the elves give them a little favor, these black spirits can't get rid of their grasp.

"But!" Chief Black Spirit changed his tone: "This is the oracle of the spider mother, and the oracle of the spider demon girl. They forbid us to join hands with you anymore. It is said that your **** is too stingy, no Enough benefits."

"Too stingy? Not enough benefits?" The elves keenly discovered the key to the matter.

From the classics of their own temple, these elder elders know the tempers of the sleeping gods in the Black Spirit Continent—they are a group of rectal, brainless goods, they are easily persuaded, and after being convinced, they admit to death. This time their gods didn't know what they used to persuade the gods of the Black Spirit Continent to agree to this cooperation between the two continents, but the price of wanting to come was staggering.

If the spider mother’s oracle complains that the spirits of the elves are too mean, then other forces have intervened?

"Dear friends, maybe we shouldn't worry about the gods." An elven elder stood up: "What's here, we will report to the Queen of Green Moon as quickly as possible, and the great Queen of Green Moon will directly Communicate with our gods and discuss this matter."

"The matter of the gods is left to the gods to solve, and we don't make impulsive measures to hurt the feelings of our friends for the time being?" The elven elder smiled and glanced at Wang Zong: "In the great commander of the Lord Wang Zong Under the leadership, we have defeated all the armies of the Black Spirit Empire, and we can completely destroy the Black Spirit Empire at this moment. We should not have civil strife at this time."

Wang Zong took the words of the elven elder: "Everyone agrees and continues to attack the Black Spirit Empire. Tomorrow afternoon, at most tomorrow night, I will see the walls of Black Pearl Harbor. The Black Spirit Empire must be destroyed, their All the resources are obtained by plundering the Black Spirit compatriots, and we must take all those resources back."

"But the oracle of the spider mother?" The Goat Chief murmured hesitantly.

"If the spider mother has another oracle, we will just follow her opinion, how about it?" Wang Zong smiled kindly: "She didn't order that you are strictly forbidden to cooperate with the elves, right? She didn't say, ask you not to obey my schedule, right?"

The black spirits were speechless. This time, the oracle of the Mother of Spiders came in a muddle, a bit vague, she only said that all the envoys of the elven clan on the Black Spirit Continent should be driven back, but, it seems, indeed, she did not clearly say that they were forbidden. Cooperate with the elves?

Moreover, the Spider Mother did not deprive Wang Zong of command. In other words, Wang Zong is still the highest commander of the Black Spirit Alliance. His orders and his opinions must be obeyed by the Black Spirit Elders. The black spirit chiefs and elders who had just been angry just scratched their foreheads at the same time, and then sat back obediently.

Wang Zong and the elves looked at each other, and several elves smiled. The black spirits are like this, they will only execute the so-called oracles stubbornly, as long as there is a little ambiguity in them, they will be crazy.

Of course, in front of unfamiliar strangers, the black spirits are also very alert, very cautious, and very careful. But as long as you gain the initial trust of the Black Spirits, then you can fool them as much as you want, and they will unknowingly be entangled in the cover.

With a slap on the battle map on the table, Wang Zong repeated his command again: "Then, pull out the camp at dawn. I know that some tribal fighters have gathered outside Black Pearl Harbor, but their attacks It didn't have any effect. I hope that we can rush to Black Pearl Harbor tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, we can stand in the palace of the Black Spirit Empire and have a feast."

Wang Zong finally unified everyone's opinions smoothly and made the'most correct' choice.

But Wang Zong's battle plan was delayed for several days. There was heavy rain early the next morning, and the squally wind swept the torrential rain and lashed at the land of the Black Spirit Continent. The Black Spirit natives, who habitually slept at home on rainy days with their arms around their mother-in-law, refused the order of Wang Zong to pull out the camp to fight.

The helpless Wang Zong finally persuaded the chiefs and elders of the tribes. In the face of the majesty of these elders, the black spirit warriors finally came out of the camp, but in the storm, these black spirit warriors can maintain their formation. It's good not to get lost. It is basically impossible for them to rush to Black Pearl Harbor at the time of Wang Zong.

Therefore, it was not until four days later that Wang Zong dragged along with the 500,000 most elite Black Spirit indigenous army, slowly swaying outside the city of Black Pearl Harbor, and finally built a qualified military camp. In this process, if it weren't for the nearly 10,000 direct guards around Wang Zong who had made great efforts, this barracks wouldn't know when it would be built successfully.

As soon as Wang Zong arrived, Lin Qi came to the spirit. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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