Bright Era

Chapter 1822: How about killing it? (4)

The big hand grabbed the donkey's neck, and the king's ugly face was pinched fiercely, and he heard the donkey howl, his neck twisted into seven or eight weird right angles with a click, and then took a mouthful. The black blood spurted out, spraying Wang Ba's face on the spot.

This black blood didn't know where the donkey got it. Not only was it foul-smelling, but it was also extremely corrosive. The black smoke rose from Wang Ba's face, and he made a piercing'chi chi' sound, seeing large patches of small blisters popping up on his face.

The members of the royal family around Wang Zong roared hoarsely, and at the same time rushed over here.

A man who was shorter than Lin Qi by two punches, but a member of the royal family of similar majesty slammed Lin Qi's face with one punch: "Bold and reckless kid, do you dare to do something against the king's ancestor? You are cheating. Come on, you are rebellious, you are..."

Lin Qi didn't wait for him to finish, he just slapped out, and the firm palm wrapped in the **** Tiger Soul Armor's gloves slapped the man's face fiercely, and he heard "pop" With a crisp sound, the bones of the man's face were all shattered, and all the teeth were still broken into countless pieces in his mouth.

Mouthful blood spurted out wildly, and the man whirled and flew back. His neck twisted into a strange angle, and all the cervical vertebrae were misaligned. He flew tens of meters away, and fell to the ground embarrassedly. Then his neck couldn't be twisted back. The dislocation of the neck bones and joints made him suffer enough, and the pain made him hiss and scream.

This is also why Lin Qi didn't want to make the relationship between himself and the lion clan too stiff, otherwise the slap would kill the man.

"Everyone is optimistic, he did it first!" Lin Qi raised his hands very innocently: "Little brother Wang Zong, we have to be reasonable and can't do it indiscriminately! Do you see clearly? Is this guy treating me first? Do it, so I resisted!"

A group of royal family members surrounded Lin Qi, and a cold-faced man yelled: "Presumptuously, it is clear that your donkey attacked the king and ancestor, we will do it! Lin Qi, no matter who you are behind gives you Support, you are dead this time!"

Another member of the royal family yelled angrily: "Dedicating the two artifacts of your body to the king's ancestor, maybe you can still be treated with tolerance! Otherwise, my lion clan is not allowed to be bullied! Even you He is a direct descendant of the Tiger Clan, and you have to pay the price!"

Lin Qi looked at this group of straight-and-strong lion clan members in astonishment, and then shook his head slightly. He pointed at his neck and turned into seven or eight right angles. His whole body was cold and he didn't know when his fur was covered. The donkey with thin layers of ice crystals sighed helplessly: "My donkey was killed by your ancestors. This is the donkey that our family has raised for thousands of years!"

Lin Qi yelled angrily, "You killed our donkey, but you still want to take my divine weapon. Is there any reason for this?"

Wang Zong stepped forward angrily, he couldn't see these things, even if Wang Ba was his direct ancestor, he could not tolerate such things happening. But before he could walk to Lin Qi's side, before he had time to speak, an elder of the Wang family had already slapped Wang Zong's head and knocked him out lightly.

When Yin Wuxia saw Wang Zong unconscious, she suddenly let out an exclamation. But before she stepped forward, two necromancers from the Yin family had already arrived by her side, grabbing her arms one by one and preventing her from moving. A necromancer with a bone mask and a slender figure who was obviously a female smiled softly: "Flawless, don't break the spirit of the king and ancestor! Two top-tier artifacts, this is not a joke! "

Yin Wuxia wanted to open her mouth and shout, but a powerful silence technique had exploded on her body, no matter how Yin Wuxia spoke, she could not make any sound. She could only look angrily at the two people around her, struggling with her body.

Soon, a powerful confinement technique fell on Yin Wuxia's body, and now she didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Wang Ba left the cold donkey, and then reached out and patted Lin Qi on the shoulder: "Your donkey brazenly attacked the old man, trying to help those two orcs possessed by evil spirits attack and kill the old man. Limited to the lion clan and The tiger clan’s friendship for countless years, the old man endured the humiliation, and even if you Lin Qi child beat and scolded the donkey, he still did not fight back!"

He sighed deeply, Wang Ba looked at Lin Qi sadly: "But you just want to kill me, why do you want to kill so many innocent black spirits? How much is it worth their death? They, How miserable is it to die? They die too worthless!"

Do not allow the chiefs and elders of the black spirits to come back to their senses. The royal family members standing beside them shot at the same time, smashing their hearts with heavy fists, and piercing their throats with sharp swords, and they didn’t know what. The necromancer of the Flying Snake Yin family and the elves of the elves that appeared at that time shot at the same time, and the powerful bone spears and vines shot out, killing all the black spirits present.

The black centaur raised their weapons, and they strode towards the scattered black spirit tent camps outside the Wangzong army camp. The necromancers of the Yin family raised their staffs, and countless negative states such as weakness, slowness, blindness, and so on, whizzed down. Those originally energetic black spirit warriors and their accompanying people suddenly became The patient who has no hand to restrain the chicken.

A hundred thousand black centaur crazily trampled on the barracks that stretched for more than a dozen miles, chopping all the black spirits in sight into meat sauce. Several necromancers and elven elders of the Yin family released their enormous spiritual power, found all the black spirits hidden in the grass and bushes one by one, and then killed them all.

Amid the boundless howl, a strong smell of blood rose up. Wang Ba showed a satisfied smile, he was still in the mood to turn around, and gestured to those elves with a nice job.

"One hundred and seventy-two chiefs, hundreds of elders and great wizards of the Northland Tribal Alliance of the Black Spirit Continent died tragically, and hundreds of thousands of the elite of the Black Spirits were killed by you! Lin Qi, Lin Qi, you are young So cruel, you just want to kill the old man. Why do you want to slaughter these innocent and simple black spirits? This is their land and this is their hometown. You killed them all?"

Wang Ba was trembling with anger. He pointed to Lin Qi's nose and roared: "Are you worthy of your father? Are you worthy of your ancestors? Are you worthy of the prestige of the tiger clan for countless years? Alliance, the tiger clan is the leader. Are you worthy of the ancestors of the tiger clan? Are you worthy of so many of you who behave and sit upright, the ancient allies?

Lin Qi's eyes widened, he stared at the king firmly, and then pointed to the black spirit corpses around him.

"I did all of these? I killed all the black spirits? I have a brain disease, I kill them?"

Lin Qi is really curious that people can be so shameless that people can be so shameless. Especially this is not just a shameless old king tyrant, but so many members of the royal family, so many members of the lion family, plus the members of the Fei Snake Yin family and those elves are shameless. Moreover, Wang Ba just said a word, and they began to methodically kill the Black Spirits present. Obviously, their shamelessness has become large-scale and systematic!

The tyrant looked at Lin Qi with a majestic and awe-inspiring look. He deeply, in a declarative tone, yelled: "So frantic, so cruel and cruel, just to **** the old man and take it from the evil spirits. Two artifacts! Lin Qi, how can you be so depraved?"

"Perfect performance!" Alsa, the old demon, flashed out from behind Lin Qi silently. He bowed respectfully to Lin Qi and laughed in a low voice: "Respected lord, your pious servant Alsa Waiting for your order! The performance of this old gentleman is so perfect, it makes me so excited that I must regain my youth! Excuse me, can we kill him? His soul will be very valuable Collection!"

The Sky-Swallowing Snake slowly poked a head out of Arta's collar. He stared at the king, obviously he was also very interested in the king's soul and had a good impression.

Lin Qi shook his head slightly. He looked at the centaur who were still smashing around frantically, then at the floating castle above his head, and smiled slowly: "But, King, you think you really Can you plant me smoothly? Do you think you can really kill me peacefully and then take away the artifact from me?"

Wang Ba looked at Lin Qi with a smile: "What's wrong? Isn't it possible? What are you? You are just a helpless, no one to help, no one can help you. ! But do you know who we are? Do you know who is behind us? Do you know how much power and resources we have?"

The elf elders walked up with a smile, and they stood side by side with the king. Lin Qi suddenly discovered that the appearance of one of the elf elders was three to five points similar to that of the king. Wang Ba and the elf elder glanced at each other and then laughed at the same time. Wang Ba nodded and smiled: "You can see it? In terms of blood, he is my cousin! In terms of identity, we are both. ...deacon!"

Lin Qi's heart sank, and a certain elder of the elves was actually the king's cousin?

The twelve ancient tribes all have precepts that prohibit intermarriage with foreign races, but in the dominion club, these prohibitions seem to be gone.

Wang Ba touched the tiger head relief on Lin Qi's chest with his hand, and smiled lightly: "Now, take off your armor, hand over your axe, and then kneel and wait for death. I can make your death more comfortable. As for the troops in your city, the old man laughed!"

Lin Qi glanced at Wang Ba deeply, then slowly nodded: "Then, thank you very much."

From his hand, Tu Jun's axe turned into a black light, and it smashed into Wang Ba's chest heavily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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