Bright Era

Chapter 1807: Ancient power (2)

But the black spirit army outside the city is miserable. They stand loosely there, and even some of the black spirits with less strict military discipline are still discussing with each other who has a big **** and whose baby is running fast. topic of. The huge raindrops fell, which made these Black Spirit soldiers a little unstable. When the raindrops turned into blocks of ice, the Black Spirit army composed of tens of thousands of people was in chaos.

I heard the sound of ice hitting the helmet and armor. Amid the loud noise of the ‘Clang’, one by one the black spirit warriors were stunned to the ground. Tens of thousands of Black Spirit soldiers persisted for only 20 breaths before being completely wiped out by ice.

Fortunately, Lin Qi didn't kill him. Due to the promise to Speyer, the mother of spiders, Lin Qi didn't dare to use too much magic on these black spirits. This hail magic, at most, caused these black spirits to shake their brains and break a few bones, which is not much damage at all.

And they are all wearing iron helmets and iron armor, and the lethality of ice on them has been weakened a lot.

Tens of thousands of black spirits were beaten to pieces by a hailstorm, and all the black spirit chiefs and elders who stood on the observation platform of the camp were silent. They look at me, I look at you, and at the same time bowed their heads flushed.

Before the heavy rain intensified, the formation of the Black Spirit army was a bit chaotic. When the raindrops the size of a fist fell, these black spirits were already in a mess, and people everywhere ran out of the team. Finally, waiting for the hail to fall, these black spirits ran around at a loss, and they were all knocked to the ground by the hail.

However, according to Wang Zong’s military training for these black spirit soldiers a few days ago, there is one item. When encountering such a intensive attack, all the black spirit soldiers should immediately form a phalanx, and then raise the large iron shield that they wear to form an iron armor formation. Defend!

If these black spirit warriors can perfectly implement the training that Wang Zong usually uses for them, this hailstorm will be honestly impossible to injure a few people. But the immediate result is that the tens of thousands of black spirit fighters with strengths above the ranks are actually wiped out!

"Fortunately, the other party is soft-hearted and did not use powerful magic arrows!" Wang Zong slapped his hands, smiled and shook his head: "The messenger I sent out yesterday played a role, and the other party said they didn't want to talk to us. All-out war broke out. It seems that they are a little sincere now. Otherwise, if they used the heavy crossbow on the wall, these soldiers would be dead!"

Many chiefs and elders didn't say anything. After a long time, Old Heim coughed: "Shall we stand here in a daze?"

Wang Zong shook his head, he raised his right hand, and a group of fiery fighting Qi shot out, bursting into a dull thunder in the sky. He glanced at the chiefs and elders of the Black Spirits standing beside him, and said calmly: "Everyone can see what a real army is like."

With a sneer, Wang Zong sneered at the most powerful and highest-ranking old chief among the several chiefs present: "With the power of the Black Spirits, you could have easily flattened the Black Spirit Empire. But for so many years, why? With the help of my people, are you still playing so difficult?"

"Look at the real power!" Wang Zong shouted enthusiastically: "Offensive!"

There was a low drum sound, and dozens of magic teleportation arrays with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared in front of Wang Zong's camp. The drum sound like a heartbeat came from these magic arrays. Accompanied by high-pitched shouts, nearly a hundred thunder beasts slowly walked out of the magic array.

Thunder Beast, a giant monster produced in the Goblin Continent, is a large body with a height of nearly 100 meters and a body length of more than 300 meters. It is shaped like a rhino but has three sharp horns and six animal feet. The surface of the thunderous beast with its muscles and knots is covered with a thick layer of animal skin. Ordinary saints can hardly leave any traces on their animal skins using forbidden magic magic.

If you want to kill Thunder Beasts, you must be at the Saint Master level; and the top powerhouses among Thunder Beasts, they have a formidable strength comparable to a mid-level demigod. Among the powerful beasts of various continents, the thunder beasts are also fierce characters in the top ten, they are only weaker than the dragon.

These huge thunder beasts walked out slowly with heavy steps, and dozens of war drums of various sizes were placed on their backs. Thousands of bear goblins wearing full-body armor screamed strangely, holding drumsticks madly beating the war drums, making loud thunderous noises.

The loud sound of'boom' shook the ground again and again, and the black spirits who had been stunned by the hail were awakened one after another. They made sharp and strange noises and got up from the ground at a loss, throwing away their armor and armor. Rushed to Daying. The Black Spirits from various tribes lacked a unified command. When fighting a downwind, all of them were powerful fighters, but once they were defeated, they would be nothing.

Dozens of thunder beasts moved forward slowly with heavy steps, and gradually approached to a place far from the Black Pearl Harbor wall. So close, these big guys are as huge as a hill, even those with poor eyesight can see the whole picture of these giant beasts, and see their big nostrils with ‘huh huh’ hot air.

The trembling drum sound filled the void, and everyone could only hear the dull drum sound in their ears. Apart from this, they could never hear any other sound. Some strange magical powers were mixed into this drum sound. When the soldiers on Wang Zong heard the drum sound, they felt that they were full of blood and blood and wanted to draw their swords to kill. But when the soldiers on Lin Qi heard the drum sound, I felt that my whole body felt weak.

"Do we have this kind of stuff?" Enzo looked at Lin Qi: "Damn, they are the first to win! Do we have this kind of big guy?"

Lin Qi clicked his mouth and said nothing. He has never commanded a large army to conduct such a large-scale battle, so he has not prepared the auxiliary magic devices used on these battlefields. Reluctantly spreading his hands, Lin Qi looked at Mr. Mo, Alsa and others: "Can you take out a similar battlefield auxiliary magic device in three days?"

Artha gave a weird smile: "As you wish, respectable lord. Well, they use thunder beasts? Then, let's use giant dragons! If you can catch a few undead dragons, the effect will be better. I will create an undead curse drum that will crumble morale and make their soldiers crushed!"

Mr. Mo chuckled a few times: "Is it a large warfare magic device? I have also studied it. Although the research is not deep, it is enough. If there are enough materials, three days is ample. ."

When Lin Qi and the others were talking, a sharp horn sounded from those magic circles. More than a dozen magicians wearing gray robes and exuding lifeless spirits slowly walked out of the magic circle. They raised the huge bone rods with various skeletons in their hands, and then slammed them to the ground. pestle.

With a loud bang, the earth opened countless cracks. The ground directly in front of Black Pearl Harbor, on the ground that was dozens of miles long and twenty miles wide, suddenly burst out of countless skeletal creatures. Skeleton soldiers, skeleton wolves, skeleton dogs, skeleton bears, skeleton snakes, and even skeleton mice. The densely packed skeletons are tens of meters high. God knows how many skeleton monsters there are.

"Damn it, from the Fei Snake Yin family!" Lin Qi stared at the dozen or so wizards in gray robes. Such a horrible undead magic can only be from the Yin family.

But yesterday Wang Zong's envoy entered the city, and Mr. Mo and them hinted that everyone should maintain the intensity of the conflict, and don't let anyone above the holy level take action. But these magicians can summon so many magical creatures at once, what is going on?

"Unless it is the pinnacle demigod, it is impossible to summon so many magical creatures at once!" Mr. Mo shouted loudly.

Before Mr. Mo's words were finished, thousands of magicians in gray robes walked out of those magic circles. All of them covered their faces with bone masks, only revealing a pair of lifeless eyes. All the magical powers of these magicians had condensed into a gray torrent that was visible to the naked eye, continuously injected into the bodies of the dozen or so magicians ahead.

"It's just a heavenly mage, but their magic powers are all condensed together, plus the magic wands in their hands, so they exploded with an undead summoning power no weaker than the peak demigod!" Lin Qi sighed. , Yin Family, really amazing.

What makes Lin Qi headache is that among the thousands of magicians wearing gray robes, only a few are living. Although the others look no different from humans in appearance, they actually have skeletons under their broad robes. Body, or simply undead lich body. These guys are real necromancers, where did they come from?

Could it be that a certain great figure in the Undead Continent also intervened here? But Yin and Yang are still in his control, and he has become his own. Does the Yin family have another chess piece in the Undead Continent?

Just when Lin Qi was having a headache, countless water splashes suddenly appeared in the moat in Black Pearl Harbor. Countless fish bone skeletons jumped violently. These fish bone skeletons that have lost their lives jumped up from the water, easily jumping up to tens of meters high, and then actively pierced their own bones. The sharp blades made by Lin Qi on the city wall.

The sound of "chachachacha" is endless, which is just a few breaths. The sharp blades on the walls of the Black Pearl Harbor are already inlaid with white raw fish bones. The thick fish bones covered the city wall with a thickness of several meters, and the uneven city wall has formed countless stairs for people to climb.

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, these **** skeletons, the city defense carefully designed by himself! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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