Bright Era

Chapter 1806: Ancient power (1)

Outside the city of Black Pearl Harbor, on a grassy hillside, a huge animal skeleton was slantingly supported by a wooden pole. A thin young man with a few dark red magic patterns on his cheeks stood beside this wooden pole, and looked at Wang Zong’s barracks and the abruptly elevated walls of Black Pearl Harbor.

"His ~ sly and shameless human!" The young man shook his head, and stuck his tongue out toward Black Pearl Harbor. His tongue is very long, slightly blackened, and the tip of his tongue is a little forked, which looks like a snake letter. This young man is obviously a snake man, but from his appearance, there is no snake characteristic. He should be the blood of the snake man royal family.

Beside this young man, a big man with a big cow and a big horse, sitting on the ground with a punch higher than ordinary people, was holding a **** animal leg and gnawing with big mouths. Hearing the words of the young snake man, the big man with his face covered with light yellow fluff coldly snorted: "The original city wall can be attacked by 10,000 or 20,000 people! But now this city does not fill more than a hundred people. Don’t even think about taking one step closer to the lives of ten thousand people."

After a few bites, the flesh and blood on the beast's legs were cleaned, and the big tongue licked the blood on the bones. The big man smiled coldly: "These humans stretch their hands too long! But it's strange. , Why does this level of power appear here?"

The young snake man sighed and then pursed his lips weirdly: "Regardless of these, our purpose is to facilitate the war between the Black Spirit Continent and the Western Continent. War is the most important thing. As for the rest, we Don't worry about it."

The big man snorted, and then nodded frankly: "Yes, I don't have the brain to care about these things. I think too much, headache, you are responsible for those conspiracies, I just kill people, eat meat, play The woman will become. Hey, I will find a black spirit girl later! Hahaha, the noble and powerful blood of our golden lion, and the baby born from black spirit, must be talented!"

The young man rolled his eyes and shook his head helplessly: "Shut up, it's really my misfortune to have you as a friend. Let's figure out what we need to do to make this war burn as hard as possible. You Credit must be made here, otherwise, the throne of the Lion King will belong to your brother Leon, and it will have nothing to do with you."

The big man's face suddenly changed, and he slammed a punch into the sky. With a silent punch, a high-level monster flying high in the sky suddenly shook its whole body. Its body disintegrated silently like a statue made of sand, and its flesh and blood were scattered all over the sky.

"That fancy kid, can't let him inherit his father's throne, that position is mine!"

The big man widened his eyes: "Not only is the throne mine, but Yin Qingyue's little lady is mine too! That girl has a smell, and I like her, so she can only sleep with me! Well, the more I think about it, the more irritated those are. Why do all the women you know like Leon’s little white face? Don’t she think I’m so mighty, I’m very majestic, and I feel safe?”

He patted his chest vigorously, and the big man said angrily: "Look at my thick body hair. When the winter wind is whistling, lying in my arms, isn't it warm? My lush chest hair makes How many girls are intoxicated!"

The young snake man sighed heavily, and then he twisted his body, and countless black scales emerged from under his skin. His hands and feet became thin and long, and he rushed into the grass without a sound. in. The big man tilted his mouth and cursed in a low voice, "Chang Chong, you have to listen to me and finish talking. What do you think of Yin Qingyue? If she doesn't choose me for life and death, give me a way to create a chance!"

"What do you want to do?" The Snake Man yelled angrily.

"If you can't talk about feelings, I'll play violence! Hahaha, just Yin Qingyue's small arms and legs, I can break her thighs apart with one hand!" The big man smiled happily, and in exchange for the snake man The young man shouted angrily.

A large number of people flashed in the grass, and at least a hundred lizardman assassins and leopard warriors sprang out of the grass, and followed the young snakeman and the big man. There is a small bay in the direction they are going, and there are a few small sailboats hidden inside, which can send them into the small sailboat in Black Pearl Harbor.

On the second day after Wang Zong’s army set up the barracks, the Black Pearl Harbor officially rejected Wang Zong’s persuasion to surrender.

At noon, after Wang Zong's army had a full meal, tens of thousands of Black Spirit warriors shouted out from the lion clan and formed a neat line and pressed towards Black Pearl Harbor. These black spirit warriors lined up in front and back ten rows, extending a dozen miles from left to right, and slowly marched to a place three miles away from the city wall.

Lin Qi yawned and walked onto the city wall when he heard the movement made by the black spirit man. Wearing an ordinary magic robe of a status mage and sticking a black wood magic wand that seemed more suitable for chopping wood, Lin Qi squatted lazily behind a wall, looking at the army of the black spirits.

"Don't let me down! Wang Zong!" Looking at the black spirit army standing motionless in the distance, Lin Qi couldn't close his mouth with a smile. They had to fight first, and it would hurt Wang Zong before they could sit down and negotiate with Lin Qi peacefully. In the past, Lin Qi also came directly to negotiate with Wang Zong, but now, knowing the existence of the Domination Council, Lin Qi would never expose himself easily until he knew Wang Zong's context.

Enzo dangling a cigar, dangling it danglingly, lying lazily on a wall stack beside Lin Qi, Enzo looked at the army of the Black Spirits, extended his thumb and **** to measure it slightly Check the distance of each other.

"The distance of three miles is just within the striking range of the magical heavy crossbow on our city wall. Do you want to do it?" Enzo smiled very proudly. A two-hundred-meter high, one-piece, and rigid city wall comparable to diamonds. Throwing a brick on such a city wall can kill people. Being able to bully people on such a city defense is Enzo's greatest ideal in his life.

"Look at their movements!" Lin Qi smiled. He didn't believe that Wang Zong would deliberately send these black spirits to die. Wang Zong was able to fight a territory alone in the Fourth Abyss. How could he make such a mistake when he was fighting?

Enke carried a large shield and walked up the city wall. He looked at the Black Spirit army outside the city, touched a big beard, and said angrily: "Brothers’ ship has blocked this sea area, but this time I He came to take advantage of the fire and robbed them. They brought large transport ships, and there were not many powerful warships. If the Black Spirits attacked from the sea..."

Lin Qi interrupted him and knocked Enke’s shield fiercely with his magic wand: "But my dear Blackbeard, the ships of the Black Spirits are all canoes! If your heavy fleet loses in a naval battle If you have a group of canoes, don’t dream of becoming the greatest pirate!"

He took out a bottle of rum and threw it to Enke. Lin Qi turned to look outside the city: "If something like that really happens, I will open a low-end shop in Vias Port to provide girls to sailors. Xiaodian, let you be the boss!"

Enke's face suddenly became pitch black, a bit darker than the black beard on his face. He shook his fist at Lin Qi, then strode down the city wall with the wine bottle. As he walked, he roared loudly: "No one can beat me at sea, I am the future pirate king who inherited the great title of Blackbeard!"

"Assholes, keep your spirits up and get ready to fight! Summon the big guy I got in the storm ice ocean last time, hahaha, let our friends open their eyes! This is the supreme weapon of naval warfare, no one Can beat me at sea!"

Lin Qi looked at Munch curiously. This guy still has some hole cards? What the **** is it?

A quarter of an hour later, standing on the high wall, Lin Qi finally saw what Munch's so-called big guy was. It was a terrifying creature that absolutely originated from the Primordial Era. It was a giant magic medal with a body length of over 1,500 meters. This big cloud-spraying guy lazily protruded from the water outside Black Pearl Harbor nearly a hundred tentacles densely covered with numerous barbeds, slowly rolled up Munch and placed it on top of his head.

Across the entire Black Pearl Harbor, Munch yelled at Lin Qi dancing and yelling: "Did you see it? Big Shak, this is my little baby! He will throw all the canoes of those black monkeys into Go to the clouds! Haha, with this baby, who can defeat me at sea?"

Lin Qi smiled and waved to Munch, then he raised the staff in his hand.

Since Wang Zong was procrastinating and reluctant to attack the city, Lin Qi would take the initiative to add some trouble to him. As his staff was raised, a thousand water wizards of the Longshan Empire wizard group raised their staff at the same time on the city wall, and a cloud of bluish light suddenly appeared in the magic gems inlaid on their staff. Lights up.

The water vapor in the air became more and more dense, and gradually the entire Black Pearl Harbor seemed to be submerged by water waves. Accompanied by the sound of "clap", the raindrops falling from the sky became denser and larger, and the volume became larger and larger. Later, hundreds of miles around were covered by dark rain clouds, and fist-sized raindrops covered their faces. Smashed down.

Then these water system mages simultaneously waved their wands, one by one, mysterious magic patterns were ejected from the magic wand and shot straight into the dark clouds in the sky. I heard a dense impact sound in the dark cloud, and all the raindrops turned into hard ice blocks, falling like countless meteors from the sky.

Black Pearl Harbor is shrouded in seawater barriers, and the ice smashing down does not pose any threat to Black Pearl Harbor. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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